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22 April 2017


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Is your nose itching?

Idiot sectarian Trotskyist has a lot to say about you:


The Twisted Genius

This was a substantial block of instruction in the C&GSC. The closest thing I've done in this arena was in developing a mobilization and deployment plan/budget with the South Carolina STARC. Those NG colonels were much closer to confederate officers than union. It was quite an experience.

Since 9/11 it was a mad scramble for GWOT money in the IC. Everyone was designing programs to expand and desperately seeking Congressional allies to include those pet programs in annual budgets and supplementals.
it was a sordid process. I doubt this was the way the PPBS worked.

Babak Makkinejad

Me too, "I'm a complete nobody."

Humility can't be demolished
Powerless are floods against its short wall

Saeb of Tabriz



It was a solid month at the Army War College. pl



He/she/it needs to get the facts right. I don't think I ever advocated a strike against Iran. And, after I retired from the Army as a colonel I was a member of the SES at DIA. pl

ex-PFC Chuck

"Humility is my best quality." anon


For myself, I too embrace nobodiness - nothingness w/ soul.



We are all nobodies. at least I hope so. In spite of TTG's statement about post 9/11 PPBS remains the DoD process. pl


Got it in a planning course in the mid '70s. I was impressed w/ its rationality as a system-process, how it could use quantities very effectively, how nicely it leveraged software dev. Case studies were examined & it was found to be a good tool. After college, in the midst of utilizing PPBS & living by it (in gov acquisition & private industry) now for 35 yrs, I note;
- its a decent process that has become an end in itself,
- it is highly dependent upon "goes-intos" and "comes-outtas"... kinda a type of black-box entity,
- it does not address & manage qualitative factors well,
- it is highly sensitive to the behaviors & values of those who inhabit it,
- institutional momentum can easily overcome its utility,
- it does not, in & of itself, re-examine a prioris well,
- it is a great "place" to hide-from or deflect responsibility,

I think the incredible scale of waste & ineffectiveness that we see in major gov programs (& plenty of private sector large enterprise projects) can be traced to misuse / misunderstanding of PPBS as a solution rather than a tool. I've found the DoD to be, on balance, the worst examplar of PPBS technique - more impeding than facilitating, unless self-licking of the cone IS the policy intent.



"Those NG colonels were much closer to confederate officers than union. It was quite an experience."

Culturally alien?

- Eliot

Peter AU

The second half of section 1 is the interesting part. Needs further expanding on.
From what I can see, the same people can often rotate through many of these groups - "revolving doors" - which includes White House, companies like Boeing and Raytheon, and the think tanks.


Peter AU

Why on earth would you think people would stay in one little box all their working lives? Do you live like that in Australia? Or don't you know? pl

Ishmael Zechariah

Col. Lang, SST;
Speaking of nobodies, here is Emily Dickinson on the subject. I took the liberty of adding one "r".
Ishmael Zechariah

I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd banish us – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one's name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Borg!

Emily Dickinson https://allpoetry.com/I%27m-nobody!-Who-are-you-

Louis Proyect

Of course it was Pat Lang who advocated a military strike on Iran. Read about it here:


The Twisted Genius


Yes, I did find them culturally alien. But I admired them and enjoyed working with them. I also got the distinct impression they enjoyed working with me. I'm an anthropologist by education and a Special Forces soldier by trade. I revel in the culturally alien.


Peter AU,,,Moi, Eight career changes since graduating from university. Doctors, judges and practicing lawyers seem the only ones immune to the continual need for change.


Louis Proyect

"It's a kind of nonsense statement to say there is no military solution to this," said W. Patrick Lang, the former head of Middle East intelligence at the Defense Intelligence Agency. "It may not be a desirable solution, but there is a military solution."

"Mr. Lang was piercing to the heart of a conundrum the Bush administration recognizes: Iran could become a case study for pre-emptive military action against a gathering threat, under a policy Mr. Bush promulgated in 2002. But even if taking out Iran's facilities delay the day the country goes nuclear, it would alienate allies and probably make firm enemies out of many Iranians who have come to dislike their theocratic government. And Iran simply has too many ways of striking back, in the oil markets, in the Persian Gulf, through Hezbollah." Sanger in the New York Times

Ah, you are a dishonest person ... that is analysis, not advocacy. I am known for making the distinction. BTW, I would put myself in the anti-stupidity camp, not the anti-imperialism camp. pl



Yes. There is a certain insouciance about Southerners that can not be analyzed. It can only be appreciated, joined or rejected. My story. "Carolina in the Mornin'." tries to capture that. pl

The Twisted Genius


I believe my time with those South Carolinians was the closest I ever got to the spirit of Bobby Lee's boys. Though we wore the same woodland pattern BDUs, I swear their's exuded a gray hue.


That's a good picture pf Pat.

Peter AU

"Do you live like that in Australia"

I watch how Australians have changed from when I was young. We are swamped in US propaganda, and entertainment. We are now simply a vassal state.

Politically, Australia takes its foreign policy direct from US embassy. No thinking required. Not one effin politician made waves about MH17

What goes on in the halls of power pl, where US strategy is determined?
Many of these people have lived their professional lives when US has been sole superpower. Many do seem to rotate through the the various groups that make up US strategy.
They seem to think that this will go on forever, Obama - the exceptional nation ect (Rio Olympics reminded me of 1936 Berlin Olympics) -yet history tells us this is just a blip in time.

But back to "Do you live like that". A few of us don't. The percentage is perhaps similar to the percentage in the US that do not "live like that".
A frigging small percentage.


I don't see any advocacy in that article, merely that there was a military solution, tho' an undesirable one. It could be inferred from that, that a short term solution could lead to longer term, and even worse problems. And clearly he was speaking from a purely military perspective. War is too important to be left to the generals. Wise philosopher generals are thin on the ground.

Bill H

Nicely put.




Definitely sounds nothing remotely like any Marxists I've ever heard before....like trying to own a religion by appropriating the name?

Interestingly, one whose views are more often assigned to a "leftist" position (bearing in mind that many considered Ronald Reagan left of B Obama) is Prof Noam Chomsky, whose public lecture in Baltimore (a day earlier) named the same cast of characters :


So our "marxist" appears to be fulfilling the dutiful role of hack, as pacifica suggests. (Stay on the narrative, the collie dogs will heard you back on point otherwise, dont dare listen to someone who might, god forbid, challenge you to think for yourselves!)

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