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27 February 2020


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آپ جیو ہزاروں سال
سال کے دن ہو پچاس ہزار

The Twisted Genius

Brigadier Ali,

Thank you for this wondrous gift. I consider myself blessed for the opportunity to read your writings and comments on this site over the years and have especially enjoyed exchanging comments from time to time.

Your own amazement at your longevity reminds me of my father. He turned ninety last year and is happily content with his life's journey. He enjoys the present with the family, but has finally decided to stop shoveling snow and maintaining an old house in northern Maine. We are relieved with his decision. He plans on moving into some arrangement where he no longer has to maintain the property, but he intends to cook for himself and continue fishing. I wish you the same joy and contentment in your remaining years.

Note to all: I easily accessed Brigadier Ali's site by manually pasting the URL into a browser window. Just clicking on the URL didn't work for me. To move around the site, I had to log into my google account which is no problem to anyone with a gmail address.

The Beaver

Happy Birthday Brigadier Ali

Diana Croissant

Thank you! I am not 90. I am "only" 71. I never thought I would live as long as I have. My wonderful parents both died younger than I am now: my mother at 58 (genetic heart condition), and my father at 69 (also an inherited heart problem).

I was at least lucky to have a wonderful grandmother (my mother's mother) live to the age of 99. I often drove 60 miles after work just to visit her in the "home." I was at one time working one full-time and two part-time jobs. I just needed to have someone treat me like a special "little girl."

I miss them all terribly.

I am sure your family must feel blessed to have you.

Since I am now legally blind, I live in a "senior" community where I can get driving service. Would you believe that the woman who lives across the hall from me is now 106?

We feel blessed to have her. When she is able to come out of her apartment, she is all smiles. A coffee and pastry shop in town is named after her and is operated by her family.

You post is important just to make sure people understand that Mr. Bloomberg must be a nasty, mean-spirited person to say you should now not receive medical care if you need it.

jon stanley

my best wishes to you sir!

Barbara Ann

Brigadier Ali

Congratulations on outliving your legacy, it is a goal to which all of us aspire, yet few of us achieve. I look forward to perusing your site.


Brigadier Ali,

Congratulations. Wisdom, and fitness I hope for a long time to come.

I live in a country, France, whose Constitution is secular. The accepted practice is that politics and opinions are public, but religion is a private matter and must remain so. That seems to me to be a very wise point of view. From time to time, rarely, I think of God: he is a black woman, beautiful, in our image, of course.

So unsurprisingly, I highly value your beliefs. I particularly remember:
"I can understand why humans, at different stages of their lives, feel the need for conjuring up such an entity [supernatural Being], but that doesn't provide proof of its existence."
And "In fact, I have come to the conclusion that this Being may well be a human construct."

Real luck probably worked in your favor.But you're too modest. There's an old saying back home that says, "Luck is only given to those who deserve it." Cheer up. Haut les cœurs.


Dianna Croissant

I had cataract surgery in December and my vision is much improved. Any chance that would help?


You are as yet a young man. Or at least you think like one.


Brigadier Ali,

Your paper on the Treaty of Al Hudaybiya was one of the first things that I read on here years ago, it stuck with me ever since and any comments or submissions I see from you are full of the same insight and wisdom. I would have never guessed your age and feel honored to be your contemporary in this truly unique community of ours. Wishing you many more long and fruitful years.


Happy Birthday Brigadier Ali. Thank you for the insights and I hope we can see more in the futre.



Try the links on the header of the Brigadier's site, those worked for me.


Thank you for this update, Brigadier Ali,

I have missed your comments and reflections over the past several years.
Be well,


Brigadier Ali,
Best Wishes on your birthday.
I always enjoy your contributions
to this Committee of Correspondence.


Best wishes Brigadier Ali. I have appreciated your contributions here at SST and learned much from them.

You’re just a few years older than me. As I fade into the sunset I’m grateful to the great blessings in my life and pleased that my family’s affairs including our ranch passed on by my grandpa is now firmly in the hands of the next generations.

Sans Racines

Dear Brigadier Ali, Happy Birthday - and I wish you many more!

Ishmael Zechariah

Brigadier Ali,
Happy Birthday. Many happy returns.
Ishmael Zechariah
P.s: Today is not a happy day for us at TSK; we lost quite a few soldiers through the stupidity of tayyip-the-klept. Reality has a way of winning, sooner or later.

The Beaver

Mr Zechariah

I am seeing that it is between 50 to 79 soldiers - poor chaps !

Ingolf Eide


Out of curiosity I tried the site with Opera, a browser I hardly ever use. No problem, no need for a Google sign in, just straight to the site's homepage.

For anyone who does have any difficulties, TTG's is probably the best answer; just copy the URL and paste it into your browser.

Ingolf Eide

And, of course, Happy Birthday Brig Ali . . . may there be many more to come.


The Twisted Genius


I hear ya. To keep your Google footprint to a minimum, I suggest establishing a gmail account through the Google web page after going through a Tor anonymizer or using a library computer. Don't use your real name and don't give any other information for recovery. Don't use the email account for anything but logging into the rare site you may want to visit. And, of course never log in for a Google search. Unless you are philosophically dead set against using anything Google, this is worth doing to see Brigadier Ali's site.

Ali O

Brigadier sb,

Best wishes on your birthday. Having read your book and your writings on this site, I consider myself privileged to have been exposed to your wonderful writing. God bless you.

A well-wisher from Pakistan

Lord Curzon

Many happy returns of the day, Sir! A toast to many more years to come with a peg of Scotland’s finest.

David Habakkuk

Congratulations Brigadier Ali, and thanks for improving my understanding with lucid and fair-minded commentary on which my knowledge and experience are very limited, over the years.

I will explore your site with interest.


Happy Birthday Brigadier, may all your days be full of sunshine and the smiling faces of loved ones.

Again, Many Happy Birthdays to you.


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