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01 February 2018


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I like the film, but then I have had a few caipirinhas. pl



I think it would go well with a pisco sour too.


In the absence of cachaça, vodka can be used, making a caipiroska.


As an outsider it’s not easy to assess the position of Americans commentating on events but the impression I’ve been used to having regarding Judge Napolitano’s articles has been stressed by the linked article:


Perhaps the tumbrils (the carts carrying prisoners) are likely to be rolling soon for the “guardians” of the public interest?

Peter VE

That memo is causing a lot of stress in a lot of households.
Fred, we have been in between friends who could agree on everything except where Pisco should be from. One from Peru, one from Chile... Evidently, it was finally settled in the past couple years in the World Intellectual Property Organization in favor of Peru. Be careful how you refer to Pisco in future. Finally revenge for the land lost in the War of the Pacific!
Too bad we can't settle all our differences by overpaying a set of lawyers.

Account Deleted

It seems Fred has secretly altered the link before releasing it (SOP these days) but I am happy to provide the original:


Thanks Fred for bringing a smile to my face this moonlit Friday morning.


Barbara Ann,


James, should be fixed now, if now Barbara Ann's goes to the same news article.


Well at least we are still Stronger Together - and we have someone in the executive mansion who looks stunning in a white pants suit.

It is absolutely not true, in fact, down right false--she looks stunning not only in a white pants suit but in anything she wears. She would make a burlap potato sack look good (I Love Lucy episode with fashion comes to mind). Bourbon and cigar await. Could be really interesting today.


Perhaps the tumbrils (the carts carrying prisoners) are likely to be rolling soon for the “guardians” of the public interest?

Desirable, but I have my doubts, albeit my "expertise" in this issue is near zero. As much as I deplore GOP (most of it anyway), the Democratic Party and what it stands for is down right clear and present danger not only to the US, since dems practically instigated slow moving Coup D'Etat and a set of suicidal cultural policies, but to the world as a whole. Dem Party became the receptacle for the most odious neocons, liberal interventionists, R2Pers--in general, people who start wars. Old left has been practically erased from the US politics (I don't by Bernie--he is as phony as they come) and without it what we get is radical feminism, LGBTQRESTMN whatever else, and a complete collapse of even pretense of acceptable race relations. In general, starting from Clinton, with 8 year insert of W, and ending with Obama--in all 16 years in Office, Democrats contributed disproportionately to the demise of this country. In fact, we are still in a research phase for the assessment of the real damage. I can tell only one thing--it is vast.

Lee A. Arnold

If the Deep State wants to protect the military-industrial complex's profits by increased defense spending and greater military presence in every theatre, why don't they love Trump? He's the Deep State on steroids.

Why would conservative Republicans prefer Hillary? She would never sign the biggest tax cuts to the 1% in history, and she would never agree to cut healthcare, Medicaid, Medicare, etc. Trump worships the free market.

Something doesn't add up in the basic motivations of the conservative Republicans in FBI, CIA and intel agencies who are supposed to be the Deep State.



"Why would conservative Republicans prefer Hillary?" Republicans wouldn't prefer Hilary? No s*$t.

"the basic motivations of the conservative Republicans in FBI, CIA and intel agencies who are supposed to be the Deep State."
Here's a thing called "evidence":
Andy McCabe, Deputy Director Federa Bureau of Investigation. Spouse - Jill McCabe. Candidate for a Virginia State Senate seat. Political affiliation.........not republican. Top donors:
$467,000 from Common Good VA from the VPAP.org comments
"Common Good VA ..... Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe set up this committee in March 2014 to raise political donations during his four year term"
$207,788 from Democratic Party - Now there's a conservative Republican organization if there ever was one.
$168,675 from Planned Parenthood. Ditto.


Why don't you go troll elsewhere.


So the draft dodger is a "street fighter" and the US Marine Corps combat infantry officers is a "the buttoned-down Brahmin" and CNN is a Hillary mouthpiece. Right.

Sid Finster

You are confusing Candidate Trump with President Trump.

Candidate Trump went well out of his way to annoy and oppose the Deep State and its imperial adventures.

President Trump appears to take the position that if he gives the Deep State all the money and wars that they want, they will allow him to remain in office, albeit not in power.

Lee A. Arnold

Comey's a Republican, Rosenstein's a Republican, Mueller's a Republican, Wray's a Republican. By most guesses, 70% of the FBI & the CIA & the FISA judges are all Republican. You are telling us that McCabe (and Strzok, who seems to hate everybody, not just Trump) were successful in snookering all of them?


Dry snark with a twist... very tasty... thanks Fred :)



Who are you addressing? "US Marine Corps combat infantry officers ...." which ones are these?



No. I'm telling you the men and women you mentioned showed no fidelity to their duty to the Republic.


Lee A. Arnold #11, strictly I consider both 'the deep state' and 'the Borg' as metaphors.

Why would conservative Republicans prefer Hillary?

Irony alert, and strictly babbling mode: They dislike his roughing up/stirring up polite communicative patterns people are accustomed to.

Both the arts and marketing use that tool.


Lee A Arnold

No, they are Republicans of the "never Trump" crowd and willing to go along with it. pl


Doesn't matter who's Republican and who's Democratic...As Justin Raimondo always reminds us, they're all part of the War Party. Trump was *allegedly* against war while campaigning at least. Of course, that proved as fake as everything else about him.

I see that some members of the media, in a panic over The Memo, are now suggesting that Nunes has been "compromised by the Russians." LOL These people are really losing it.

From Mercouris' piece yesterday:


This bizarre exchange between MSNBC panelist John Heilemann and Democrat Senator Chris Murphy has to be seen to be believed

Heilemann: Is it possible that the Republican chairman of the House Intel Committee has been compromised by the Russians? Is it possible that we actually have a Russian agent running the House Intel Committee on the Republican side?

Murphy: I-I-I-I hope that’s not the case. I certainly have no information to suggest that it is.

Heilemann: Doesn’t his behavior speak of that, though? I mean, I’m not the first person who’s raised this. He’s behaving like someone who’s been compromised, and there are people in the intelligence community and others with great expertise in this area who look at him and say, ‘That guy’s been compromised.

End Quote

Lee A. Arnold

But what is it about the "never Trump" Republicans? All through 2016 I figured that if Trump was elected he would turn into a bog-standard Republican. (or swamp-standard) He would have Wall Street economic policy & he would continue foreign policy as usual. He doesn't know anything, so what else could he do? Anybody should have been able to predict this. I think I even wrote it in comments here.


Lee A Arnold

None of your expectations were realized. perhaps you are just a snob of the standard Democratic variety. pl

Lee A. Arnold

I'm not a Democrat, but I am a snob far above the standard variety.

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