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17 March 2020


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I would like to thank the sane voters of Florida for picking DeSantis. I would also like to know why the police in South Beach didn't arrest him, or is that democratic privelige?

Diana Croissant

Well, I am completely grossed out, as we used to say.

Please, please, don't allow this man to become an elected official.


Colonel, Sometimes you're a real hoot & crack me up...speaking of
Pashtuns: I watched a Simcha Jacobovici Youtube video ("The Naked
Archaeologist")Simcha is an Orthodox Jew living in Israel, he's done
numerous videos & some tv & he did one on the Pashtuns & came to
the conclusion some of them are descendants of the lost tribes of
Israel & predicted "someday there'll be a few hundred thousand Pashtuns running around Tel Aviv & we'll be happy to have them."

You've truly outdone yourself with this Gillum post: "Could be DNC
Chair', I'm still laughing



Perhaps we could export Gillum to Pashtunistan.


Diana Croissant
It was close.



Too close; which is why there is a full court press to ease voting for the lazy, the ill informed and the "undocumented" (who seem to have zero problems getting documents to work, or into school, or SNAP,etc.; unlike the oppressed - who only magically appear when the left can't win).


I spent my teen years living on Miami Beach. Thankfully, I left before South Beach became "Sodom By the Sea." South Beach really is a "Sink of Sin and Depravity." Mainly, as some friends and family who lived through the change over from retiree zone to International Jet Set haunt say, the main cause of the change was a change in the demographics. Many Central and South American elites settled there for their "second homes/bolt holes" digs. They were followed by European 'elites.' I don't know about your experiences with the international wealthy class, but a more depraved and vice ridden group of people I cannot think of. So, I will posit that the South Beach 'authorities' did nothing to curb the excesses happening there because their pay cheques depended on their 'blindness.' Think Prohibition and crooked cops.
I am glad that neither I nor any of my family live there any more.

Charlie Wilson

So the Pashtun is homosexual. Who woulda thunk it? A lesson to learn. Perhaps we ought to encourage it our military too.

Ishmael Zechariah

The Western "elites" are truly bizarre, and they are not hiding it. What amazes me are those who vote for them. I wonder if you ever ran across this economics "fellow" from Cambridge Uni:
1-This is somewhat OT, but relevant;
2-In case one is delicate, this is somewhat off...).

Be safe
Ishmael Zechariah

Ishmael Zechariah

Charlie Wilson,
Strictly speaking,(some) Pashtun are not homosexuals but sexual omnivores and pederasts. They have a tradition, termed "bacha bazi". The Taliban forbade this, along w/ cultivation and use of narcotics. Here is some reading:
I am surprised at your "suggestion".
Ishmael Zechariah
P.s. SST; Turkey and TSK commemorate the battles of Dardanelles on March 18th. Please say a prayer for the dead of both sides, if you would.


Charlie Wilson

IZ is right. If it can't bite them they will have sex with it. pl


Elliot Spitzer had to leave public life after he was found to be using the services of a female escort. I am very curious to see if Gillum faces the same type of consequences after being found with a male escort, with crystal meth thrown in the mix to boot. Something tells me the "homophobia" card could come into play.

Barbara Ann

This Pashtun saying is grimly amusing. I imagine the word "love" is either intended to be deliberately darkly humorous in the original, or is a Western romanticism of the real meaning. Anyhow, it reminds me of a well-known FFL camel joke. I will link to it to save space.



Interesting article. "If I were an Afghan peasant and the only way to stop Pashtun perverts from doing that to my son was to empower the Taliban, I would welcome the Taliban. Wouldn’t you?"

Yup. Ending the opium trade & child rape are 2 pretty big pluses IFO the Taliban. But then their unalloyed evil was always a convenient artifice, of course.

Charlie Wilson

My suggestion was made in jest. But now I am even more perplexed. I was brought up to revere our fighting soldier. But now it seems like these queers not only donkey punched the Soviets but also beat us like a red headed step child. Perhaps we should raise a few divisions of the LGBT crowd and a few companies of Catholic priests.


Charlie Wilson

you might fit right in.

Barbara Ann

Charlie Wilson

A good portion of the Colonel's writings here concern the importance of not conflating moral virtue (from our POV) with military virtue. A line of Kipling encapsulates the lesson for me:

You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man

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