Most US media ignored, or perhaps spiked, the following story which appeared in the London Times on April 7, 2017 (
No wonder. This Times of London story outed Dr. Shajul Islam, the medical “star” of NBC-TV and other reports, as an accused jihadi. Dr. Islam had been on trial, with his brother, for a Syrian jihadi group’s kidnapping and beatings of two British journalists in 2012. The Islam frères were arrested in Britain, but the prosecution was terminated after the key witnesses—the two journalists—couldn’t appear to give evidence. One of the journalists was kidnapped again by jihadis after returning to the region to report on the Syrian war, and the other journalist was later killed in Libya. With the witnesses “unavailable,” charges against Dr. Islam ended in the UK.
Where is Dr. Islam now? In Syria, from where he’s been broadly featured on US TV, immediately after the alleged Syrian government chemical attack on Khan Sheikhoun, performing close-up examinations of victims of the chemical attack. Even now, almost two months later, Dr. Islam provides regular “updates” from jihadi Idlib, via Twitter and YouTube videos, on the so-called Assad government crimes against civilians
In the April 7th words of the Times of London:
“A British doctor who treated victims of the deadly nerve gas attack in northern Syria travelled back to the war zone after his trial on charges of kidnapping a British journalist collapsed and he was struck from the medical register.
“Shajul Islam, 31, posted a series of videos on Twitter showing victims being brought to the hospital in Idlib province where he now works. He has given interviews on the attack to global media outlets, including NBC News in the United States.
“Mr Islam went on trial in Britain in 2013 on terrorism charges, accused of belonging to a jihadist group that kidnapped John Cantlie, a British journalist who worked for newspapers including The Sunday Times, and Jeroen Oerlemans, a Dutch journalist. They were taken hostage shortly after crossing into Syria from Turkey and kept handcuffed and blindfolded for nine days.
“Mr Islam was described in court as a “committed jihadist” with significant ties to Britons wanted on terrorism charges. The trial against him, his brother Najul and a third man, Jubayer Chowdhury, collapsed when the prosecution was unable to call either of the kidnapped men.
“Mr Cantlie was unavailable because he had returned to Syria where he was kidnapped again and held by Islamic State. The last known western hostage held by the group, he has been forced to appear in a series of propaganda videos, most recently in Mosul, where an offensive against the group is under way. Mr Oerlemans, who refused to give evidence for fear that it would further endanger Mr Cantlie, was killed by a sniper in Libya last year.”
By the way, the London Times also reported that “In March last year, Mr Islam was struck off the medical register for misconduct after a 16-day secret hearing. Details of his misconduct charges were never revealed.”
For more on the chemical attack agitprop, look at SST’s postings of Dr. Theodore Postol’s scientific smackdown of the White House intelligence findings regarding the Khan Sheikhoun incident.
There is reason to believe that Shajul Islam was/is working for the MI-6.
The trial collapsed because two witness would not appear. But there was other available evidence. Still "the crown" refrained from using that and the trial collapsed.
"At the start of the hearing in November 2013, prosecutor Mark Dennis QC told the court that all evidence against the brothers rested on the two victims, who were unable to be called, and therefore could not proceed with the case."
"After the criminal case against him collapsed, and he was found not guilty, he faced close monitoring by the security services."
The trial was earlier supposed to take six weeks ( but the only thing the prosecution then presented were two unavailable witnesses. That does not sound reasonable at all. The earlier testimony of the witnesses including to various newspapers was not regarded, nor the other evidence that Islam was part of a terrorist group.
It seems likely that some deal had been made to let Islam go.
It was UK policy at that time to let Jihadis go to Syria just like it earlier promoted Jihadi migration to Libya. (Which came back in the form of the Manchester bombing.) Some of those people the British authorities let go were informants. The responsible Home Secretary for all that was one Theresa May.
Posted by: b | 31 May 2017 at 10:02 AM
@ b
Some were invited to go as part of their "gap year" and Qatar was willing to pay to the tune of $50K/head for that one yr liberating Syria from Assad, until the Emir was replaced by his dauphin back in 2013.
Posted by: The Beaver | 31 May 2017 at 12:12 PM
The type of theater 'Dr' Islam was trained in is apparent to anyone who has watched a few of his posts with a healthy degree of skepticism. This one, posted on 4th April, was widely shared (6,000 RT's) and appeared in at least one online MSM article after the Khan Sheikhoun attack.
I am no doctor, but it strikes me that there is another medical condition which would cause non-reactive pupils; death. Watch it carefully.
OTOH this one could be genuine re sarin - or show victims of organophosphate exposure (Russia's hypothesis). In other videos Islam uses dramatic backdrops e.g. frantic heart massage. They start to look staged once you've seen a few. The point is there is too little medicine and too much drama in Islam's posts. The MSM using his content are either too credulous or complicit (I suspect the former). I'd be very wary of donating to the charity he promotes:
Posted by: Account Deleted | 31 May 2017 at 05:10 PM
Off topic. For me, Putin's interview with Le Figaro is required reading. The translation is at this link:
Our President dances, literally dances, with Saudi Princes and Russia is accused of being a second Nazi Germany. Saudi Princes who practice genocide in Yemen.
Posted by: Bill Herschel | 31 May 2017 at 05:13 PM
No doubt the MSM is complicit in promoting Mr Islam's and the jihadist's propaganda. There were enough lies spread by these Saudi-backed jihadis to negate the Trump administration's statements about moving away from regime change in Syria, and trigger
the senseless American bombing of the Syrian air base on April 7th. The charges that Syria used chemical weapons "on their own people," including "babies," Trump said, was based on videos, reports, and photos on the ground from Islam and others. His reports
not only made it into the media, but likely into intelligence reports fed to the White House and Congress. Luckily, Russia was smart enough not to take the bait when the US bombed the Syrian site and has stuck to the objective -- destroy ISIS and AQ.
Posted by: Decameron | 31 May 2017 at 09:01 PM
My favourite medical professional! He's developed a keen sense of smell for organophosphates, his ability to take a small sniff and not succumb to the effects were remarkable.
Posted by: Peter in Toronto | 31 May 2017 at 10:49 PM
A true sign of Sarin impact is the loss of control over the digestive tract. Said differently - people hit by Sarin shit and piss all over themselves. They vomit violently.
There is no sign in any of the Khan Sheikhoun videos that this happened to any of the "patients". The patients' beds, rooms and floors are clean. People who have seen a real emergency room during multi-casualty "action" will immediately recognize that as very curious and wrong.
There are even people in very clean undies getting doused with water.
The Dr. Islam videos are fake. I recommend these (rather humorous but by a credentialed expert) to dive deeper into them:
"Analysis of the Shajul Islam video"
"Top Ten Ways to Tell When You're Being Spoofed by False-Flag Sarin Attacks"
Posted by: b | 01 June 2017 at 01:26 PM