"A former spokeswoman for Hillary Clinton has said she "hopes he dies" after learning that Donald Trump had contracted Covid-19.
In a now-deleted tweet, Zara Rahim said: "It's been against my moral identity to tweet this for the last four years, but I hope he dies."
In another tweet that remains live on the website, Ms Rahim posted a selfie of her smiling with the caption "this f***ing rules".
Ms Rahim worked in the White House under the Obama administration before becoming a spokeswoman for Hillary Clinton.
She has also worked as director of communications for Vogue magazine and lobbied for Uber in the United States.
In a reply to another tweeter, which has not been deleted, she said: “No, we wait for D E A T H”. " Telegraph
Shameful! Perhaps she should run for Congress. pl
The left just lost another piece of that Moral High Ground that is their Pock Chop Hill.
Posted by: Fred | 02 October 2020 at 11:35 AM
Dang, if the Democrats could only come up with a platform besides OrangeManBad, they might actually have had winning cause.
But they didn't and they don't. So Democrats continue with what they know best: their very typical Politics of Personal Destruction (PPD), now on steroids. More gotcha journalism, but with a lethal twist this time. Minnesota Nicer, or something. Best news is this will only bring out the worst in them - which will be no October Surprise to anyone living in California.
Best to you President and First Lady - number one in our prayers and cares.
Posted by: Deap | 02 October 2020 at 11:35 AM
Sounds like Ms Rahim just recycled her Planned Parenthood support signs.
Posted by: Deap | 02 October 2020 at 11:37 AM
This is like watching a low grade; made for TV drama. Perhaps the fools will eventually realize that this means Biden has been exposed...
At least this gives the seditious the opportunity to self-identify.
Posted by: EEngineer | 02 October 2020 at 11:44 AM
Just another sicko leftist. At least Biden sent kind words as did a few other democrats. Maybe there's hope....nah.
Trump will be fine and he'll be back out on the campaign trail in two weeks. Surviving COVID will make him appear more invincible. In the meanwhile, the saliency of the mortality of older men, like Trump and Biden, will cause the nation's attention to shift away from that ugly first debate and onto Pence and Harris. Pence will appear calm and rational when he debates Harris and Harris will be revealed as boxed into a corner with various far left ideologies and groups that she clings to. The election shifts to Pence v Harris for a while. Trump wins.
Posted by: Eric Newhill | 02 October 2020 at 11:55 AM
Trump's presidency can only be examined in light of Obama's, and if it was him getting sick in Trump's place I would expect the same sort of thinly veiled schadenfreude vitriol from republicans that one can currently see on exhibit across wide segments of the left. By the way, anyone else following the Azerbaijan-Armenia thing with great interest?
The Azeri use of drones in this conflict reminds me of the short Turkish punitive campaign against the SAA earlier this year, very interesting stuff.
Posted by: Serge | 02 October 2020 at 12:04 PM
I don't want him to die....I'd be satisfied with an upward learning curve and more sensible C-19 policies and a reinvigoration of the CDC.
Posted by: Laura Wilson | 02 October 2020 at 12:30 PM
Like Mistress, like Aide. T-rds of a feather swirl together. Did she cackle like her light of political inspiration?
Its a good thing the Internet allows the fast recording and preservation of things. Hopefully this was screen-shotted before she took it down so as to be a permanent record and a reminder of who the Clintonites were, are and always will be.
Posted by: different clue | 02 October 2020 at 03:06 PM
Does anyone seriously think Trump and First Lady Melania are going to die (of Covid)?
I'd guess No.
That being the case, what does it say about the lethality of this Black Plague that has necessitated the destruction of the economy and the loss of so many jobs, businesses, and collateral damage to lives?
Trump's infection w/ Corona IS October Surprise: Coronavirus threat will be vanquished on Oct 16 when he and FLOTUS step into the Rose Garden hale and healthy.
"It's a miracle."
PS On C Span this morning many callers offered Prayers for MR & Mrs Trump; equally as many opined on the necessity of masking.
Which is it?
Will prayers bring about healing from Corona, or masking?
Science being the touchstone for pronouncements from politicians and CDC experts alike, has there been a scientific study of the comparative effectiveness of masks vs prayers? Heck, toss in thoughts-and-prayers, just to cover all the base.
Posted by: Artemesia | 02 October 2020 at 03:50 PM
Some idiot wrote to say that this proves that the CD-19 thing is not a "hoax." Nobody said it was. The hoax was the forced shutdown of the economy by people like the governors of New York, New Jersey and California.
Posted by: turcopolier | 02 October 2020 at 03:51 PM
In my earlier comment -- failed to close Italics
Posted by: Artemesia | 02 October 2020 at 03:55 PM
This is just more of the same from the Democrat-media-academic complex.
I acknowledge the Trump derangement syndrome and America-hating from them.
My question:
What kind of stupidity impels the average voter outside the swamp to vote for this bunch?
Maybe I'm underestimating the amount of America hatred in the general population or just their childishness - Trump is a "meanie" and hates (name the group).
It's getting harder and harder to underestimate the immaturity, dimwittedness and general flakiness of the "average" voter.
Posted by: TV | 02 October 2020 at 03:57 PM
I have said for several years that the Clinton cadre is at the bottom of the "resistance." This creepy dame is one of them.
Posted by: turcopolier | 02 October 2020 at 04:41 PM
Biden threatened me physically once because I insisted that the Israelis were screwing the Palestinians. He was screaming and advanced on me. This was in his senate offices. He had a couple of his Zionist staff bully boys with him. I told him that I would be glad to give him "satisfaction" but that the army had spent a lot of time making me into someone who would break his bones. He backed away. I understand that my promise was uncivilized.
Posted by: turcopolier | 02 October 2020 at 04:48 PM
Who sent the pet pangolin to the White House - Clapper, Comey, Clinton, Brennan, Strozk, McCabe, Harris, Pelosi .......?
Posted by: Deap | 02 October 2020 at 05:18 PM
What compels the "average" voters to vote for the Biden nonsense. I keep telling you, there are 44 million government employee union members all throughout the United States.
A Biden-Clinton-Obama win is/was existential to them. The Trump win was an acute existential threat. That is why there is such a level of hysteria and divisiveness now in this country - 44 million soul directly invested in holding on to their government jobs, perks and pensions to the fullest extent possible.
This is reasonable - we all feel protective about our sources of livelihood - which is why 44 million Biden supporters are rabid about the Biden-Harris ticket. It has nothing to with the flag carrier; only the flag.
Once people get a grasp on what having this disciplined mass of 44 million self-interested public sector union member voters looks like - mainly operating by stealth and underground - the quicker one realizes "divisiveness" will forever be the middle name for the United States. Just like covid, we now have to live with this disease in our midst.
No better example how this public sector union stranglehold translates in real life than the total wacko land California has become in the past 20 years of "teacher union" control of the state, and now the 100% entrenched super-majority.
Posted by: Deap | 02 October 2020 at 05:29 PM
Cool Biden story, turcopolier. Poise, under fire - we need more stories like that. Which is why I think Trump did not "lose" the debate even though it sounded like he had gone off the handle; his body language demonstrated he was in total control the entire time.
Posted by: Deap | 02 October 2020 at 05:34 PM
Understand that you would never have heard of me. I would have been in prison somewhere.
Posted by: turcopolier | 02 October 2020 at 05:38 PM
My prayers go to Donald Trump and his wife. He gave up a lot to run for public office. His administration has done nothing to warrant the scorn and hatred.
Posted by: stueeeeeeeee | 02 October 2020 at 05:46 PM
no, i hope he is a long hauler with disability. never death.
Posted by: johnadams2020 | 02 October 2020 at 06:10 PM
You need to offset your govt. employee analysis with the realization that many of them know they are quite capable of earning a living in the private sector, many are on the edge of retirement now and many are driven by something other than money alone. Add to that the union members who have for years protested against the lopsided usage of dues on lobbying efforts that don't support social issues of concern to them. The left's assault on Gov. Walker in Wisconsin was a result of a Republican understanding that and taking on union power through legislation. The left faces many problems that even a 100% government employee turnout won't fix.
Posted by: Fred | 02 October 2020 at 07:35 PM
Where do you get that 44 million number for union membership. Current union members in the US number only 14.6 million. Of that number, 7.3 million are in the public sector. A third of those are in local and federal police. Another third (2.3 million) are your dreaded public teacher union members.
Posted by: The Twisted Genius | 02 October 2020 at 07:55 PM
Eric Newhill wrote:
Trump will be fine and he'll be back out on the campaign trail in two weeks. Surviving COVID will make him appear more invincible. In the meanwhile, the saliency of the mortality of older men, like Trump and Biden, will cause the nation's attention to shift away from that ugly first debate and onto Pence and Harris. Pence will appear calm and rational when he debates Harris and Harris will be revealed as boxed into a corner with various far left ideologies and groups that she clings to. The election shifts to Pence v Harris for a while. Trump wins.
I concur. This might be another stunt like looking directly into the eclipse without protective shades. To the ignorant, the action looks remarkable; to the well-informed, it looks like a low-risk action calculated to stir up public attention and keep POTUS in the spotlight. (He is a master of getting his enemies to give him publicity.)
Deap wrote:
there are 44 million government employee union members all throughout the United States.
A Biden-Clinton-Obama win is/was existential to them.
How many of those jobs could be cut? A primitive leader might respond by saying, "Not only will I punish my enemies, I will punish their families." It would be more modern to say, "Not only will I fire the traitors from their government jobs, I will weaken their host bureaucracies by cutting the positions and budgets they had."
This goes beyond schadenfreude. These bureaucracies are like 200 kg of cancerous tumors in a patient who originally weighed 80 kg. Of these bureaucracies -- some are officially government and some are supposedly private-sector but are actually linked by corruption and revolving doors to government. Both types of bureaucrats are a danger to the Republic.
Posted by: longarch | 02 October 2020 at 08:06 PM
My daughter is an infectious disease physician and has treated numerous Covid patients. She relayed that given what is public - fever, regneron cocktail, etc. - you won’t have a clear prognosis on Trump for another 6 - 9 days.
Posted by: Pj20 | 02 October 2020 at 08:17 PM
turco -evidence boxes for subjective and objective self defense appear checked off, in your favor. Did (1) you feel threatened and (2) would anyone else also feel threatened in the same setting. Yes, Mossad types are known to be swift and silent. They are good at what they do. The walls would have been freshly painted before you could say call the Saudi Embassy in Istanbul three times. Bravo, sir. Mission accomplished.
Posted by: Deap | 02 October 2020 at 08:36 PM