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27 July 2017


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"HISTORY. This year's pilgrimage to the site of the Romanovs' murder in Yekaterinburg. "

I object most strongly to the term "murder" applied to the former Russian Czar Nicholas II and his family. They were executed in accordance to the decision of the local Yekaterinburg Soviet. After the October Revolution the authority in the former Russian empire fell to the local Councils ("Soviets"), which were often totally independent from Moscow. Nevertheless, the decision to execute the family of the former Czar adopted by them was totally in line with the notion of the State having the sole right to execute violence, and, thus, could not be possibly called a murder.

"The Iraqi VP in Moscow said a Russian presence in Iraq would bring balance to the whole region"

Hey, how about not mince words and say out loud this particular vice-PM name? Cuz it's none other than a bloody murtad Nuri al-Maliki! He was Iraqi PM for 8 years from 2006 to 2014, and he spent this time to raise the corruption and nepotism there up to the stratosphere (totally supported by the US!), enriching himself, his immediate family and chosen Shia potentates at the expense of the Sunnis. The end result was that otherwise ordinary Iraqis who differ from the rest of the populace only in theological matters did welcome the coming of ISIS and supported it wholeheartedly. His punishment? Why, he was only demoted to the title of the vice-PM. Now, after laying all the groundwork for the ISIS to happen in the first place, he flies from one country to another, shakes hands and calls for greater support of Iraq in its fight against the terrorists.

And his career before he became a PM, well, that's another tale entirely - but no less entertaining!

"SAAKASHVILI. Has been stripped of Ukrainian citizenship; he's lost Georgian already so he's a refugee I suppose."

Which happened to him while he was away touring USA. Something tells me, he will find employment and residence permit pretty soon-ish

Patrick Armstrong

Legal or not at the time, they're now seen as martyrs.
All you say about Maliki shows that he knows which way the cat is about to jump.
I'm sure Sack will be looked after.


Russia selling S-400 to Turkey surprising ? Not so much,S-500 seems to be totally new, not an upgraded version of S-400. So selling old S-400 could be a good sheme to fund S-500 program.And I pretty sure that Russian have more than on way to neutralize them if neccesary.


And to complete
GDP growth rate forecast 2017 : 2%.
" Breaking " russian economy was a dream.


"Legal or not at the time, they're now seen as martyrs."

First of all - not y everyone. Second - even so called "martyrs" (understood broadly) could be legitimally executed. Therefore the incorrectness in the use of the term "murder". Not everyone "murdered" enters the ranks of "martyrs".

"All you say about Maliki shows that he knows which way the cat is about to jump."

Doesn't change that his still a bloody taghut, murtad and mushrik! ;)

Ishmael Zechariah

Turkey has more pressing issues than those solvable by S-400 systems. This whole discussion might have been part of a mating dance by tayyip.
Ishmael Zechariah
P.s: The possibility of remotely activated kill switches, or ICs w/ backdoors are not mysteries, even to the Turks.

Seamus Padraig

Russia flipping Turkey and Iran flipping Qatar were major diplomatic coups. What's more, they probably just made more war in the region a lot less likely. The Russians and the Iranians have done our countries as well as their countries a great a service -- yet see how the MSM in the West treat them!


To me it looks like the Borg finally (sooner that I thought and faster than WG) got the better of this White House, the just coming out news of open and now a very public infighting by president's closest aids/advisors, accusing each other of leaking is not a good news or a good management by this president. His chief of staff openly fighting with Communication advisor calling each other names, AG in limbo, SOS limbering and the NSC guy not happy, and the president on twit with his only loyal media support Hannity don't seem to be too promising.



IMO Derek Harvey is a worthless egotist self promoter. pl


Great summary! Many thanks for assembling and publishing it..


Colonel Thank you for your reply, I don't know much about any of these guys, I am just looking at overall general situation and comparing it with i have seen in past. IMO this White House has much less integrity than what I had seen ever since WG, as a businessman I expected Trump to manage his staff much more tightly and better. I trust your opinion on this matters better than any that comes out of the MSM or other sites, that is the reason I am here. thank you for your insight.


Kooshy -
Seems like instantaneous comms of our modern age aren't always a good thing. At least old interoffice memos had to be typed and then sent, and allowed one time to think - not so much these days. People had to find a phone and privacy to speak about quiet matters - today the phone is a recording and broadcasting device and part of most peoples silhouette.

I got no idea about what is going on in the big white house, but to outsiders, it seems like the USA has a military faction, a spook faction, a state department that lies about everything and a president who spends a lot of his time alone with his phone. At least this was suggested to me by several friends from several countries recently (agglomerated here). That would explain a lot of the current rash of strange decisions and actions.

And now congress has (almost unanimously) decided to poke both the Bear and the Prez with a pointy and not-likely-to-be-legal bill heading for his desk. They can't fix Obamacare, can't balance a budget, but they sure as hell can do things that will aggravate the rest of the world. And we actually pay them for this service...


Colonel, BTW this Mucci guy the new WH communication director, reminds me of this young smart Jewish American businessmen (then mostly came west from NY) who once crowded the famous Drexel Burnham Lambert junk bond financial firm, headed by Michel Milken whom my firm use to print for, back in 80’s. They all thought since they made a lot of money, fast overnight they are entitled to say, demand, do and treat anybody anyway they want, arrogant costal wasps they were.


Agreed. The Tsar was a blood-soaked parasite. The revolution in 1905 didn't just happen, it was triggered by a massacre of workers petitioning little Nicky. It's pathetic to see people embrace such wretched idols, they're like drunks who have find some form of intoxication and are willing to drink floor cleaner to get it. It's a shame that Putin, apparently out of desperation to legitimize his regime, supports their high.


The spice must flow.


Weakness in the presidency only matters if an alternative emerges. As long as all the mdia is focused on him, Trump is still in control. That is how he got to be president. It doesn't matter ho negative the coverage is as long lo as no one else can get coverage.

Peter AU

Erdogan seems to be heading for the multi power world. He may need a decent SAM system to keep the empire at bay.
Putin made a statement several weeks ago that the deal was signed off. Financials still have to be worked out apparently, so I guess this will be a carrot on a stick that Erdo will follow.


" It's a shame that Putin, apparently out of desperation to legitimize his regime, supports their high."

Why do you think that Putin:

a) is desperate?

b) needs any kind of "legitimization" for his "regime"?

Personal qualities of (former) czar Nicholas II notwithstanding, the point I'm making here is that he was NOT murdered. He was executed.


Meanwhile, Mikheil "Mikho" Saakashvili entertained the, ha-ha, good people from the CNN and their viewership by tales of the Ukrainian meddling in the elections (https://www.facebook.com/SaakashviliMikheil/videos/vb.260603653970023/1634202029943505/?type=2&theater). When you've become stateless overnight - miracles happen to your memory and conscience.

CNN does not disappoint - they lie even in small things (e.g. - the caption says that Saakashvili “went to war with Putin”, because, hey, who remembers Medvedev anyway?).


Did AIPAC write the Iran, Russia and lets add on North Korea to disguise it sanctions bill or are they just shepherding it? Certainly AIPAC like margins of support from the compliant politicians.

If the Russians are smart, and if Trump isn't smart enough to veto it, then they should retaliate with sanctions etc. against Israel. At some point they are going to have to step up and acknowledge who they are fighting, nice dividing measure too. Probably too early to advocate Trump get AIPAC to register as foreign agents, he has his hands full at the moment.


On Maliki ...

He was Iraqi PM for 8 years from 2006 to 2014, and he spent this time to raise the corruption and nepotism there up to the stratosphere (totally supported by the US!), enriching himself, his immediate family and chosen Shia potentates at the expense of the Sunnis. The end result was that otherwise ordinary Iraqis who differ from the rest of the populace only in theological matters did welcome the coming of ISIS and supported it wholeheartedly. His punishment?

Maliki was corrupt? Tell me, how do U.S. politicians finance their campaigns.

Maliki did not choose "Shia potentates at the expense of Sunnis." There were lots of Sunnis in his cabinet and administration. More than their share of the population would normally demand. Look up UN statistics about the GDP per person in Sunni governates versus several of the southern Shia governments. The Sunnis were better off. What you completely neglect is the financing of the Sunni "resistance" by Turkey and the Saudis. Al-Nujaifi, the former governor of Ninevah province, was one of the guys that was instigating Sunnis on behalf of his sponsors. Guys like him pushed ISIS, not Maliki.
Maliki had just been reelected by a good margin when the U.S., which intentionally let ISIS grow (said Obama), kicked him out.

The Beaver


The Mooch reminds me of Lewie Ranieri from Salomon Brothers (reference : Liar's Pocker by Michael Lewis)


good news, he's gone per Politico as of yesterday


Harvey: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/07/27/derek-harvey-trump-middle-east-adviser-dismissed-241037


@ LondonBob -

When, in recent decades, has AIPAC NOT been involved in crafting bills aimed at US international matters? This is either AIPAC tugging hard or else some massive internal IC blackmail for both arms of the US legislature to move in lock-step voting. There has been no escalation of Russian activities overt enough to merit this type of cross-party collusion in both houses of the US Congress. The American people DO NOT want this - we have other matters we are concerned with, and they have failed at that completely, courtesy of John McCain.

So what united nearly every congresscritter on this particular vote?? Gods be, but I wish I knew...

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