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17 January 2017


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The Twisted Genius


Thanks for this. I enjoy your writing style. I remember an earlier post of yours about reporters at the Chicago Convention riots. Have you published the novel yet?

Richard Sale



Richard Sale

Thanks so much.

We are taking to two big fiction publishers. They are interested.


Thomas Streckert

This is not fiction: Regarding Police Violence in Chicago.
Rights in Conflict:
The violent confrontation of demonstrators and police in the parks and streets of Chicago during the week of the Democratic National Convention of 1968.
A report submitted by Daniel Walker, director of the Chicago Study Team, to the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence.

ex-PFC Chuck

It's historical fiction, a long and well established genre.

I enjoy reading your vivid writing, Richard, whether it's fiction or non. Thank you.


Back when journalists were journalists, smoking and drinking in the office after a hard day's work. That's so not 2017.

Richard Sale

Thank you.

I covered the riots in person. I was tear gassed and beaten. I have read "rights in Conflict" many times, but the narrative is based on my own experience.

It is a novel but also a memoir.


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