Pompeo, the neocon in chief, continues to blame the SAG for all things not approved by the Ghost of McCain, but, never mind, the R+6 has calculated the intent of Turkey in Syria and the distance between the Sultan and his jihadi pals.
Based on this calculus the SAA is going to renew the offensive to move up to the line of the M-4 and take jisr-al-shugur back from the al-qa'ida affiliates who have held it for far too long.
One can only hope that the pro-government forces have "the juice" to move the ball that far. pl
Looks like that jackass Pompeo is loudly braying about Russia being responsible for the bombing of the Turkish Army convoy a few weeks ago. That may very well be true, but Pompeo is hoping that saying it openly will cause a greater rift between Erdogan and Putin.
Posted by: The Twisted Genius | 19 March 2020 at 12:39 PM
I would have thought the SAA would concentrate on the pocket south of the M4 before tackling Jisr al-Shugur. Why not let the Russians and Turks take the heat on the M4?
Perhaps now that Erdogan's pets have bitten his hand at Muhambal he will turn on them. He is facing outrage at home about Syrian immigrants in Turkey. Seems to me his best option now is clean up Jisr al-Shugur and move his darling headchoppers to Afrin and the Azaz/Jarablus/al-Bab triangle. Or perhaps to Libya, but he and the GNA are getting their butts kicked there also.
Posted by: Leith | 19 March 2020 at 10:37 PM