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17 July 2020


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Im not surprised. Generally its a good idea to solidify your political base.

A. Pols

It was once the case in old California that Asians, Mexicans, and of course others, couldn't testify against a white man in court. Perhaps this principle will be stood on its head here in Virginia? I'm mostly, but not totally, facetious here, but yes, there will be blood when it comes to any white supremacist revanchist symbols. But the worm could turn. Northam serves one term and he seems to be over reaching his relatively slim mandate. Like Bush 2004 did with his "spending the political capital" from beating the weak John Kerry.


Virginia now becoming East California just means you now have a critical mass of government employee union members in residence.

Once that tipping point occurs, as it did in California, the public sector union bosses become the shadow government and political opinion setters. Job number one becomes taking care of themselves. And getting re-elected handing out more member favors paid by your tax dollars.

it is an unsustainable Ponzi scheme, but is still holding forth, teetering as it is, in West California. But at least West California has non-government cash cows so it is not entirely a closed system. Wash Dc border states have only the government as their primary business.

Makes East California far more precarious for independent survival than the current West California " 6th largest econmy nation state". But as the top 1% start to flee West California, things will quickly shatter.

Meanwhile we do have better weather in West California, than East California dollar for dollar value. WSJ is reporting an uptick in real property sales in West California, as urban dwellers look for more space to wait out this covid thing.


Another level of lunacy, seems the NYC major rather than protect NYC lives, is more worried about the BLM mural in front of Trump Tower that he and his wife painted, so he's assigned 3 sergeants and 24 cops round the clock coverage to sit paint.




The Oligarchs and Communists have become one.

The Global Oligarchs Have Merged With The Global Communists – OpEd


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