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28 December 2020


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Story requires the companion piece about the Impoundment Act Trump is also invoking - 45 day moratorium on funding and ability to redline out the pork.

Which unfortunately now means Porkulus in its final form will get handed off to Biden, but which fortunately also means Biden gets to put his name on this POS when he cancels out Trump's redlining protections.

At least the Porkulus public record now includes Congressional "promises" to investigate election fraud and the 230 protections. Wink, wink, wink.

Art of the deal. Best Trump could get when the deep state walls are rapdily closing in. At least he did not sign it outright or risk a veto to get something even worse.

In 2021, I hope everyone rethinks the importance their own your own local school boards and start to remake America from the ground up. Just like the Democrats did starting in the 1960s to get to where they are today.

Past decades of Democrat pay off starting in K-12 created a younger, heavily indoctrinated generation of anti-military American - Democrats in collusion with the teachers unions truly did rot this country from within:

..........."As you know, 71 percent of young Americans between the ages of 17 and 24 are currently ineligible for military service, primarily because they are too poorly educated, too overweight, or have a history of crime or substance abuse," the leaders wrote. The leaders belong to a group called Mission: Readiness, a nearly 800-member coalition of retired generals and admirals........

blue peacock

I had a bet with a good friend of mine who is an avid believer that Trump is a 64D chess player. He was gaga over Trump's speech that went viral and he told me with great certainty that Trump was going to take it to the Beltway Bandits. I told him that Trump would fold like a cheap suit just as he has pretty much over any issue important to the Swamp. My buddy has bet me a bottle of craft American rye. Any suggestions?

Steven Ogle

Its like a perfect storm. There will be no more money or help from the Federal Government. You are on your own. They have pretty much told us this(actions)since the lock downs started. Will be interesting to see what's still standing at the end of 2021. I hope our local and state leaders have a plan because they are going to be trapped in the middle of it.


At this stage he probably had no choice, especially given the support the bill had, as it was veto proof.

If he had kept stalling the MSM etc would have turned on him, blaming him in a big campaign for the lack of payments to his supporters.



What Trump has cleverly done is make the Democrats responsible for the $600 and not he.


"....except for maybe an increased single payment from $600 to $2,000 for many people barely able to tread water financially. In the meantime, employees of the local, state, and federal governments have continued to get paid since March 2020."


The need for payments is that state and local governments are destroying financial independence with declarations of non-essentialness under the guise of the China virus danger, currently day 289. In additon to government employees those employed by multinational corporations are also not missing a check as they are 'essential'.

In the Swamp the Uniparty has rejoiced in their great victory over the Deplorables in the rigged election against Trump. Now the Pork is unleashed again. There is some micrsopic hope that Pence might decide just which of the electors from states which sent two sets to be recorded he's going to count. We'll see.

On a bright note BLM and Antifa have apparently ceased to exist. I wonder why. Oh, and the FBI, which still doesn't have any clue about that Las Vegas shooting that left 58 dead has 'solved' the Nashville car bombing case, with the suspect conveniently dead (so we are told). The narrative on that one is still being crafted.


I hope the lobbyists, both foreign and domestic, got their money’s worth because the American laborer sure as hell won’t.

How much time did Congress have to read the bill after the lobbyists were done, maybe a few hours? Same as usual?

Who the hell knows what is in this bill like many others.


Waiting for the FBI (Famous But Incompetent) to "find" a red MAGA hat in the blown up RV in Nashville.
Oh wait, they're too busy covering up their attempted coup and still looking for the "noose" in the NASCAR garage.

Barbara Ann

Mr Willmann

You are quite correct to focus on the "Good Samaritan" clause 230(c)(2). In full it reads thus:

(2) Civil liability

No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of-

(A) any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected; or

(B) any action taken to enable or make available to information content providers or others the technical means to restrict access to material described in paragraph (1)

The wording may have been suitable in 1996, but today it is farcical. It allows the handful of private social media companies which handle 99% of 21st century electronic interpersonal communication 1) to define "otherwise objectionable" as they see fit and then 2) puts the burden of proof for allegations of censorship on us to evidence an absence of "good faith".

If Congress was really interested in protecting 1A rights it would replace s230 immediately. But the political establishment and the MSM are well served by this censorship outsourcing arrangement. Just look at the enormous pressure put on FB, Twitter etc to suppress narratives inconsistent with Russiagate and now to pretend widespread election fraud never happened.

Trump is absolutely right to focus on this issue, but I am highly skeptical that the incoming Congress will show any more inclination to repeal s230 than previous ones. The route to fixing this (and much else) is people power; a campaign of lobbying by voters of their elected representatives. Section 230 is an object lesson in how cherished freedoms not constantly fought for and won from the state Leviathan will sooner or later be taken away by it.


Who the hell knows what is in this bill like many others.
Posted by: Lesly | 28 December 2020 at 09:34 AM

all you need to know is that Trump has the ability to penentrate and grasp those 5,593 double-spaced pages and their meaning, as Col. Lang suggested.



Black Lives Matter and Antifa are not gone.

I checked the BLM website. They seem to have deleted their local chapters which were shockingly few when I first looked it up last summer. I believe they also deleted their support for Marxism.

Antifa has been a real frustration for people like me who want to know who they are, who is funding them and what they want.

The winter is not a good time for outdoor protest. But I believe both groups are still out there planning and will be back in the spring.


Perhaps past is prologue. Anyone wondering about the funding sources for Antifa, may obtain insights about those who came together to fund Occupy Wall Street. This was explored the Andrew Breitbart documentary "Occupy Unmasked".

Should one assume our crack FBI has already infiltrated this movement and already has these answers, but for reasons unknown is still sitting on them like they sat on the Hunter Biden material?

The halt in air travel must have put a crimp in their national movement of bodies and organizers.

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