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14 November 2020


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Sheep? Here's exhibit A.



Baaaaa is right.
The politicians (mostly petty tyrant wannabes) have discovered how easy it is to manipulate and stampede the populace.
A generation of feminization has produced a nation of bleating frightened sheep.
You said a while ago:
"We are not the men that our forefathers were."

Eric Newhill

Where is Janet Reno when you need her? She knows how to deal with a bunch of Branch Covidians.

IMO, this is deeper than politics. It is reaching a spiritual level. When strength, integrity and courage are schooled out of people and people are coddled and have wires hooked to the brains that feed them images, thoughts, lies and cheap canned emotions 24/7, the people become lost souls and the devil is able to lead them around by the nose.

If the devil allowed Thanksgiving, most of the people going to the family gatherings would be paying more attention to what a-holes appear on their smart phone than to their family.

Ed Lindgren

Who would have imagined that gathering the extended family at home for a Thanksgiving feast would become an act of civil disobedience.

A once great nation unhinged!


Straight up Colonel:




John Merryman

All they are really training people to do, is to lose respect for the system.
More is not always better. The secret to life is to ride the waves, up and down, not find the highest cliff and march off it.
Even fear has its limits. Not sure about greed, though.


Colonel and members,

I sent the email below to a couple of folks last night, prefaced by a link to a post by Sundance at CTH that raises the very point as to what exactly is the value of the Covidian religion to the elites and their servant political class. I found it alarming..


I recommend very careful consideration of the points raised in this post. Remember that almost NONE of the mandates placed upon the population, ostensibly to control the spread of CoVID-19, were put to a vote of the people's representatives in any of the states. It was almost totally at the command of the governors, and with no active consent from the legislatures. Any "advice" that the governors got was the sayso of paid-up members of the Medical-Pharmaceutical Complex, and excuse me for saying this, but much of their mindset is that of the globalist "elites" who think that their wisdom is beyond question (and besides, it really pays well for them to be considered unquestionable in their diktats.

So, read the post carefully, and reflect equally carefully on what such an unchallengable, authoritarian regime would mean for all aspects of our nation. I do not see the informed consent of the governed being considered as anything of value, let alone as being essential; this is a feature, and not a bug for those who sit atop this incipient dictatorship. Historically, the invocation of FEAR has been a primary tool towards the progressive imposition of authoritarian regimes, and boy have we ever seen the FEAR CARD being played through every means and channel available this last year. When people who lust after power and/or money are telling you that you should strictly obey their commands, and do so without question or consent, you should be very worried.


P.S.: I watched an episode of PBS's Frontline on what is happening to the Uygurs in western China. Those poor people have no say over what oppression they must endure at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party; it is a horrifying, dystopian nightmare of universal surveillance and deprivation of all forms of individual freedom. It's a testbed for Orwellian social control, hyperempowered by modern developments in surveillance, going hand in glove with evolving Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Watch it here:


It can happen here if we but surrender our freedoms and our agency as citizens. I firmly believe that there are powerful people in the US who would be overjoyed to see it come to pass. And an entry point is provided for this whenever we cravenly abrogate our power to say no. 

This is what Sundance is warning us of in his post. Biden is a useful idiot for evil people, and this demand for blank check compliance with their hugely destructive "health" policy is anything but healthy for our nation. The People's consent is the Republic's immune system against nefarious threats to our liberties, and just as we should always do what we must to assist our body's immune system in fighting off Coronavirus, we should do likewise through our refusal to let tyranny infect the Republic and subvert our civil liberties.

I recommend very careful consideration of the points raised in this post. Remember that almost NONE of the mandates placed upon the population, ostensibly to control the spread of CoVID-19, were put to a vote of the people's representatives in any of the states. It was almost totally at the command of the governors, and with no active consent from the legislatures. Any "advice" that the governors got was the sayso of paid-up members of the Medical-Pharmaceutical Complex, and excuse me for saying this, but much of their mindset is that of the globalist "elites" who think that their wisdom is beyond question (and besides, it really pays well for them to be considered unquestionable in their diktats

So, read the post carefully, and reflect equally carefully on what such an unchallengable, authoritarian regime would mean for all aspects of our nation. I do not see the informed consent of the governed being considered as anything of value, let alone as being essential; this is a feature, and not a bug for those who sit atop this incipient dictatorship. Historically, the invocation of FEAR has been a primary tool towards the progressive imposition of authoritarian regimes, and boy have we ever seen the FEAR CARD being played through every means and channel available this last year. When people who lust after power and/or money are telling you that you should strictly obey their commands, and do so without question or consent, you should be very worried.


P.S.: I watched an episode of PBS's Frontline on what is happening to the Uygurs in western China. Those poor people have no say over what oppression they must endure at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party; it is a horrifying, dystopian nightmare of universal surveillance and deprivation of all forms of individual freedom. It's a testbed for Orwellian social control, hyperempowered by modern developments in surveillance, going hand in glove with evolving Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Watch it here:


It can happen here if we but surrender our freedoms and our agency as citizens. I firmly believe that there are powerful people in the US who would be overjoyed to see it come to pass. And an entry point is provided for this whenever we cravenly abrogate our power to say no. 

This is what Sundance is warning us of in his post. Biden is a useful idiot for evil people, and this demand for blank check compliance with their hugely destructive "health" policy is anything but healthy for our nation. The People's consent is the Republic's immune system against nefarious threats to our liberties, and just as we should always do what we must to assist our body's immune system in fighting off Coronavirus, we should do likewise through our refusal to let tyranny infect the Republic and subvert our civil liberties.


I wonder what they will do to Christmas.


All, in my prior post on this thread I made reference to how often Our Elites have been playing the Fear Card.

Well, wouldn't you know right after that, I found this quote offered up by a commenter at another website:

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
H. L. Mencken



Good ol Chicago's Mayor Lightfoot throws a street party bash for Biden, and is now calling for Chicago to BAN Thanksgiving and AVOID Family.

Lightfoot's Biden street party

Lightfoot's Thanksgiving & Family BAN (she calls it a 'stay at home advisory')



Albert Camus said it all in "The Plague" (1950's). What is old is now again new. Pandemic becomes psychology.

Mind control was also achieved with polio for a generation of young people growing up in the 1950's - you can't do XYZ.... or else you will get polio. Then came Dr Spock who said you can do anything you want, and ruined the manners, discipline and delayed gratification that came with the "polio" psychology.


PS - I think "they" already did it to Christmas .......>>>Xmas ...... >>>Holiday Season .... >>>> winter break ..... >>> paid time off for government workers.


Where is John Galt?


In opening remarks and "housekeeping" rules at the Stop the Steal rally in Washington, DC today, the speaker said: "In light of Covid, all must wear masks unless medically prohibited. Those of you without masks, I assume your medical condition prohibits wearing a mask." (Cheers)
"And social distance must be maintained, except for family members. Hello, Family!" (cheers)

Georgia's newly-elected already controversial representative Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke at the Rally. Earlier, she Tweeted that she said in her House freshman orientation,

"I proudly told my freshman class that masks are oppressive. In GA, we work out, shop, go to restaurants, go to work, and school without masks. My body, my choice."

"My body, my choice."
That could catch on.

Barbara Ann

Excellent, a perfect analogy. Mask wearing has become a most convenient way to signal one's devotion to the Covidians. I relish the expressions of shock and disapproval whenever I choose to defy the cultists.

The media play an important part in this too. Beleaguered MSM execs must be delighted with their newfound raison d'être; a government-approved mandate to bombard us 24/7 will scary but irrelevant statistics about the spread of the plague. I expect the risk tolerance trend for contagious illnesses will follow the trend in weather - where storms as well as hurricanes are now given a moniker so as to become newsworthy. I look forward to hearing of Influenza-20 or perhaps Common Cold Charlie so I don't forget to be afraid.

My sister has sadly fallen under the influence of the Covidians and we can no longer converse on the subject without argument. This is all the more disappointing as my brother-in-law prides himself on the great distinction of having once been thrown out by the Moonies. Apparently they became fed up after a few weeks of him bumming free food and lodgings but steadfastly declining their kind offers of spiritual guidance. He was ejected in the middle of the night.

Eric Newhill

Whatever it is they do to Christmas, it won't apply to Kwanza.

Martin Hanley

I live in North Central Wisconsin. Since the mask mandate was instituted at the end of July, the Covid cases have steadily increased. We are governed by the crazies in Madison. Yes Madison, 23 square miles surrounded by reality.


The accumulated mistakes of our ancestors have led to our present, civilizational assumptions based on fantasy instead of measured appraisal. European-heritage civilization will survive the dissolution of what used to be our country. It is our duty to generations unborn before judgement by God to ensure that the mistakes are not repeated in what comes after.


Agree, Jersey Jeffersonian; Biden's declarations about how he would strong-arm political leaders to impose mandates was a harbinger of authoritarianism.

Equally if not more chilling was today's C Span Washington Journal, where viewers were asked IF they supported a mask mandate, and if so, how it should be enforced.

A broad majority favored a mandate. Suggested enforcement measures included fines; closing businesses; making shop keepers responsible for enforcing masking, with business closure the penalty for failing to so perform; shaming; effectively deputizing the public to enforce the mandate by posting 'watchers' on street corners; and the like. A Milgram experiment gone amok.

Moderator Jesse Holland was outrageous in the ways in which he encouraged draconian measures and fanned fear.


Covidianism...thanks is a catchy phrase in these media preoccupied times.. i suppose the concept of anticovidianism works just as well.. 1/4 million dead in the usa so far... another 1260 dead today - so far.. i suppose they are all deaths that have nothing to do with a pandemic and the corporations are raking in the big bucks by claiming they are covid deaths... i would hate to see what would happen if a so called real pandemic happened.... no more drive thru or take out food options! no family or church gatherings... the anticovidians would be up in arms then - literally! are we there yet?? are we getting close yet??


thanks - that...


This is just a warmup.
A significant number (if not a majority) of Democrats are not fans of Christianity and shutting down Christmas would be fine with them.


My impression is that a lot of families will pay lip service to urgings and restrictions about this Thanksgiving or do a work-around them. It's also my impression that those who do toe the line on restrictions have seriously health-comprised family members or have a profession that requires hands-on contact with patients like sports therapy (even if that's labeled an essential business). I find this attitude hopeful, but history is littered with hopes "cancelled".


Mask will soon require a microchip and transmitter. Or it ain't a Biden mask.

Diana L Croissant

Thank you for this post.

I have been happily using the free will my God gave me to simply ignore the COVID19 religion's mandates whenever I can. I have been a Christian since I first attended Sunday school as a five year old. It seemed right for me, and I am not going to give it up for the likes of a Fauci.

Last Sunday, my home town church, where I was baptized and confirmed, was full of people not only honoring the Fourth Commandment's admonition to remember the sabbath day to keep it holy, but to enjoy Christian fellowship. Our sanctuary was full, and it's a big sanctuary. We had many other worshippers there from the Christian church that supports a Christian school in town also, as their high school choir was performing for us that day.

But in actuality, our church has just never given in to the fear. We had parking lot services for three weeks at first and enjoyed them very much. Then we all decided we had shown whatever respect we had for the virus and it was time to worship our God as we usually do: inside the building.

It saddens me to see so many other once important congregations in our town now vacant every Sunday since they gave in immediately to the fear of a virus. Some are now actually in the process of simply officially closing.

What happened to the spirit of our nation: In God we trust?

The only thing I can come up with to explain why our church is still thriving while so many are empty is that ours is a church of mostly Volga and Black Sea German families--usually quite large families. We've already listened to our grandparents and great grandparents as they told us the horrors committed by the communist Bolsheviks.

In the U.S., which welcomed us, I think we had realized earlier that there is far more to fear than a virus and that there are far more important things to stand up for.

I'll put my money on the pharmaceutical industry and our doctors. I wear the darned mask in places where I just don't want the annoyance of arguing with people who might wet their knickers upon seeing an unmasked person in a building. I rip it off the minute I am walking outside--and luckily our streets are pretty empty of people because they are afraid. I enjoy walking around town unmasked.

I don't know how long it will take, but I am waiting for the time when more and more people will become tired enough of the isolation they are living in and will just plain refuse to "follow the leader" and will go back to admiring the American sense of rugged individualism.

I should go to bed right now so I will be up in time to attend church with all the rest of my fellow "COVID deniers" who wish to honor God, who is the one in whom our founders put their trust and in whom I have always put my trust. I am sure there will be many of those families also preparing to enjoy their usual Thanksgiviing dinner.

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