« Joe Biden–The Art of the Steal and China Deal by Larry C Johnson | Main | When It Comes to the Bidens, Journalists and Social Media Are Deaf, Dumb and Blind by Larry C Johnson »

25 October 2020


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The empty suit Esper and the "political general" Milley should be gone ASAP.
The problem is that Obama purged the flag ranks and replaced them with apparatchiks eager to please.
Many of the "heroes" bad mouthing Trump from the retirement ranks are those same kissups who traded honor for a better doorman's uniform.


I think it was the previous mayor of Baltimore who got a multi-million dollar windfall from her best-selling children's book. I wonder how many kids actually read it.

Lots of trucks out with their flags here, people are becoming optimistic here in South Florida, feels almost normal here.

Trump taking New York would be the ultimate, lets hope. I'm looking forward to watching CNN's Wolf Blitzer on election night, it's been 4 years for me and CNN. I just want to see him squirm.

j. casey

As a long-time but reluctant resident of NYC, I must admit that the caterwauling and pearl-clutching and garment rending that may be on the menu for the hipsters of Wokedom and Dystopia Inc. and the MiniTru would be most welcome.


I would like to think that the nuns have had enough of the apostate Bergoglio and his sodomite collaborators.

The Church, much like mid-century America, withstood the external Bolshevik threat while succumbing to in internally. If either are to be purified it will have to be through fire.

But the nuns are probably just out there because of abortion.

A. Pols

"I begin to suspect that a Trump wave election is coming." I hope you are right about this, but fear you may not be (maybe for some vague fear I have of "jinxing" the desired outcome). I do notice here in Charlottesville (which seems the epicenter of PC correctness), certain signs that things may not be what the MSM thinks they are. People I know who are life long Democrats have confided in me, always "sotto voce" when talking not strictly between 4 eyes, that they intend to or already have voted for Trump because they have been deeply affected by numerous Democrat mayors, governors, and district attorneys open subornation of sedition and their support for the actors in the "Summer of Rage" we have witnessed. They voice their fears that a Biden/Harris win my bring on the sudden collapse of the US as a functional nation state due to our home grown color revolution.


Trump would need to pick up the House and hold the Senate. Only then it would be over.


Swamp Creature Kamala Harris finally learned how to get some crowd enthusiasm - megaphone in hand, she "campaigns" in front of a line of voters at a polling place for drop off ballots. She does get some cheers.

So her trick is to find a crowd already in place and make sure she gets to the head of the line and is loud enough the cheers may be when she finally shuts up rather than her "neutral" GOTV message (to voters already in line).

Though her best move caught on video for your viewing pleasure was asking her aide on a hot mic if she was in Cleveland after arriving at the airport, when assured she was, she belts out......... Hellllloooo Cleveland.


Thanks for posting how money is routed through publishers.
This was right in front of me the whole time.



Over how?

His own party is against him. Fox has no real loyalty to him. He's had four years to pull the troops out of somewhere, anywhere - and has not done so. In terms of what he has actually done (pulling out of the JCOPA, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, and recognizing Israel's annexation of the Golan heights) he has been a neocon wet dream.

I don't see anything coming to an end.


EE, you nailed it. If Trump loses the Senate and the House stays Democrat, "impeachment" will be the first order of business. All the way down the food chain, until Pelosi becomes President.

No wonder she is breaking her 2018 promise made to be only a one term Speaker, that staved off the rebellion against her continuing in that post in 2018. Her evil plan is obviously to use the 25th Amendment and/or "high crimes" impeachment until her party gets the desired out come - which remains over-turning a valid Trump POTUS election.

And folks, that plan would pass SCOTUS muster since the removal process is set out in the US Constitution; even if the grounds for removal remain ambiguous. Damn, those public sector union Democrats are tenacious.


but why do they bother? Why not just give them the money?



Not fair, he has markedly reduced the number of troops in both Afghanistan and Syria against the continuing resistance of the Swampies at the Pentagon and State.



It would be over in the sense that the war in the Pacific was over at Midway. It would be a turn in the tide with the Democrats from then on back on their heels. Several more years of fighting, but the zeitgeist will have changed.


Why do we require Ilhan's Omar's campaign donors give money indirectly to her husband to pay for his "campaign services" instead of directly putting it in her pocket? She still gets the cash from her husband's joint bank account and her community property rights in his "earnings". A thoroughly sanitized operation, that used to be called graft and corruption.

America for decades floated on a "gentleman's agreement" of shared WASP values, which belatedly now prove easy to drive a truck through by those who do not share those same values. (Thrift, industry, honesty, moral code, common decency)

Or even worse, it is now claimed those previously shared values of innocent propriety (God, mother and country) are evidence of racist, white privilege. Only to be replaced by the same chaos and corruption our new members of society left behind, when they fled their "home countries". Where is the strength in that level of "diversity"?

America indeed remains the land of opportunity where the streets are still paved with gold and fortunes are made, just picking up the coins left on the street. Except today those coins are profligate tax dollars (OPM); not the duly earned coins from the market place.

Life is coarsening in America. Diversity of values will be our downfall.


Perhaps it gives a degree of separation and there might be a tax advantage(?)


We're in the home stretch now. Time for some glorious musical inspiration:



Do conservative newspaper endorsements mean anything anymore?

The New Hampshire Union Leader, a conservative-leaning newspaper, has endorsed Democratic candidate Joe Biden for president, despite its century-long history of backing Republicans. In backing Biden, the newspaper endorsed its first Democratic candidate in over 100 years.

The Topeka Capital Journal, which endorsed Donald Trump in 2016, is retreating:
“The gamble didn’t work out. But that election is past, and a new one approaches. Unlike Trump, Joe Biden has nearly five decades of documented public service, as a senator and vice president. He has served ably and honorably over that time. We do not agree with all of his proposals or actions over those years. We doubt that he does either. But he has always been open and forthright with the American people. He has always appealed to our better selves.”
“In these difficult times, after four years of chaos and confusion, the United States needs a steady hand. We endorse Joe Biden as the next president.”



it looks a lot less like corruption when a politician receives money because he wrote an "inspiring book" that seemingly sells lots of copies than when he receives money outright for political favors.

Same principle with speaking engagements. Nobody in the corporate world seriously believed that listening to a speech from Hillary Clinton was worth $200,000 - especially when she sometimes kept getting these gigs at the same company every few months: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-08-03/every-hillary-and-bill-clinton-speech-2013-fees

Furthermore, the book sales conduit adds an extra degree of separation between the ultimate source of the money and the recipient of the money. Somebody who wants to buy a politician could for example donate money to an NGO that does "political education" and buys political books to distribute to people, and that NGO buys the copies of the corrupt politician's book in bulk.



You have forgotten more about how the military works than I can ever hope to know, so I have to defer to you on this matter. But I cannot help but remain cynical.


James T

Do the arithmetic. Esper and the Joint Chiefs. You think they are not subverting Trump?



The present generation of McQuaids including Joe who runs the Union Leader are nuts. Their father Barnie was a great man. I knew him well.

Mark Logan

Interesting question about book deals. Certainly it could be a channel to hide the names of donors, which would seem the only rational reason to do so. I would guess the lecture circuit a more appropriate way to do that. If I'm going to part with that much I'd at least want a song for their dinner out of it.

The 10 biggest book deals have a mixture of celebrities, I can't imagine anyone wanting to slip Bruce Springsteen $10 million under the table so it appears the publishers do make money on these deals, counter-intuitive though it be.


The Twisted Genius

Book writing can be far more lucrative than I ever thought possible. James Patterson got 150 million for a 17 book series. I would say he earned it although I’ve never read any of his stuff. Michelle Obama’s first book sold over 10 million copies and netted her at least 65 million in a deal for both her and Barrack’s memoirs. Ken Follett got 50 million for his trilogy. Bill Clinton got 15 million for his book while George W. Bush only got 7 million for his. Hillary got 14 million for hers. Springsteen got 10 million for his autobiography. Even Pope Jan Pavel II made a cool 8.5 million for his memoirs back in 1994. There are an awful lot of 7 figure book advances out there.

Another phenomenon in the book world is the mass purchase of books by organizations. For example the RNC bought $100K worth of Don Trump Jr’s book and more than $400K worth of Sean Hannity’s latest. I’m sure the RNC is not alone in this practice.

The Twisted Genius


Trump hasn't reduced squat in Syria. He expanded our role in eastern Syria. Obama had far under a thousand working with the YPG/SDF by the time he left office. Trump upped it to over 2,000 to take Raqqa. He then wisely planned to take all out after that, but was stymied by his Pentagon and Congress. Instead, he ceded control of the northern border to Erdogan and his jihadis and changed the US mission in Syria to seizing and protecting the oil fields. He's put more troops in since then including armored/mechanized units. It was a pretty slick move by the swampies to dangle the oil field flag in front of Trump. The con man was out conned.

blue peacock

Col. Lang,

I am maintaining my forecast of Trump's re-election and both the GOP and the Democrats retaining their majority of the Senate and House respectively. Each party will have a smaller majority in Congress IMO.

It is quite possible that Trump will win the states that he won in 2016. He may even add Minnesota. I see many polls that show Biden winning FL, NC & AZ. IMO, those states will go for Trump. The only tossups are MI, MN, PA, WI. I also believe Trump will over-perform relative to 2016 among minorities.

While it would be refreshing that a second Trump term will have nominees to the important law enforcement & intelligence apparatus that back his agenda and unafraid to prosecute the DC Swamp corruption, I think it will go the same way that Lock her Up went in the first term. Campaign slogans. My bet is he will once again nominate the Swamp and nothing will change in the 2 years before he becomes a lame duck. His first term has shown that he's not into the nuts & bolts of governance and has no intention or aptitude to make the sweeping personnel changes across the various departments & agencies. His 2 years will be gamed by the bureaucracy and the political establishment.

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