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17 May 2020


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Mr. Johnson, Thank you both for your lucid explanations of Russiagate and your tenacity. I pray that with your help, the forces of good will triumph.

A question, are the plotters trying to hold out till the elections? It would seem that if they succeeded in doing that they and Trump loses the election, then they will have gotten away with this crime and established the IC as the equivalent of the Praetorian Guard.


I do not want you to spy on me, Mr Clapper.
I do not want what you did to Gen Flynn, done to me.
I do expect to be protected by the US Constitution.

(Signed) A private US Citizen.


Could Samantha Powers husband, Bloomberg media and book writer Cass Sunstein, have been looking over Samantha's shoulder when she was unmasking hundreds of names critically necessary for her job as UN Ambassador, even though she does not remember requesting any of them?


Dan Bongino claims he had an epiphany and solved the non-unmasking of Flynn during that crucial period. (Remember, he had Trump for an interview a few weeks ago, his connection to him and his people might have helped his powers of intuition a bit).

It is a scenario that explains a lot, like for example, why would Obama proceed with the dramatic expulsions of all those Russian diplomats and properties (when we now all know that Russia didn't hack the DNC and exfiltrate any e-mails) in that particular point in time and just a few weeks before the inauguration?

What does the committee think of his take (if you can ignore his theatrics)?



Adding to the rot. . . .
The attempted prosecution of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s business partners on alleged FARA crimes, in which prosecutors are still saying the general is a foreign agent.[Foreign Agents Registration Act, US law since 1938.] [Even though he is not a defendant in that case.]

His business partner was convicted by a jury, on this, last year.

Judge shortly thereafter said the court [that judge] failed to properly instruct the jury – as the DOJ did not have evidence anyone was under the control of a foreign government -- the key criteria.

The conviction was vacated by the judge; this criteria was not met, nor was evidence produced by DOJ to show this.

This judge [Anthony Trenga] also allowed the DOJ to: appeal ruling.

That is, Trenga's ruling that vacated the conviction.

That is, let DOJ try and get a new trial -- a do-over.

Which, the DOJ, now under AG Bill Barr is currently attempting to do.

In the appeal for a new trial, Flynn is not a defendant.

His former business partners are.

The DOJ, in a motion and memorandum to the federal appeals court, ---pleading for right for another trial --- in this motion, the DOJ also accused Flynn, in writing, of being an agent of Turkey -- all along – “from the beginning,” the DOJ motion, from January 2020 states.

Below is from 1/24/2020 DOJ filing against Messrs. Rafiekian and Alptekin, [Flynn’s then-business partners prior to 2017], docketed in federal court in January:

>>>>>[[The evidence discussed above equally shows concerted action between Rafiekian, Flynn, and Alptekin to act subject to Turkey’s direction or control. . . . From the beginning, the co-conspirators agreed that. . . .]]<<<<<

[Note: Rafiekian, in 2006, was nominated by President Bush to Board of Directors of the 'Export–Import Bank of the United States'; this nomination was confirmed/approved by USA Senate. He served on the bank's board from 2006 to 2011.


[ https://www.congress.gov/110/chrg/shrg50323/CHRG-110shrg50323.htm ]

Attorney representing defendants, their reply, opposing DOJ appeal request -- rejecting the January 2020 DOJ motion and claims about the men -- from April 2020, motion and memorandum includes this:

[[Although the government’s appellate brief now alleges that Flynn was a Turkish agent “[f]rom the beginning” (Br. 2), it sang a different tune just a month before trial [last year], when it told the district court that Flynn was not part of any conspiracy. It was only after Flynn made it clear that he would not offer the testimony the government expected to hear that it reversed course, announced that its erstwhile star witness was really a co-conspirator all along. . . .]]

That is: “from the beginning,” as the DOJ asserts in their January 2020 filing.

This case was dismissed last year because there was no evidence that any of them were under the control of a foreign government, i.e., “foreign agents” -- yet the DOJ persists.

Nor was Flynn ever charged with any FARA alleged crimes, not by Mueller, not by anyone.

Flynn’s case, prosecuted by Mueller/SCO -- the DOJ recently moved to end it all – yet Judge Sullivan persists.

One case, presided by Judge Contreras, then Sullivan: should never have ever been prosecuted. We now know this for a fact. Flynn was framed by his own government.

In the other case, that Trenga dismissed: Flynn, who is not a defendant, is accused of being a foreign agent by the DOJ, in January 2020.

Of note: Sullivan, apparently believing that he is, threatened Flynn with 15 years in jail, during a hearing in Dec. 2018, when the judge removed all pretense of being impartial, with his rant about the general selling out his country, possible treason, blah blah blah. In other words, the ghost of the long dead, still-born Logan Act, apparently.

To what issue will this come?

My fate cries out,
And makes each petty artery in this body
As hardy as the Nemean lion's nerve.
Still am I call'd. Unhand me, gentlemen.
By heaven, I'll make a ghost of him that lets me!
I say, away! Go on; I'll follow thee.

[HAMLET begins following the ghost, exits]

He waxes desperate with imagination.

Let's follow; 'tis not fit thus to obey him.

Have after. To what issue will this come?

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Heaven will direct it.

Nay, let's follow him.

Obama’s recent signaling of Flynn as Mr. Perjury, followed up soon thereafter by Sullivan’s latching onto that exact same theme is curious. I don’t know if this is just one more curve ball in this, or a fast ball right down the middle.

There is no public record of Obama, or then AG Lynch or then DAG Sally Yates doing anything to remove Comey as FBI director or discipline him when he announced there would be no prosecution of Clinton in 2016 – keeping in mind Comey’s role was not prosecutor, [as the country’s general attorney; rather, his role was as police chief of the nation].

McCabe leaking to Wall Street Journal, late October 2016, that there was a criminal investigation involving Clinton Foundation. There is no record Obama, Lynch, Yates, Comey did anything to remove McCabe from duty as the FBI deputy director, or discipline him.

There are numerous examples of this lack of action in 2016 right up until Jan. 20, 2017 when Trump was inaugurated.

This exact pattern includes, of course the Flynn/Kislyak issue.

What is factual at this point is: Washington Post had knowledge as early as [and perhaps sooner than] Jan. 5, 2017 of Flynn phone conversation with Russian ambassador to US, Sergey Ivanovich Kislyak, that occurred late December.

And, this stuff was actually published, in WAP, on Jan. 12, 2017.

Obama left office noontime Jan. 20, 2017.

Among other things, might a purpose of the Flynn persecution also involve, rather, just be another curve ball -- to keep eyes away from the failure by Obama team to prosecute this criminal leak and outing of Flynn? I don't know.

I also don't know why Trump stated the following on Dec. 2, 2017, [the day after Flynn plead:

[[I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!]]


On May 13, 2020 Trump stated:
[[And when I see what is happening to him, it’s disgraceful. And it was all a ruse. And, by the way, the FBI said he didn’t lie. The FBI said he did not lie. So with all the stuff I’m hearing about lying, the FBI said he didn’t lie. But the sleazebag said, “Well, we don’t care what he — what they say. We’re saying he lied.” Okay? But the FBI, you remember, when they left, they said, “He didn’t lie.” What they’ve done to that man and that family is a disgrace. But I just tell you that because I just left General Milley, and he said, “A great man and a great soldier.” Isn’t that a shame.]]



The Twisted Genius


Good job of clearly explaining unmasking and the centrality of intelligence information reports in driving those unmaskings. I was shocked to learn that there were 10,000 NSA reports unmasked last year and near 17,000 the year before. I thought it was a much rarer occurrence. But I agree that having Flynn's masked name appear in at least 14 reports in 45 days is not normal. It is highly unusual. Why did his name figure in so much reporting? Was it just foreign targets referring to Flynn since he was the incoming NSC? Was it Flynn talking to those foreign targets because he was the incoming NSC as a prudent part of his preparation? Or was he involved in discussions about nuclear proliferation to Saudi Arabia and/or the possible extradition/kidnapping of Gulen to Turkey? What were the collection requirements that those reports cited? It would be helpful if we could get redacted summaries of those reports, but I won't hold my breath.

Concerning the interception of Flynn's phone calls with Kislyak, I doubt it was the NSA or CIA. The FBI wiretapped the Russian Ambassador to the US as a CI operation especially considering the entire Obama administration was focused on Russian interference in the 2016 election. I believe it was discussed years ago how implants were remotely installed on Kislyak's smartphone to turn it into a listening device. That's why the FBI had Flynn's calls to Kislyak and why they never had to unmask any NSA or CIA reports to get that information.

Terence Gore


Starting at minute 20 interview of Svetlana and Chuck makes the point that leak of the call to the press was to sabotage Flynn and the Trump administration. The PTB knew very early on that Flynn was not a Russian asset.

Diana Croissant

Thank you for the detailed explanation. It's too bad that most of the so-called journalists don't have the ability to read and follow such a good, but longer, explanation than their attention span can hold.

It's not a "sound bite" they can use to get their mugs on Tee Vee. And it doesn't follow the current "narrative."

Kelleigh Nelson

Oh Diana Croissant...you are so right. American education has been dumbed down since the beginning of Dewey's progressive system back in 1880. They can hardly tolerate more than a sound bite or a 1 minute video. Sad but true.

AG BARR: What happened to President Trump was a “grave injustice”

“The law enforcement & intelligence apparatus of this country were involved in advancing a false & utterly baseless Russian collusion narrative.”


Will Barr hold anyone accountable?


Was it just foreign targets referring to ... Was it Flynn talking to those foreign targets ... Or was he involved in discussions about nuclear proliferation ...
Posted by: The Twisted Genius | 17 May 2020 at 08:55 PM

My guess: Kushner and Flynn's activities at the United Nations in Dec. 2016. No??? That would explain why Powers surfaced to such a large extend.

Roy G

Larry, I am curious about your take on the Israeli Embassy bombing in Argentina. Afaicr, it was a controversial conclusion that Hezbollah was actually responsible. Would you care to offer your perspective on their involvement?


Larry -

Why did acting DNI Grenell list the dates in his unclassified document re the Flynn unamskings? He should have kept those dates classified and only released them to the Senate Select Intel Committee. Foolishly declassifying the dates undoubtedly sent foreign COMSEC and CI people racing to review their countries communications records to see who was talking with whom on what circuit on those particular dates. Grenell needs to get a bit smarter before he ends up giving away the keys to the kingdom.


Since Dec 14, 2016 was a very big day for Dept of Treasury officials to make mutliple unmasking demands on an as yet disclosed list of persons, rumored to also include Trump family members, what triggered this extra-curricular unmasking interest?

Traveling in the wayback machine for news reported on the following day, Dec 15, 2016 one finds the following tidbit from Vanity Fair:

....Today was supposed to be the day. A couple weeks ago, Donald Trump announced that he would hold his first news conference in five months to, at long last, address the mounting concerns over how he would resolve his financial conflicts of interest before he takes office.

“I will be holding a major news conference in New York City with my children on December 15 to discuss the fact that I will be leaving my great business in total in order to fully focus on running the country in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” he tweeted.

“I am not mandated to do this under the law, I feel it is visually important, as President, to in no way have a conflict of interest with my various businesses. Hence, legal documents are being crafted which take me completely out of business operations. The Presidency is a far more important task!”

In the following weeks, some alleged details of those legal documents leaked out.

The New York Times reported that Trump would not divest his business, but instead, adhere to a legal strategy that would separate him and his daughter, Ivanka, from the Trump Organization, while handing over responsibilities to his sons, Eric and Donald Jr.. In an interview with Fox News airing over the weekend, Trump reiterated his plan. “I'm going to have nothing to do with it. And I'll be honest with you, I don't care about it anymore,” he said.

And then the president-elect canceled, three days before the big event. “I will hold a press conference in the near future to discuss the business, Cabinet picks and all other topics of interest. Busy times!” he tweeted Monday. “No new deals will be done during my term(s) in office.”

Transition officials explained the delay as a simple logistical issue—the task of nominating a Cabinet and building a government has taken up more time than anticipated. Kellyanne Conway touted it as a reflection of Trump’s incredible accomplishments. “Normally we have politicians moving from political job to political job. In this case, we have a very successful businessman, who’s brilliant and a billionaire, who has assets and holdings all over the globe, and that needs to have a transfer of power through the proper channels,” she said on CNN......"

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