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15 August 2019


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I suppose Mr. Charles Schmitz is very good, reasons well and his information is relevant. But perfection is not of this world: Middle East Institute Visionary Award, 2016, "Syria Civil Defense", "The White Helmets".
Note: author is not named other than by "Syria Civil Defense". "The White Helmets" is the subject who made him award the prize.

Visionary? Shortsighted. Should hold their spyglass like Nelson: upside down and on his dead eye.

Waleed Ahmed MohammedSon

Big wrong for awareness what is and what was in sana'a, Sadah, sea Ports in red sea and in also, Zaydi Shi‘i mean authority of Egypt and Iraq not all true in earth there.

Waleed Ahmed MohammedSon

Zaydi Shi‘i, mean athrouty of Egypt and Iraq not true in earth there

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