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25 September 2017


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John Minnerath

Good stuff TTG.
When I was at Training Group in '62 some guys from the 10th passed through.
Us young kids thought they walked on water.

ex-PFC Chuck

Thanks, TTG. I just put in a request for my public library to buy the book.

I especially liked your last, one sentence paragraph, since the sentiment expressed is exactly what I was thinking as I read the paragraph above it.


Thanks TTG -

Our local library does not have it, so I put in a request for them to get a copy. But maybe I should buy my own and stop being such a cheapo.

Le Renard Subtil

Thanks for the insight. The author recently appeared in a forum on CSPAN to discuss his experiences along with details from the book. Searched in my library book-sharing database with no luck, however after this recommendation, I will be sure to purchase this one ASAP.

The Twisted Genius

Le Renard Subtil,

I linked to that CSPAN talk. Click on the phrase where I mentioned the "Daniel Morgan Academy Graduate School" or just use the link below.



thanks a lot, TTG.

Concerning the "Renard Subtil", one of my mental meandering questions while reading Murphy's article, was: Did the French have no Special Forces in Berlin?

Anyway one point, I hate to nitpick. No Berlin mayor was ever kidnapped by RAF. But yes while he wasn't a candidate and wasn't really kidnapped by RAF, but the 2 June Movement. The demand definitively was the release of RAF members. That's why hate to nitpick, but do now nevertheless.*


* vaguely having Syria in mind.


With the utmost respect I shall 'pass the salt on this one' & remember my experiences of my six tours during a real 'Dirty War' that I took part in that lasted a lifetime & took the lives of 763 of my comrades, 319 Policemen & 1841 civilians.

I guess it counts for something if you had 'skin in the game'.

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