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30 October 2019


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Add to the curious terminology used by the guy setting up the Trump Tower meeting with the female lawyer who promised dirt on Clinton - he described her as the "Crown Prosecutor" for Russia (no such thing)- more likely also on M16's payroll working in cahoots with Brennan and the CIA?


I'm not sure if LJ is presenting anything new here on Sater, though it's damning enough to merit a refresh. I suppose many reading this for the second time will, as I do, feel impatient that this has been out there for some time, and nothing official has yet come of it, from Horowitz or Durham. Perhaps that impatience is fuelled by what appears to be a repeat performance using the same comic-opera playbill, this time with Ukraine. I recognize that the wheels of justice grind slowly; the Borg can manufacture these colour-tempests much more quickly, and so continue to control the news cycles (in addition to controlling the news).

Honestly, the more that emerges, the more I wonder under what inducements Mueller consented to figurehead this steaming heap of offal. (The rest of the gang at least had the excuse of assuming Clinton would win, but Mueller agrees to step into it, through the tainted subterfuge of Comey's no less, once Trump was already elected.)

Nor is it easy to maintain confidence in Barr through the rumbling over his role in Iran Contra, the family connections with the CIA, with its attendant opportunities to develop kompromat to hold over the family. Then there's Horowitz's reputation for playing softball...

And then there's Ukraine. I know PL has just stressed the impropriety of a uniformed officer detailed to the NSC doing what he's done--because he disagrees with the President's policy on Eastern Europe, by his own admission, which includes urging Zelensky to investigate those allied with the Borg in Ukraine for attempting to influence the outcome of the election in favour of Clinton.

A shame Trump couldn't just leave the Biden investigation to the professionals, but then maybe he's having trouble trusting his subordinates. Wonder why.


Shame on the FBI for many failings in their handling of the Steele report. Of course the Agents responsible for evaluating the report knew that Sater was an informant or asset; but the report reeks of bullshit anyway.
"Speaking to a trusted compatriot in June 2016 sources A and B, a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure and a former top level Russian intelligence officer still active inside the Kremlin respectively,.." "Trusted compatriot... sources A and B... senior...figure... former...(but) still active..." what does this nonsense even mean? Specifics? To use the word specifics to describe what is being put on offer is a joke. Those specifics wouldn't serve to predicate a FISC wire on Joe Shit the Ragman let alone a candidate for President of the United States.
There should have been no action taken on Steele's offerings absent Steele's fully identifying every source cited in his document, the precise circumstances surrounding their receipt of the information, the precise circumstances of Steele's receipt of the information from the so called sources, and either access to the sources themselves or. damn good reason why not.
The Agents not pinning this guy down knowing that he was a paid political operative doing Oppo research makes the whole thing truly shocking. It's going to be very telling if and when the files come out that were used to administer the handling not only of Sater but also Steele.



The "professionals" ensured the Burisma investigation was closed by the prior Ukraine government. By all means cover up corruption at the top of the Obama administration. Kompromat would never happen there. BTW I wonder if Pussy Riot will be joining the band of the same name at their next concert?

ex PFC Chuck

Although he may be a pariah to some who hang out here, during a recent interview with Joe Rogan Edward Snowden offered some intriguing views of the Borg/Deep State from his experience and perspective. He sees it as a conglomeration of interest groups inside and outside of the government who have interests that sometimes compete and sometimes cooperate. The video is over 2 hours long, and it's almost all Snowden talking and very little of Rogan.


Wasn't Slaters trusted confident next to Putin in fact a 1-800 number that dialed the Kremlin's front desk?


Is it normal procedure to edit phone call memos?

National security official tells Congress he tried to add edits to White House memo about Trump Ukraine call

The proposed edits of the call were to include Trump mentioning possible recordings of Joe Biden discussing corruption in Ukraine and Ukraine’s president mentioning the Burisma gas company specifically.



Sergei Skripal to Pablo Miller to Chris Steele maybe more infamous than Tinkers to Evers to Chance; right up there with "Bonehead" Merkel.
Baseball humour aside, LJ have you any insight to offer on the relationship of Skripal and his handler Miller to the Steele dossier or am I just inventing convenient gossamers?


Precisely. The FISA court judge's judgment and propriety are damned in this analysis as it should be.


I grew up thinking the FBI and the CIA were there to protect this country and their loyalty was unquestioned. Now since obama put in minions I have to question many things about this bunch. That hurts a lot. Will we ever be able to trust them again or should they just be abolished and new protection put in place.



I have reached the conclusion that CIA and the FBI should be burned to the ground as menaces to the Republic and new agencies built with no place in them for old leaders.

jd hawkins

"I grew up thinking the FBI and the CIA were there to protect this country and their loyalty was unquestioned".

I felt the same way until....


What is burned down does not have to be replaced. New bureaucracies for old same job same managerial class same capture by the same people.


So should the institution of the FISA courts, which are a flat violation of, among other things, the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.


It started long before Obama, but I hate to sound conspiratorial.


The book "Legacy of Ashes" (author's historical assessment of of the CIA) would agree with you, prawnik.

Diana C

People of our age grew up in different times.

I hate to say it, and maybe it is my bias as a retired public school teacher: it started in what was considered "academia."

When I first began to teach, I felt moral values were shared by most people, except, of course, the criminal element.

Now the revolt against the Judaeo-Christian values that were shared even by non-practicing Christians as well as church going people have been corrupted completely by Marxism and radical feminism and other strange "isms" promoted in the universities now. Everything is taken as "relative" and so each person gets to judge his/her own behaviors according to his/her own value system.

With our "supposed" public servants, the values of their "institutional" leaders are followed.

I am still angry that Lois Lerner could have so many people working for the IRS who agreed with what she wanted them to do in targeting the Tea Party.

I am still angry that Fast and Furious has not been studied and that there is no outcry that it was even put into place--dumbest plan I ever heard of.

I could go on. I just know from dealing with today's young people that a large percentage of our young people are growing up with completely different moral values than those people our age were taught to follow.

As they often say....the breakdown of the family is at the root of many of our problems. And our public/government institutions have been a major force in causing that breakdown.


There are Christian values, they informed the creation of the USA.
Christianity is a heresy of, an anti-thesis of Judaism. Christians are heretics as far as righteous Jews are concerned … there is only one cure for heresy.
The claptrap about Judeo-Christian values as if they were some sort of value continuum extruded through time is just that, claptrap spewed by enemies of Christianity and the USA.

jd hawkins

Absolutely Great comment! Thank you.

jd hawkins

"... but I hate to sound conspiratorial".

That is exactly what the enemies of America want... for everyone [or most] to be afraid of being branded a "conspiracy theorist". Such an easy way for 'them' to win an argument/dispute, etc.



A police agency to investigate federal crimes is useful. Using the agency to investigate poitical enemies is a danger to the Republic.


Great info, Larry, and I hope you've gotten this to Devin Nunes. If not, make haste and do so!

Brennan is a communist ans should be charged with treason along with his little cabal engaged in the coup.


Being a political enemy is a federal crime today. Just ask the President.
The USA does not need covert ops during peace time. So peace is unnecessary and we will have covert ops and GWOT. A war declared against a tactic practiced in every nation and during every era. There is always someone some idea some credo to fear and thus to terrorize. Republicanism ( the political model not the current political party) and freedom of thought and speech and individual rewards based on individual efforts are such weak ideas that a communitarian belief set in Vietnam could cause the dominos of freedom to topple all the way to London. And yet go to Vietnam today and it is Capitalism from bottom to top. Ah fear it does pay the bills for the most expensive military and helper agencies in the world.

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