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26 June 2020


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Time is running out. It could very well already be too late. The predicate violations have to be articulated and put up on the board; the principal and subordinate targets identified, who are to be the pivotal witnesses and who gets offered what, preliminary pleas and/or immunities; primary and other venues need to be clearly established; and most critical, a special FGJ empanelled which, to my knowledge, has not been done, and testimony locked in forthwith. This is a complicated and time consuming process requiring multiple experienced (and committed) prosecutors and at least 12-14 experieced agents. Can this be done in 4 months in the heat of a presidential campaign amidst all the attendant political pressures and carping coming from the congress and the MSM? I certainly hope so, but I frankly doubt it.
If Trump loses, an Eric Holder or Andrew Weissman like appointment to AG will bring this case to a shameless and whimpering end in the first 10 days of the incumbency with the details of the plot left for sorting out by historians. There will be no legal accountability exacted, the Bidens, the Schumers, the Pelosis will care less and in fact will be well pleased; the leaders of the insurrection will be rewarded with plum jobs in the new administration; and the history of it all for the next 20 years will be written by the winners. Perhaps after Hillary's life has run its natural course, the FBI Building will be renamed for Jim Comey.


Sally Yates, the number one pusher of the Logan Act, anti Russian hysteria artist, all the hoaxes, and has been under consideration as Biden's VP.

The FBI agents' SCO document of her Sept. 2017 interview with Mueller's team states: "Yates stated it is a violation of the Logan Act for someone not a member of the administration to advocate a position contrary to the current administration position." This is under oath. [which begs the question; was Mueller using Logan and calling it FARA all along?]

On Jan. 24, 2017 Yates is Comey's boss.

Yates told SCO Mueller's team that she knew of Comey's idea to interview Flynn that day.

Yates did ZERO, Zip and Nada to stop this from happening.

Yet she claims she did not approve. This couplet of fact is not in dispute.

Her failure to act to stop something she claims was wrong does not following her being upset by it.

Yates told SCO Mueller along with CNN's Anderson Cooper all sort of hysteria about how "compromised" Flynn is, etc.

She did more or as much as anyone to spread this Slander, this Libel, this lie: the Resistance Queen Bee Yates.

She has been under consideration to be Biden's VP.

The FBI agents' SCO document of her Sept. 2017 interview with Mueller's team states: "McGahn said to her at one point something along the lines of 'Oh, come on, what are the chances DOJ will prosecute the Logan Act?'"

"Yates told McGahn that putting aside whether or not anyone had been successfully prosecuted for a Logan Act violation, they were missing the point that they had a potential compromise (sic) situation with their National Security Advisor," she told the SCO.

Barr protected Yates in a televised interview not that long ago, repeating the hagiography that Yates was "surprise" at Jan. 5 2017 meeting. Unless she already is a cooperating witness in the Durham probe, I found Barr's comment on this particularly unctuous, if she is not already in the dock.

Thank you Larry for this essay.

It's about time folks stop at her legs and instead examine her vile acts and moral turpitude.

What is her defense going to be --- That she was Obama's "right people" to destroy Flynn?

We may soon find out.

Keith Harbaugh

BTW, AG Barr gave an interesting interview with Senator Cruz yesterday, 2020-06-25, in which the Strzok memo is briefly discussed:
(The Strzok notes are discussed starting at 16:57. Barr specifies that the notes are of the January 5 meeting.)

Brutus canneloni

Ah flavour

time is slip sliding away.what truly frightens the trump opposition is pence.Trump being reelected and pence by proxy being president.The deathly Hallows harken the halls as knees shake and humans quake.
Let an earthquake produce this outcome and Ben and jerry's will name an ice cream in its honour

Andre Surkis

Thanks for posting. It is very interesting.

Stephen Richter

are Trump and Republicans totally incompetent by failing to uncover all of this activity in the first 2 years of his admin? Or was there something Trump has been hiding all along that prevented him from forcing everyone to lay their cards on the table back then?

After all, Trump put in a lot of effort Mueller investigation to keep from having to directly answer their questions. And Roger Stone refused to testify at his trial and has also, never answered question from the Mueller team.

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