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07 November 2020


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....."Perhaps our torments, perhaps our

bitter accidents and wretched passions heaven created

as a pleasing spectacle for their idle hours?........"

Reminds me of the choice - fate is what life hands us; destiny is what we choose to do with it. The "other sides" passions also have right to exist, as much as ours. And prove themselves in the court of public opinion. ......and the amusement of the gods.

WSJ has a good op-ed. Over time when the Trump personality is removed from his actions, the Trump presidency will be not only fundamentally transformational; but even nostalgically missed. Trump took his fate and created his destiny. And ours along with it. We thank him for letting us share this short ride with him.

Now let the gods toy with our souls, yet again.


Thank you

Fourth and Long

One of my all time favorite writers. Loved his Operetta Morale in my youth. They translated and released much or all of his Zibaldone a few years ago. A staunch Italian patriot. Seems his mother was not too nice. A shame he's not more widely recognized. My Italian friends say it's still cool to admire his poetry but that his other work is considered too adolescent. Prodigy at languages. Crippled with severe scoliosis. Died before age 40. Contemporary of Gogol - wonder if they met as Gogol spent much time in Italy.


Thank you.

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