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27 July 2019


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blue peacock

Col. Lang

This is how the City Council of Berkeley spends their time. On identity politics rather than solve pressing issues like the vast homeless encampments or the poor quality of roads and other infrastructure.


Then of course to burnish their "green" credentials they have voted to ban natural gas.



will they also stop spending 1 dollar bills?


We will have to replace him with someone more suitable to the times. It seems appropriate to ask the question "Shall Trayvon Martin Have a Statue". It took the British 200 years to erect one to Cromwell. We surely shouldn't wait that long, expecially since we know just whose lives we value and who should now be our children's true roll model. I started to write a post to that effect, but never quit got past the writers block.

Seamus Padraig

Pretty sad. Here's an ex-Lefty's (Diana Johnstone) take on it: https://www.unz.com/article/the-san-francisco-murals-and-the-suicide-of-the-left/


You can have Che, DC; no more of this 'Washington DC' rubbish.

However, that's only the start when it comes to renaming things, because there is much more to be expunged in the name of progressiveness.
I suggest that a certain A. Ocasio-Cortez should dispense with the name of a degenerate Spanish mass murdering imperialist and rename herself A. Ocasio-Mandela or even A. Ocasio-Luther-King.
That would make a bold statement that she rejects all notions of colonialism, plus would add to her credibility in ways undreamed of.


Not only has the school board voted to destroy, not cover, destroy the paintings in question but the president of the school board and other progressives want to change the school's name altogether, my alma mater.
I doubt that the students there were interested/noticed/traumatized by the paintings on the wall, high school kids have other things to worry about. This is coming from the parents of a small minority of aggrieved progressives.
I am still frustrated and baffled by the fact that they can't seem to see the implications of destroying art. Totalitarians destroy art, but I guess I'm just not sensitive enough to plights of the youth of today.
They may not be an Orozco or Rivera but they are beautiful and I enjoyed seeing them throughout high school.


Here's some info about Pres. George among the Indians. He offered them a deal they couldn't refuse..


Eric Newhill

Washington was a maternal relative. A great uncle X I forget how many generations. His mother, Mary Ball, was produced by my direct ancestors (my mother's maiden name was Ball). The Ball family owned slaves too. When I was a boy my grandfather's land near Weems, VA still had falling down shacks that I was told used to be slave quarters. I guess I am the fruit of an evil tree and should be erased too? Or perhaps turned into a slave who's remaining life work will be to solely to earn money to pay restitution. Of course I work for an evil capitalist healthcare insurance company. So I don't know if anyone would take my tainted money and I will be unemployed anyhow if one of the lefties wins the election and his or her way. Thus I think I should just be shot after suffering re-educated on the People's Potato Farm.

No! I'm not a liberal. I don't hate myself and my culture. Screw these people. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile - and they're crazy power seekers. I won't allow anyone to be my slave and. Since I count as much as anyone else, I refuse to be anyone's slave; even if the chains are to be made of guilt and fear instead of iron.

The mural should stay on principle alone.

different clue

I first read about this over at the Naked Capitalism blog. The operating consensus among the bloggers and commenters came to "leave the mural undisturbed".

Most people noted that it was not even an "aggrieved" group of parents and/or students who complained about the mural. It was the power-mad school board all on its own, deciding this just to show they have the power to do so.

A lot of commenters compared the San Francisco School Board to Nazi Book Burners, and in spirit that is exactly correct. A lot of commenters considered this vote to BookBurn the mural to be evil in principle, and also a sinister attack on our New Deal Era heritage of public art works in public places.

When viewed from up close, there are several lefts. There is the Western Orthodox Church of Marx Communist left and its many sects, branches and offshoots. Among the non-Marxist remains, there is a relatively small almost vestigial PE ( Political Economy) left which Sanders represents. And there is a relatively large, overbearing and dominant COW ( Coalition Of Wokeness) left represented by the college-campus type Social Justice Warriors
and represented in Democratic Primary 2016 by Clinton.

Sanders and a few lonely others are trying to bring a PE left back into relevant existence. The SJWs and Clinton and etc. are trying to make the COW left the only left left. An early debate between Sanders and Clinton illustrated that oppositional divide perfectly. I don't have the computer capability at this machine to call up a recording of that debate but I remember it well enough to paraphrase the exchange. Sanders said something like " we need to break up the Big Banks, Glass them and Steagall them and restore the New Deal era control we had over them to prevent them from creating yet another Crash of 2008 all over again." And Clinton said something like "if we do that it would not do a THING about RAY! sizzum!"

John Merryman

Sadly, not every acorn gets to be an oak tree. Sooner or later, humanity is going to have to come to terms with reality.

The fact is the Native Americans were screwed over far worse than the African Americans. Without slavery they would be a far smaller percentage of the population. I guess it's like being the child of a rape. If it hadn't happened, it's doubtful there would be more Africans today, so the benefits far outweigh the negatives.


"An example is the bit that shows Washington sending colonials to the West to settle the land over the bodies of slain aboriginals. Someone provide me a citation for G. Washington having created a program for that."

Washington couldn't stop the indigenous nations resisting the invasion of their lands so allowed the settler militias/rangers to terrorise a region so the land could be annexed and sold to settlers. The sale of this confiscated land was a primary source of revenue for the new government. See The First Way of War: American War Making on the Frontier, 1607-1814 by John Grenier. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.



how about A. Ocasio-Castro? Or A. Ocasio-Lenin?


I am genuinely curious, and the linked Wikipedia article did not have much of an explanation: What was the specific motivation of so many blacks to assume the name "Washington"? To signal US patriotism in a general sense as a freed slave because George Washington was the founder of the nation, even though he owned slaves?

Seems like the freed slaves in the 19th century understood much better than the woke SJWs of today that you cannot judge the actions of historical figures based on moral standards and conventions of today.



there you go. What should we call DC?


Reagan DC, like the airport? ( technically , it’s Washington Reagan airport, but that’s not common usage).


Sounds like Millenbeck on the Corrotoman? The Northern Neck: God's country!

'Birthplace of Mary Ball Washington.' By Paula S. Felder for the Freelance Star. Feb. 23, 2009.


Jim Ticehurst

Col...It all sounds like tings I Read in a Manifesto ..That defines Progressive..

Bill H

While other cities in California are converting their buses and garbage trucks to burn natural gas.


My concern is that some crazed leftist will firebomb Mt Vernon.

Eric Newhill

Very close to Millenbeck. As a child and teenager, I spent my summers in Lancaster County. My mother and my Aunt were good friends with the Stephens, who owned the Tides Inn. We had a lot of family and multi-generational friends there. Good times water skiing, sailing and crabbing. My Aunt donated a lot of money to the Mary Ball Washington Museum and helped get the place looking good. There used to be a family tree in the museums foyer with her and my mother's name included on a branch. My name is supposed to have been to it, but I never checked to see if it happened. If you ever look, it would be the Armenian name (I used a nom de internet here). The last time I was there, in 2012, for a funeral, I was going to look, but for some reason ultimately didn't. All of that family are resting now around the cove at Christ Church, where I will too when it's my time.

My brother and I inherited a piece of land right on the river, but it couldn't be developed due to some strict ordinances pertaining to drainage (perking - sp?). So we sold it to my Aunt, who owned a piece right behind us. She built a nice house there that my cousins, I think, still own and use as a winter get away.

Babak Makkinejad

The Prophet and Imam Ali owned slaves.

Conveniently forgotten presently.

Bill Wade

and, more recently, there was Pol Pot. Please, let's un-PC ourselves and get back to normalcy.


My parent's ashes are buried at Christ Church. Did you know that in the last twenty-five years or so some remarkable things have been happening at 'Historic Christ Church.' There is now a museum. It is very well done and there are historic lectures and enthusiastic support from a lot of folks. They are putting Christ Church on the map. It was always there, of course, a sleeper in a quiet and very pleasant river town of Virginia, but the church is, in my view, one of the finest examples of colonial architecture on the east coast of the US that still is standing.

It can be found on Wikipedia as Christ Church (Lancaster County) Virginia.


Also on google: Historic Christ Church and Museum, located in Weems, VA. I am having trouble linking items. If it fails, please just use google.


Antoinetta III

Swampland, USA

Antoinetta III

different clue

And it was these same Culture Revolutionaries who invented the Metric System of Measure in order to destroy all traces of traditional measuring culture. Those people who demand that America go "metric" should remember that about where "metric" came from.

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