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03 July 2020


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I agree, no comment is needed. Some charges for medical malpractice and malfeasance certainly are.

John Credulous


There will be no accountability: The b-stards have set the standards.

Medical malpractice is a legal term used to describe a medical professional’s failing to uphold the acceptable standard of care in a situation. Doctors must adhere to accepted medical community standards concerning treatment methods and technique, and failing to do so can leave them liable for any resulting damages.

When a patient is under a hospitals care, the facility must operate at a level that meets the medical community’s standards for treating patients. This means the hospital or its staff members cannot cause the patient harm as a result of negligence.

When a doctor or medical facility’s failure to meet these standards results in a patient’s injury or death, the at-fault party can be held liable for medical malpractice .

The community standard is the older standard and reflects the traditional deference of the law toward physicians. It is based on what physicians as a group do in a given circumstance. The community standard requires that the patient be told what other physicians in the same community would tell a patient in the same or similar circumstances. “Community” refers both to the geographic community and to the specialty (intellectual community) of the physician.

A long "take down" of Fauci:

  • It’ll be 37 years this year he’s had the same job in the federal bureaucracy.

  • There are two million people getting a paycheck from the federal government as employees. Who do you think the third highest paid employee in the entire federal bureaucracy is? It’s Tony Fauci.

  • So just to sum all this up: This is not Fauci’s first rodeo. He’s been pumping hysteria for 36 years. He always gets it wrong. He was wrong about swine flu. He was wrong about bird flu. He was wrong about Zika. He was wrong about Ebola. He wildly exaggerated AIDS. And he always is wrong in the favor of pharmaceutical companies. And he’s always wrong in favor of ‘we’ve got to develop a vaccine now. We have to throw out all the rules.

  • And his wife is Christine Grady, chief of the Department of Bioethics of the National Institute of Health and the head of the section on Human Subject Research. She is the person that makes decisions on what’s ethical to do with human subjects. That’s his wife.


Damn it, it's too cheap!


Uncharted research: areas where anti-malarial drugs are sold widely over the counter - in malaria prone parts of the world - eg: Central America, SEA and Pacific Islands. How do their covid rates relate to these specific localities (not just generalized country numbers), where ongoing prophylactic sales of OTC anti-malaria drugs are most prevalent?

Why does the CDC travel and tourism website info still recommend taking anti-malarial drugs, when the other hand of our deep state bureaucrats are screaming these drugs will kill you?

Observational studies are never the equivalent of double-blind randomized studies; but there can still provide important and fare more readily obtained early information about these connections and conditions.


No comment/s needed perhaps. But deliciously anticipated. Here, from the Committee, and especially from the MSM. Even if only silence. Because "silence is really violence" in this case.

John Credulous

FWIW, Jimmie Moglia's erudition is formidable, and as a stylist, not too distracting:

As for me I am reminded of the advice that Timon of Athens gave to two robbers who came to see him, “Trust not the physician, for his antidotes are poison, and he slays more than you rob.”

And here is an example, a reported ‘case-study’. A prince of Persia had melancholia and suffered from the delusion of being a cow. He would moo like a cow, crying “Kill me so that a good stew may be made of my flesh,” and would never eat anything. Avicenna was persuaded to treat the case and sent a message to the patient, asking him to be happy as the butcher was coming to slaughter him. The sick man rejoiced. When Avicenna approached the prince with a knife in his hand, he asked, “Where is the cow so I may kill it.”
The patient then mooed like a cow to indicate where he was. He was then laid on the ground for slaughter. When Avicenna approached the patient pretending to slaughter him, he said, “The cow is too lean and not ready to be killed. He must be fed properly and I will kill it when it becomes healthy and fat. The patient was then offered food, which he ate eagerly and gradually gained strength, got rid of his delusion, and was completely cured.
How relevant may be the Avicennian case study to the current dynamics of the pandemic I will leave it to my possible and patient readers to decide.


"No comment needed."

What was the difference between the Michigan study and the others, which found no positive ecffect?

How do you explain the low mortality of the control group in the Michigan study?


"Limitations to our analysis include the retrospective, non-randomized, non-blinded study design."



Dr. Marc Siegel a medical correspondent for Foxnews told T. Carlson weeks ago that an emergency treatment of this drug saved the life of his 96 year old father who was at the point of death, cured him overnight in fact.

Babak makkinejad


It is a fact that cancer drugs are not uniformly effective in all patients.

The causes must be sought in the genotypes of the patients.

The differential response as well as effectiveness are not reasons to discard a therapy.

In further news on COVID-19 Treatments I have 2 items to report:

First one:

The 3-drug mixture of Azittomycin, Naproxen, and prednisolone (oral or injectable) have been used successfully for reduction of the inflammation of respiratory system.

3 systematic trials have been undertaken and results were conclusive in expediting faster recovery.

Second one:

Clinical trials in Iran (in Masih Daneshvari hospital) – indicated 100% cure of COVID-19 in 20 patients using a combination of ReciGen and Cultera (sic?) which is an AIDS drug.

A second group of patients – 152 – had a reduction in mortality of 20% as compared to those who were only receiving Cultera (sic.?)


The results are supposed to be published in the Journal of Immunopharmacotherapy.

The dosage was: 5 times day, 12 million units.

No side effects were reported.



This stuff is hard. There are lots of variations in patient populations and treatment protocols. We have to consider doses, concomitant meds (such as azithromycin), patient status at time of treatment, age, and, comorbidities.

A big difference: the Ford study was not randomized, not double-blinded. They used a statistical technique to try to make the groups comparable on factors believed to be relevant, but this is after fact. (It's a nice technique, I've used it myself, but it doesn't magically solve all of the difficulties of retrospective analysis.)

In contrast, the recently halted NIH trial was randomized, double-blinded; this was in a hospital setting. The prophylactic trial reported at the beginning of June in NEJM (author Boulware) was also randomized, double-blinded; this was in a prophylactic setting.


Hydroxychloroquine is the active ingredient in the tonic portion of gin and tonics, which I've been drinking for prophylactic purposes since the pandemic began.


Here is an interview with Dr Francis Collins, who is Dr Fauci's boss.
Dr. Collins discusses the current state of the search for vaccines in USA.
Way too much content to attempt a summary, please read for yourself.


"Dr. Marc Siegel a medical correspondent for Foxnews told T. Carlson weeks ago that an emergency treatment of this drug saved the life of his 96 year old father who was at the point of death, cured him overnight in fact."

Without enough patients and good study design such anecdotes prove nothing. The father may have survived without the drug.....


"A big difference: the Ford study was not randomized, not double-blinded. They used a statistical technique to try to make the groups comparable on factors believed to be relevant, but this is after fact. (It's a nice technique, I've used it myself, but it doesn't magically solve all of the difficulties of retrospective analysis.)"

Thank you, egl!



You and Fauci would hit it off well.


If you can read french, I recommend reading the France Soir newspaper, Health section, which did not stop like The Guardian, to criticize the Lancet, but also Recovery or the Boulware studies.
- Recovery study : http://www.francesoir.fr/societe-sante/oxford-lessai-britannique-recovery-vraiment-douteux -and-
- Boulware study : http://www.francesoir.fr/societe-sante/le-diable-est-vraiment-dans-le-detail-apres-lancet-nous-remettons-en-cause-le-new

"the Ford study was not randomized, not double-blinded"
Who really want to form the group of sick patients who administred a placebo?

robt willmann

There is a health condition called Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency that needs to be taken into consideration and evaluated before hydroxychloroquine is used for COVID-19. It relates to a genetic condition.

"This defect occurs in about 10% of black males and in less than 10% of black females in the US and in lower frequencies among people with ancestors from the Mediterranean basin (eg, Italians, Greeks, Arabs, Sephardic Jews)".


The G6PD condition can lead to "hemolytic anemia", which indicates fewer red blood cells. The red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. The hemolytic anemia can be triggered by some infections, or drugs (including hydroxychloroqine), or by eating fava beans or inhaling pollen from fava plants.


Otherwise, hydroxychloroquine appears to be effective and inexpensive.

The issue of a heart condition and using the drug has been known for a long time, and doing an electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG) to establish a baseline can help to see whether the drug might negatively affect the heart's rhythm.



A small bit of easy reading regarding HCQ and its effects when used as a PREP (Pre Exposure Prophylactic) and a PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis). With a few other comments re murder and various criminal behaviours within the governmental and medical establishments.


Have a happy 4th of July and enjoy the irony that today is also the official independence day of Russia.

Terence Gore


partial reason for spike in California cases


graphs galore


Retrospective study. More than twice as many people in the HCQ arm received steroids as those who did not receive steroids. The study does have some merit as it is the first study with positive findings for HCQ that is large enough to have merit of which I am aware. Just shows we need a randomized, prospective study.

Terence Gore


"Coronavirus: Japan's mysteriously low virus death rate"

Not a great deal of testing, no formal locakdown

They were hoping to hold Olympics so they were on the late side even to say there was a problem.

Eric Newhill

"Retrospective study. More than twice as many people in the HCQ arm received steroids as those who did not receive steroids."

Steve, please at least try to not be a party pooper. You seem very invested in the coronavirus as apocalypse meme. If you think steroids are a confound in the study, then give patients HCQ + steroids. Both are cheap well know drugs with minimal side effects. Do no harm is you moto isn't it?

Btw, data, very robust data at this point, continues to confirm that the virus is almost exclusively killing the elderly who also have other serious health issues on top of advanced age, people who were going to be dead within a year or so anyhow. CV is now 99% a political tool.

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