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03 July 2019


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OK, I thought this was great and then you got to a John Hiatt reference. You Win!!

Jim Ticehurst

Fred...With an American Made Beer in Hand Salute"...very Well Done...Makes Me want to Drive My Chevy to the Levee..Fill it Up...and Eat American Pie....Happy Independence Day..and Fourth Everyone... Im Putting Out Our Besty Ross Flag.

Barbara Ann

Fred, you are clearly nuts, like all the best people. Happy 4th to you.

Larry Johnson

Okay Fred, I give up. What does your piece mean? Entertaining and bizarre.



I like the esoteric meaning of the coconut drinks. Most people would miss the reference to "Moon Over Parador."



Too many Puna's are always bad for one's health.



Have a great weekend.

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