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09 November 2016


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different clue


I can see one major difference between Trump and Obama. Trump was sponsored by nobody. He was opposed by most OverClass establishment figures and their institutions. He slashed and clawed his way to the Presidency on his and his supporters' own.

Obama was owned and sponsored by powerful owner-sponsors right from the start. He was obviously somebody's curling stone, with all rough spots on the ice ahead of him sweepered away by OverClass-dispatched sweeper squads.

different clue


Zbigniew Brzezinski and all his Realists also hated Russia for existing. Zbiggie-poo in particular wanted and may still want to see the post-Communist Russian Federation divided into several countries to be assigned as economic protectorates and investorates to neighboring big strong countries.

Keith Harbaugh

Patrick Lang wrote:

Someone explain to me how Russia threatens the security interests of the United States …
Do they threaten our security interests by existing? Is that it?
Does their possession of land and armed force automatically make us see them as "enemies?".
Colonel, please let me try to answer a related question:
“Why is a possible alliance with the existing Putin regime
anathema to the U.S. ‘elite’?”

One answer to that question is in:
Trump’s Russia Motives
by David Leonhardt
New York Times Op-Ed, 2017-02-21

Here is an excerpt (emphasis added) from that op-ed:

I [David Leonhardt] count five possible explanations for Trump’s Russophilia,
and they’re not mutually exclusive.
The final possible motive — an ideological alliance
is in some ways the most alarming.
Putin isn’t only a leader with “very strong control over his country,”
as Trump has enthused;
Putin also traffics in
a white, Christian-infused nationalism
that casts Islam and “global elites” as the enemies.

He does not go as far pursuing these themes as hard-core Russian nationalists,
much as Trump merely flirts with the alt-right.
Either way, the themes are undeniable.
As Michael McFaul, a former ambassador to Russia, says,
“The inauguration speech sounded like
things I’ve heard from Russian nationalists many times.”

In recent days, Trump has tempered his pro-Russia comments
and even criticized its actions in Ukraine.
So it would be a mistake to imagine that we know the full story of Trump and Russia.
But based on what we do know, it represents
a shocking risk to American interests.

So there you have it, at least for this NYT columnist:
"Christian-infused nationalism" is "most alarming".

I hope LondonBob can comment on this.
In particular, LondonBob said

The nationalists are Putin's most dangerous opponents whom he then persecutes periodically,
although in current Western terms Putin is a nationalist
in Russian terms he is not.
That distinction between different definitions of "nationalist" needs explaining, for me at least.



OK, then I see you as not favoring improved relations with Russia. pl

Keith Harbaugh

Patrick Buchanan has squarely addressed this issue,
and with it John McCain's February 2017 speech to the Munich Security Conference:

Lavrov vs. McCain: Is Russia an Enemy?
by Patrick Buchanan, 2017-02-27

From that article (with some added emphasis):

Is Putin’s Russia an enemy, as McCain seems to believe?

Before we can answer that question,
we need to know what the new world struggle is about,
who the antagonists are, and what the threats are to us.

If we believe
the struggle is for “global democracy” and “human rights,”
then that may put Putin on the other side.
But how then can we be allies of President el-Sissi of Egypt and Erdogan of Turkey,
and the kings, emirs and sultans of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman?

But if the new world struggle is about
defending ourselves and our civilization,
Russia would appear to be not only a natural ally,
but a more critical and powerful one than that crowd in Kiev.

In August 1914, Europe plunged into a 50-month bloodbath over an assassinated archduke.
In 1939, Britain and France declared war to keep Poland from having to give up a Prussian port, Danzig,
taken from Germany under the duress of a starvation blockade in 1919
and in clear violation of Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points and the Danzigers’ right of self-determination.
In the two wars, 50 million to 100 million died.

Today, the United States is confronting Russia, a huge and natural ally,
over a peninsula that had belonged to her since the 18th century
and is 5,000 miles from the United States.

“We have immense potential that has yet to be tapped into,”
volunteered [Russian Foreign Minister] Lavrov.
But to deal, we must have “mutual respect.”

Hopefully, President Trump will sound out the Russians,
and tune out the Beltway hawks.

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