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08 March 2020


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Keith Harbaugh

What bothers and surprises me is the acceptance that somehow a necessary condition for preventing the invasion of Europe and the destruction/elimination of its historic culture is some action by the Turks.
If Greece is unwilling or unable to police its borders, then responsibility falls upon the final destination nations of north and central Europe.
What we have now is a vast overreaction to what the Nazis did.
To bad the Germans no longer subscribe to the sentiment expressed in the first minute here:

Keith Harbaugb

I should have added that the text is item 5 here:

Willy B

I seem to recall that post-Arab Spring Tunisia was one of the larger sources of foreign terrorists that went to Syria to join ISIS. A colleague of mine, in a visit to Tunis, was astonished at the hate and vitriol he heard being preached in some of the mosques there.


Its just my opinion but I think that Turkey (with or without Erdogan) is the natural hegemon of the Muslim Middle-East together with Iran thanks to the Arab nations incompetence, all the Sunni Arab Gulf states are dependent of America and foreign workers to keep their countries protected and running. If this situation changes is game over for them.


A few time ago, an italian website published an actual beheading video from Tunisia. I saw a Christian boy being literally beheaded and martired for his Faith in Christ, he didn't even cry, he died ecstatically, his head was cut off but his face was shining: I cried.

Andrei Martyanov

"Full solidarity with Greece and Bulgaria, France is ready to contribute to European efforts to provide them with rapid assistance and protect borders."

Coming from French it is down right risible. France better look back at herself and her midget with Napoleonic complex Sarkozy who initiated a murderous campaign in Libya. It is really funny how France still thinks that she matters. Folie de Grandeur is a hard illness to treat.



France still has a permanent seat on the UN security council, an independent nuclear deterent force and its own space launch/satelite surveilance capability as well as an actually deployable military force (small though it might be). The later two being something the UK lacks. It is interesting that Macron's comments aren't making it into the news here.

Eric Newhill

I just read that the Turks are attacking Greek border guards with tear gas dropped from drones while hordes of Muslims - some of which are criminals released from Turkish prisons - cut through the border fence and invade.

IMO, The Greeks should open fire with live ammo on these people.

IMO, it's past time to kick Turkey out of NATO. Actually, it's past time to dissolve NATO and develop better relations with Russia, ties that bind. Then the US and Russia should do something about Turkey. Probably the Russians, as good Christians, should re-establish Constantinople and the Americans can have other sections. Return Western Turkey to the Armenians and...what the heck, give the Kurds a little of Southern Turkey....like it or not, it's going to come to that one of these days.

different clue

Greece is very willing to defend its own frontier against Erdogan's neo-Ottomaniac refugee-dumping. But Greece does not have the brute force power to do that all by itself. The big rich Luxury Lifestyle countries of "an Older Europe" ( in the deathless words of Ronald Dumsfeld) have a short time to decide whether to move enough qualified war-fighters and worthy weapons and supply systems to the Greek border to seal it off for real. If the Luxury Lifestyle countries of EUrope make it clear that they will never do so quickly enough to matter, then the Greek Government may well begin secret talks with all the other Balkan and near-Balkan governments to set up systems to speed all the unstoppable refugee floods all-the-way-through Balkan Europe and right straight into the heart of a Luxury Lifestyle EUrope which has refused and is still refusing to help Greece protect either itself or the Europe at whose frontier Greece is.


james, I've seen video posted online of the Turkish military forcing
refugees off buses & toward the Greek border, ditto Turks sending
drones dropping tear gas @ the border.

I agree the west has been extremely imprudent going back to W's invasion of Iraq, however the past may not be undone. The Turk's
behavior going forward since the destruction of Kobani has been
inexcusable & this madness has to stop @ some point, why not now?
What's the big fear, Turkey will get enveloped by Russia? Certainly not an ideal alternative for sure, however IMO opinion Russia may pose a lesser threat than a global jihad.

Andrei Martyanov

Fred, I am keenly aware of Frances actual military and economic strength. They are not that great, to put it mildly. Even in Sahel France is totally dependent on US ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Recon)complex. That tells you everything you need to know about REAL resources of the country. Nuclear deterrent doesn't factor in all that. I write about it here:


France tries to position herself as intermediary between the combined West and Russia, but even for this role she is not big enough.


Andrei Martyanov, Do you think Russia & the U.S have any common interests?

Andrei Martyanov


Do you think Russia & the U.S have any common interests?

Many, but they will not be allowed to be taken from declarations to actual policies in the United States. In fact, relations have been destroyed probably beyond repair for generations and US political class bears most of responsibility for this.

Keith Harbaugh

I have lived in the U.S. since the 1940s and have been following developments here since the 1950s.
What has driven policies and policy change here is Big Media, which in effect serves as George Orwell's "Ministry of Truth"
(witness their claims that the allegations, coming from John Solomon and Rudy Giuliani, concerning Joe Biden and Ukraine have been "debunked").

Examples of how Big Media, together with the foreign policy establishment, have influenced foreign policy are well-known.
Examples in social policy are equally numerous,
from the rise of feminism, to the current mainstreaming of gender Insanity, to the diminishment of such once dominant or important groups as whites, Christians, and the Boy Scouts.
It is Big.Media that has, IMO, been the principal driver of both our misguided foreign policies and these social changes.

Andrei Martyanov

Keith, I agree. US "main-stream" media are now also a clear and present danger to what remains of Republic. They ARE a real national security threat.

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