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Posted at 02:51 PM in As The Borg Turns, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Syria | Permalink | Comments (81)
"The FBI has obtained a warrant to search the emails found on a computer used by former Congressman Anthony Weiner that may contain evidence relevant to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, according to law enforcement officials.
One official said the total number of emails recovered in the Weiner investigation is close to 650,000 — though that reflects many emails that are not in any way relevant to the Clinton investigation. Officials familiar with the case said, though, the messages include a significant amount of correspondence associated with Clinton and her top aide Huma Abedin, Weiner’s estranged wife.
The agents investigating Clinton’s use of a private email server knew early this month that messages recovered in a separate probe might be germane to their case, but they waited weeks before briefing the FBI director, according to people familiar with the case.
FBI Director James B. Comey has written that he was informed of the development Thursday, and he sent a letter to legislators the next day letting them know that he thought the team should take “appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails.”" Washpost
"the messages include a significant amount of correspondence associated with Clinton and her top aide Huma Abedin, "
I wonder from whom they obtained a warrant. This could be the crack of doom. I imagine that they will mine out the e-mails from/to Hillaryworld and look at them. pl
Posted at 07:19 PM | Permalink | Comments (152)
"The FBI is to scour 650,000 emails on the laptop of a former congressman connected to Hillary Clinton, it has been reported. The Wall Street Journal tweeted: "Thousands may be tied to Clinton's server." The Journal added that "metadata" on Anthony Weiner's laptop had suggested such "ties". Its article reported that a review lasting "weeks" would examine the emails' content, whether they were duplicates of messages already seen by the FBI, and whether they contained classified information." Skynews
Well, pilgrims... There is no way that the FBI can review this many e-mails in the time available. My sense is that the Democratic senators involved will probably demand Comey's resignation on Tuesday. IMO that would just make Clinton look worse in the eyes of many.
Let us assume for a moment that she will still be elected. IMO she would be the most wounded president ever to take the oath of office.
I cannot imagine how she could govern the country, pl
Posted at 04:47 PM in Politics | Permalink | Comments (48)
It seems to me that the Republican Party is destined to be the dominant political force outside the big cities and the northeast. A map similar to the one above for the 2008 election is quite similar in its distributions of the results by county.
The exceptions to the general position outside the big cities are easy to explain. African-Americans, American Indians, mining areas, Latinos along the Mexican border, retirees from the NE on the gold coast in Florida, these are the non big city populations that vote Democratic.
This would indicate to me that the chance of the GOP recovering control of the Executive Branch through a presidential victory is slim, and likely to remain that way ffor a long time.
The semi-rural base of the Republican Party does not wish to become the latest converts to "coastalism." Their representatives in the world pf professional politics want just that. They want to out-Democrat the Democrats. This makes them continuously vulnerable to primary challenges.
Try to imagine a Republican who could win the nomination in the primary process and then win the general election. I think Huntsman or Christie could win the general, but they are both very unlikely to win the nomination.
Nevertheless, the United States remains a federal republic. The GOP is very strong in many states. Most governors are Republicans. Most state legislatures are controlled by the GOP. The US House of Repersentatives has been re-districted by both parties in such a way as to "freeze" power in place.
Perhaps the GOP should accept a future in which it controls most of the states and the House of Representatives. Control of the US Senate may also be within reach from time to time. pl
Posted at 09:00 AM in government, Politics | Permalink | Comments (140)
Just a guess, but that "communal" laptop was probably a lot more communal when it was first purchased and the email client set up. It eventually became Wiener's laptop, but the email client was never changed. It probably received every email sent to Abedin's email address from any and all senders including Clinton emails that she thought she deleted. They just sat in the in box unread while Abedin dealt with them on her other devices. She didn't have a clue this was happening. TTG
I have been wondering how this mass of e-mails belonging to Abedin could have been found on Weiner's laptop. This would be an intriguing explanation. pl
Posted at 10:10 PM in As The Borg Turns | Permalink | Comments (96)
By Patrick BAHZAD
This is it then. The battle for Mosul, which had first been announced (a bit hastily) by Iraqi government officials in mid-2015, has finally begun. An improbable alliance of Iraqi security forces, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, Sunni tribesmen and Shia militias, some of them supported and trained by Western advisers, is now besieging IS' Iraqi capital, with Coalition aircraft ruling the skies over Northern Iraq. Considering the various forces involved, there is not much doubt left over the outcome of the battle. The combined might of Western air forces and Special Ops, regular Iraqi units and various ethnic and sectarian militias will prevail against the armies of the Caliphate, at least what is left of them inside Mosul. Yet, the careful optimism displayed by many in the media could be proven wrong somehow, especially with regardsto the prospects for long term survival of the "Islamic State".
The high plains of Northern Iraq have probably not seen anything like it since the Mongol armies arrived in the region and pretty much smashed anything that got in their way in their late 13th century. Back then, they destroyed Mosul after its ruler sided with their ennemies, the Egyptian based Mamluks. Now, in late 2016, tens of thousands of troops have gathered again in Nineveh, mostly to the East and South of Mosul, and have begun closing in on the defenses IS' has had two years to build up, both around and inside the city.
The Symbolism of Mosul
The highest priority for those involved in retaking Mosul will be to avoid the scenario that the Jihadis are probably bracing themselves for: a protracted siege dragging on for weeks or months, involving heavy civilian casualties and featuring the kind of doomsday narrative that IS used to prophesize for its Dabiq outpost in Northern Syria, now lost to Turkish sponsored groups.
The highly symbolic nature of the coming fight cannot be overstated. What is at stake, is not just the future of Mosul, not even the destruction of the territorial and economic base of the Caliphate in Iraq. It is actually the future of the whole country that will probably be shaped along the lines of the events to come. Actually, there is no lack of symbolism when it comes to Mosul's recent past and its significance for its immediate future.
Mosul is the city where Saddam Hussein's sons, Uday ("Ace of Hearts") and Qusay ("Ace of Clubs") were taken out by members of TF20 and the 101st Airborne, on July 22nd 2003. They did not go easy though and it took a four hour gunfight –with an A-10 and an OH-58 involved – to level their safehouse to the ground. But instead of Mosul turning into the place of death for the heirs to the Baathist "monarchy" of Iraq, the city became the place of birth to the "Caliphate" of Abubakr al-Baghdadi, a somewhat bizarre, yet not totally unlikely successor to Saddam Hussein.
Continue reading "The Battle for Mosul: IS' swansong or yet another shapeshifting ? (part 1)" »
Posted at 10:06 AM in Iraq, Middle East | Permalink | Comments (61)
"The FBI on Friday dropped a bombshell on Hillary Clinton’s campaign less than two weeks before Election Day, announcing that it is reviewing new evidence in its investigation into her use of a private email server as secretary of state.
In a letter to several congressional committee chairmen, FBI Director James Comey wrote that, “In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to this investigation.”
Comey said he was briefed on those emails on Thursday and that he “agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.”
He did not specify where the additional emails came from.
Comey wrote that the FBI does not yet know if the new material is “significant” and did not provide a timeframe for investigating." Politico
I understand that Ryan has asked the DNI (Clapper) to stop giving classified briefings to Clinton based on her demonstrated untrustworthiness. What a joke!
The perjurer Clapper never saw a boss's ass he did not want to kiss. pl
Posted at 02:26 PM in As The Borg Turns, Justice, Politics | Permalink | Comments (169)
The SAA is carving up rebel held neighborhoods in West and East Ghouta near Damascus. They have the upper hand and are going about their business in a workmanlike way while pushing rebels into surrender agreements that transport those who want to go to the killing ground in Idlib Province where they are conveniently grouped in targetable packages. I wonder if evidence will emerge in East Ghouta as to what actually happened there in the supposed government Sarin gas attack in 2011. No matter! No one in the media would believe anything contrary to the Borgian meme that "da guvmint done did it."
A couple of our brethren here are writing pieces on Mosul and Deir al-Zor. I will abstain from talking about those places so as to not "step on" their work.
At Aleppo the rebels (read jihadis) have staged yet another offensive to try to break the lines of circumvallation around East Aleppo. I agree with South Front that their effort will fail and only result in many more dead rebels. A basic fact of combat is that the side up and moving when contact is made, loses more people. The rebels are up and moving forward. More power to them! pl
Posted at 11:22 AM in As The Borg Turns, Borg Wars, Current Affairs, Middle East, Russia, Syria | Permalink | Comments (25)
"The stakes are especially high given that Richmond’s political and business establishment fear that Morrissey’s election would embarrass the city. Morrissey attained international notoriety several years ago because of his involvement with Myrna Warren, then his 17-year-old employee.
Morrissey, who was 55 at the time, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and spent three months in jail, during which he won reelection to the House of Delegates.
Morrissey married Myrna, now 20, four months ago, after she gave birth to the second of their two children.
His past misdeeds — he was disbarred and was twice convicted of assault — have become a rallying cry for his opponents. On Friday, Stoney sent out a mass mailing with the headline, “Joe Morrissey was indicted on a charge of bribery multiple times,” a reference to a case from which he was acquitted 23 years ago. The mailing’s tagline read: “Vote No to Joe Morrissey, Richmond Can’t Trust Him.” Mosby, who is black, aired a radio ad in which she addressed African American voters and said she would not trust Morrissey to be alone with her daughter." Washpost
And now for something different ...
The man in the picture is Stoney, now in third place for mayor and the beneficiary of Governor McCauliffe's devoted fundraising. His background seems to consist of having driven McCauliffe around the Commonwealth during the governor's successful run for office. McCauliffe's accession to power brought several appointed jobs for Stoney and then, this ...
The man in first place in the race for mayor is Joe Morrisey. He has what is sometimes described as a colorful past. As described he served some time for "contributing to the delinquency of a minor" after he impregnated his 17 year old secretary. They are now married and have two children. That is she in the picture.
Morrisey is probably going to win. This will be yet one more political defeat for McCauliffe. pl
Posted at 12:33 PM in Politics | Permalink | Comments (46)
"For Putin, his Syrian intervention has been an unambiguous win on the world stage. Its benefits exist on many levels, not least Russia’s reinforcing the potent message that Moscow, unlike Washington, stands by its friends. When his regime was collapsing in 2011, Hosni Mubarak, who had led Egypt for three decades as a loyal ally of America, was coldly abandoned by the White House. President Obama, against the advice of his own national security experts, cut Mubarak loose to the mob, refusing to take his panicked phone calls pleading for help.
That same year, when his regime was facing the abyss as civil war enveloped Syria, Bashar al-Assad got all the help he wanted from Moscow. Russia saved Assad and has not cared one whit about cries from the international community and NGOs about the brutal methods employed by the Syrian regime against rebels. This message has not been missed in the Middle East. It’s no wonder that even Israel has sought parley with Moscow, which has replaced Washington as the new regional kingmaker-cum-sheriff, while Egypt has renewed security ties with the Kremlin that Cairo abandoned more than four decades ago, in favor of the Americans. No more." Schindler in Observer
Trump's son in law is the publisher of Observer Media. Here we have a clear statement of what the change in tone would be like in a Trump Administration.
Well, pilgrims, decide. Do you want the Borg Queen and her neocon/R2P pals to run our relations with Russia? Do you want to gamble on the controllability of an escalatory ladder process if a Russia/US war breaks out in Syria, the Ukraine or the Baltic States?
General Buck Turgidson in "Doctor Strangelove" assures the president that US losses in a thermonuclear exchange with the USSR "will be 20 million, max!" Would that work for you if HC decides to discipline the naughty Russians? BTW, don't believe in any fairy tales concerning magic anti-missile defenses. People like me and my wife in the DC suburbs and Edward Amame on the Manhattan island would simply disappear, literally in a flash. The "rubes," as Amame calls them, or at least a lot of them would survive in misery.
If the Russians follow Soviet target planning they would put several warheads on each of their major aiming points.
Johnson and Weld are obviously not going to win.
The next president will probably be Hillary. That will be great for her. She can then order her AG to suppress the remaining ongoing investigation concerning her conduct and the Clintonworld Foundations. If the Democrats capture control of the Congress there will be no brake whatever on her power and plans for us all. pl
Posted at 05:54 PM in As The Borg Turns, Borg Wars, Politics, Syria | Permalink | Comments (153)
Posted at 09:49 AM in Open Thread | Permalink | Comments (183)
"The CIA’s own assessments of the program have been viewed with suspicion by some at the White House, officials said. “Does it make any sense that the people who are totally invested in this program . . . are the same people who are writing analyses of the Syrian opposition on which decisions are based on the future of that program?” the first U.S. official said.
Amid the setbacks in Syria in recent months, key figures in the administration have advocated prioritizing the fight against the Islamic State, rather than against the Assad government. But agency officials disagree with this rationale, saying that the Islamic State can’t be eradicated until a new government emerges capable of controlling the terrorist group’s territory in Raqqa and elsewhere."
Just to get things straight - the CIA is now by law the "National Clandestine Service." It pursues information using human agents (mostly by liaison) and it executes presidential policy in covert actions authorized by presidential "findings." All of this is accomplished by the Directorate of Operations (DO)
Since the US IC re-structuring during the Bush Administration, the CIA no longer has a significant internal analytic body independent of the Directorate of Operations (the spies and covert operators).
The independent analysts in the IC are in DIA and State-INR and the work products reflect that.
The analysts they do have at CIA all essentially work for the DO, the people who run covert action and presumably favor the programs.
Therefore, it can be seen that as the person quoted underlined above asserted, the CIA is essentially a "Self Licking Ice Cream Cone." (SLICC). pl
Posted at 02:06 PM in As The Borg Turns, Borg Wars, Middle East, Syria | Permalink | Comments (35)
"Speaking during an opening ceremony for an educational institution in Bursa on Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan compared the way that Syrians and Iraqis have been driven away from homes because of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; ISIS/ISIL), to how Turkish people were once forced out from the same cities.
Erdogan added that the cities of Mosul and Aleppo belong to the Turkish people." AMN
If you know anything about the history of the Ottoman Empire you should not be surprised by this. These two cosmopolitan ME cities were among the most important in the empire. Baghdad was another but there was always a large Arab majority there, Mosul and Aleppo were much more diverse. It was only in the Kemalist consolidation of the Turkish Republic in the 1920s that Turkish sovereignty over these places was surrendered officially.
This statement makes clear what Erdogan's ultimate ambition is and ensures that no Iraqi government will ever acquiesce in the participation of Turkish troops in the liberation of Mosul or Kirkuk.
Only an ignorant neocon fool like Ashton Carter would think differently.
Perhaps the Clinton Administration's foreign policy team, Wolfowitz, Bolan, Petraeus, Keane et al will be able to bully the Iraqis into accepting this. I think not. pl
Posted at 02:02 PM in As The Borg Turns, History, Iraq, Middle East, Syria, Turkey | Permalink | Comments (98)
Turkish air strikes pounded a group of Kurdish fighters allied to a U.S.-backed militia in northern Syria overnight, highlighting the conflicting agendas of NATO members Ankara and Washington in an increasingly complex battlefield. The jets targeted positions of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in three villages, northeast of the city of Aleppo, that the SDF had captured from Islamic State, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said late on Wednesday.
The Turkish military confirmed its warplanes had carried out 26 strikes on areas recently taken by the Kurdish YPG militia, the strongest force in the SDF, and that it had killed between 160 and 200 combatants.
The British-based Observatory monitoring group reported a much lower toll of at least 14 dead and dozens wounded. Officials of the Kurdish-led administration that controls much of northeastern Syria said dozens had been killed.
Complicating matters further, Syria's military called the strikes by Turkey an act of "blatant aggression" and said it would bring down any Turkish war planes entering Syrian air space. A senior U.S. defence official said the groups struck by Turkish jets were not themselves U.S.-backed but were "close to and friendly with" the fighters Washington is working with. (Reuters)
Looking deeper into this situation, we see the makings of a twisted telenovela plot. The Turks claimed they struck the Afrin YPG positions because Turkish positions were shelled from YPG held Afrin territory. Maybe this shelling happened. Maybe it didn’t. The more likely reason for the Turkish airstrikes is that the Afrin YPG was making headway towards al-Bab. The areas struck were recently taken from the IS by the Kurds.
Erdogan claims his goal is to seize al-Bab from IS to close off their supply lines. We all know that’s a crock. All that will do is move the IS crossing point into Turkey a few miles south. His real goal is to prevent the Kurds in Afrin from linking up with the Kurds from Kobane. That would truly close off the IS supply lines to Turkey and Erdogan cannot allow that to happen.
The U.S. made the distinction between the Afrin Kurdish YPG and the Kobane Kurdish YPG. How talmudic. They are all Rojava Kurds. An interesting assertion made by Jack Shahine, a long time reporter with the Rojava Kurds is that the ground operation on YPG positions around Tal-Rifaat on 21 Oct was run jointly by Turkish and American officers with the Liwa al-Moua'atasim fighters. These were the same fighters that jeered American advisors as infidels a short while ago. Shahine also reports that FSA ground attacks on YPG positions have largely failed. With heavy Turkish bombardment, only one farm has fallen to the FSA as of 21 Oct.
The Russians and the SAA have not intervened to help the YPG although they have warned Turkey that they will shoot down any attacking Turkish warplanes in the future. I’m sure they realize shooting down Turkish planes, especially with U.S. advisors in the area could open up a whole new can of worms. However I think they mean it. Their relationship with the Rojava Kurds continues to evolve. Again Shahine reports on this evolving relationship. He claims that in a meeting in mid-September between top Syrian officials and the Kurdish local administration under Russian supervision in Latakia's Himemim (perhaps he meant Qamislo-Himemim), there was an offer from the Russians to stop the fighting between the two sides in Northeast Syria, under terms of changing the official name of Syria to the Syrian Republic (rather than the Syrian Arab Republic). The terms called for the recognition of a federal system of Rojava and the recognition of national Kurdish people in Syria. They also called for recognition of the YPG as Syrian national forces. Although these terms were initially rejected by the Syrian Regime, the rejection was based on the need for these proposals to be discussed in Parliament. That’s a positive start. A start that is certainly anathema to Erdogan.
In addition to the ramifications of shooting down NATO warplanes and possibly killing NATO, including American, troops, the Russians and the SAA are in no position to divert their limited forces to assist the Kurds. The rebels are massing to launch a two pronged counteroffensive to lift the siege of East Aleppo. Jaysh Al-Fateh is preparing to strike towards both the al-Ramouseh district in the south and in the north they will attempt to reopen the al-Castillo Highway. The Russians and the SAA must be prepared to crush these offensives as they continue to reduce the East Aleppo pocket. That’s a tall order.
As complicated and as fraught with danger as this situation is, I have confidence that the R+6 will prevail. Once the Aleppo pocket is reduced, I don’t know if the R+6 will then seek to close the IS line to Turkey at al-Bab or further south at al-Tabqah or at any point in between. They may decide to first concentrate on the rebels in Idlib. I would prefer to see the IS lifeline to Turkey cut as soon as possible, but I think this decision will be very dependent on the timing of the liberation of Aleppo and the probable inauguration of Clinton.
Turkey bombs Syrian Kurdish militia allied to U.S.-backed force (Reuters)
PYD/PKK pushing to capture N.Syria's strategic al-Bab (Anadalu Agency)
Jaysh Al-Fateh prepares to launch massive offensive in Aleppo (Al Masdar News)
" ... the activity reflects alarm over Trump’s calls for the United States to pull back from its traditional role as a global guarantor of security.
“The American-led international order that has been prevalent since World War II is now under threat,” said Martin Indyk, who oversees a team of top former officials from the administrations of Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton assembled by the Brookings Institution. “The question is how to restore and renovate it.” The Brookings report — a year in the making — is due out in December.
Taken together, the studies and reports call for more-aggressive American action to constrain Iran, rein in the chaos in the Middle East and check Russia in Europe.
The studies, which reflect Clinton’s stated views, break most forcefully with Obama on Syria. Virtually all these efforts, including a report released Wednesday by the liberal Center for American Progress, call for stepped-up military action to deter President Bashar al-Assad’s regime and Russian forces in Syria.
The proposed military measures include calls for safe zones to protect moderate rebels from Syrian and Russian forces. Most of the studies propose limited American airstrikes with cruise missiles to punish Assad if he continues to attack civilians with barrel bombs, as is happening in besieged Aleppo. Obama has staunchly resisted any military action against the Assad regime." Greg Jaffe
Yes, my fellow Canadian citizens, our time is approaching.
Brookings is hosting a gathering of the Borgist clan. Papers are being written, tentative personnel selections made, discussion are held as to which military officers are to be retired and which advanced.
These preparations will fit nicely into the Clinton transition team's preparations for inaugural day when Queenie will preside over an inaugural parade that should be a mighty spectacle of "stronger together." What a sight it will be as such marching units as Stonewall Inn Memorial Drill Team and Women Veterans for Promotion Equity pass in review.
I was in the Kennedy inaugural parade. I think this will be different. pl
Posted at 12:45 PM in As The Borg Turns, Borg Wars, government, Policy | Permalink | Comments (158)
"Jaish Al-Islam allegedly reached an agreement with the government and will surrender the strategic town of Douma in Eastern Ghouta. Reports appeared amid a series of setbacks by the militants in the region. The Syrian army is now deployed in a striking distance from the town. The situation with the alleged deal will become clear in coming days.
If the agreement is reached, some part of militants from the town will be transfered to the province of Idlib and another part (who wants) will receive a pardon from the Syrian government.
The fall of Douma into hands of the Syrian army will indicate the total collapse of the militants’ defenses in Damascus’ Eastern Ghouta region." South Front
John Kirby says that defeating the Nusra Front (by whatever name) is not a primary goal of the US. OK. In that context the R+6 is busy cleaning up pockets of resistance all over western Syria. The method seems to be to apply enough pressure on the surrounded forces to convince the defenders of the hopelessness of their position and then arrange a surrender and transport to Idlib Province west of Aleppo City for them and any civilians who want to go with them. There have been quite a few examples of this so far.
A major side benefit of this process is the re-commitment of these jihadi forces to combat in places like the western edge of the Aleppo encirclement and in northern Hama Province where the jihadis captured several villages last week.
These combats are a great opportunity to render these jihadis into martyrs. Why? It is because you know where they are when they are fighting you.
Posted at 09:16 AM in Syria | Permalink | Comments (5)
Well, boys and girls (pilgrims), I do believe that unless there is a yuuge hidden vote out there for him and/or against her, she will receive the post inaugural oath salute of all the armed forces in the traditional march past behind the capitol. A saluting battery will be there and the US Army Band, "Ruffles and Flourishes" will sound across capitol Hill, and there will be 21 guns for the Commander in Chief. The troops will grit their teeth and do eyes left as they and the 3rd Infantry Regiment's colors pass her. For those who do not know, this regiment is colloquially known as "The Old Guard" and is the ceremonial regiment of the Army. As he watched this regiment march into Mexico City, Winfield Scott told his staff "Hats off, gentlemen, this is the Old Guard of the United States." They have the singular privilege granted by Congress to pass in review with fixed bayonets. They had swept the field at Cerro Gordo and Churubusco with the bayonet.
This symbolic march past will go down hard for many. I remember that little Chelsea when required to accept a ride in General McCaffery's staff car stared at him and said "in my family we don't like the military." That's what McCaffery said afterward and who am I to doubt the story? He must have been shocked. C in C Hilly will have the power to send these deplorable deployables whom she despises out to some god awful place to fight other poor dumb bastards.
IMO her best chance in office will be a continued retention of control of both houses of Congress by the GOP.
The country is in a state in which the level of alienation between the coastals and the rest is as bad as any state of alienation seen since the 1850s.
Bahzad wrote here that France is protected from the scourge of internal strife (French on French) by the emotional and political safety valve offered by Marine Le Pen and the Front National. In this country civil strife can be avoided if Hilly has the ability to say to her sans culottes (including the coastal smarties) that she would have accomplished their Jacobin dreams if the nasty constitution and the GOP Congress had only let her.
Her actual backers in finance do not give a s--t at all about the sans culottes but as long as the money rolls in ...
Therefore she needs to win without much in the way of coattails. pl,_hail_to_the_chief_(long_version).ogg
"The Marine Battalion assigned to Scott's army numbered less than 400, but when it was employed in battle or used for other duties the Marines would earn the praise of the Army's highest officers." That's for you, Mike. pl
Posted at 05:29 PM in government, Politics | Permalink | Comments (104)
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced his "separation" from the United States on Thursday, declaring he had realigned with China as the two agreed to resolve their South China Sea dispute through talks. Duterte made his comments in Beijing, where he is visiting with at least 200 business people to pave the way for what he calls a new commercial alliance as relations with longtime ally Washington deteriorate. "In this venue, your honors, in this venue, I announce my separation from the United States," Duterte told Chinese and Philippine business people, to applause, at a forum in the Great Hall of the People attended by Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli. "Both in military, not maybe social, but economics also. America has lost."
Duterte's efforts to engage China, months after a tribunal in the Hague ruled that Beijing did not have historic rights to the South China Sea in a case brought by the previous administration in Manila, marks a reversal in foreign policy since the 71-year-old former mayor took office on June 30. His trade secretary, Ramon Lopez, said $13.5 billion in deals would be signed during the China trip. "I've realigned myself in your ideological flow and maybe I will also go to Russia to talk to (President Vladimir) Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world - China, Philippines and Russia. It's the only way," Duterte told his Beijing audience. (Reuters)
I think it’s safe to say that we have been out-pivoted in the South China Sea. Yes, we are left luffing in the breeze as Xi and Duterte sail to the East on a broad reach. We can kiss off Subic Bay for good this time. I wonder how the business community of Olangapo will adjust to the inevitable future presence of the PRC Navy?
Duterte said he will stop joint military exercises with the US. He also opposes joint patrols of the South China Sea with the US. US officials insist the current treaty alliance, dating back to the Mutual Defense Treaty of 1951, remains in effect. Will the Filipino government go along with their President? How far will our government go to keep the treaty alliance and our hold on the Philippines alive?
I spent a couple of weeks in the Philippines back in 1978 during the first "Tempo Caper" joint exercise. We were based on the USS Cleveland in Subic Bay. I enjoyed it immensely, although I could have done without being knocked out of my hammock by a roaming carabao one stormy night. A year later I met my Filipino Army counterpart at my RECONDO school back in Hawaii. He greeted me like a long lost brother. I'm sure there are a lot of this kind of personal "mil to mil"relationships today. What will become of them?
Posted at 12:37 PM in China, Policy, TTG | Permalink | Comments (104)
Posted at 05:42 PM in Administration | Permalink | Comments (51)
"A Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (Nusra) statement sent to the BBC pointed to similar initiatives in the central city of Homs in 2014 and the Damascus suburb of Darayya in August, where evacuations took place after years of siege and bombardment by President Bashar al-Assad's forces.
It was "clear", the statement said, that Russia wanted to "cleanse" areas of Sunni Muslims - who form the majority in Syria and dominate the opposition to Mr Assad, a member of the Shia Alawite sect - and to "differentiate" between rebel factions in order to weaken them.
"We choose not to give up our people," the statement said. "We will not betray their blood and we will continue our jihad until we remove the regime and any plan against that is rejected."
The UN, which has designated Jabhat Fateh al-Sham a terrorist organisation, says there are no more than 900 fighters from the group inside Aleppo, out of a maximum of 8,000 rebels in total.
In a separate development on Wednesday, officials in the besieged Damascus suburb of Muadhamiya said hundreds of people, many of them fighters, were being evacuated to the northern province of Idlib as part of a deal struck with the government last month that would see it retaking control." BBC
The charge that the Syrian Government wants to "ethnically cleanse" Syria of Sunni Arabs is demonstrably false. There are many, many Sunni Muslims fighting on the government side against the coalition of Sunni jihadis and illusory "moderate" resistors in Syria. There are many Sunni Arab civilians living in Damascus and other government held parts of Syria.
Yes, the Syrian government, Russia and the US all agreed that Nusra (Jabhat fatah al-Sham) is a terrorist organization and that the supposed "moderates" should separate themselves from Nusra as a pre-condition for a political settlement.
Nusra has refused to allow civilians to leave East Aleppo.
900? Good, this is a nice round number. They have been offered a free passage to rebel held Idlib Province like other surrendedered rebel groups (including jihadis). They have declined, All that is missing from their statements is the reply "nuts!" given by BG McAuliffe to the German demand for the surrender of the 101st Airborne Division at Bastogne.
What should follow is a final battle of annhihilation in East Aleppo. pl
Posted at 04:53 PM in Borg Wars, Syria | Permalink | Comments (85)
There has been much, much made of the conduct of Trump on that airplane ride from so long ago. It is certainly relevant now. Let's refresh our short term memories with a picture that is worth a thousand words:
Oopsy daisy, not the picture I was looking for. That is perfectly appropriate conduct when you see a capable woman who spent years developing skills being acknowledged by her peers.
BTW I’m with her.
Here we are. Look closely and you know exactly what Octoman is thinking:
BTW I’m with her, and her and her too. (A guy can dream, can’t he?) Ok, ok this reporting thing is hard. I’m not a professional like Judith Miller after all.
Phew. Here we go, that’s more like it. See how he looks at her? You know exactly what he’d like to do.
That’s really Deplorable.
Back to Haven Monahan and the War on Women (voters). What is really important about this event from years a and go? No it is not “I’m not a crook”; No, it is not “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”. It’s not even a chapter from that book that sold 80 million copies: fifty shades of grey.
(classical references: and )
Haven Monahan? Well she never existed but other "war on women" outrages certainly did.
What do the Tawana Brawley case, the Duke Lacrosse case and the Rolling Stone UVA story have in common? The media did not do a fair and unbalanced investigation and report the facts. Not in any of them. Did anyone apologize for the abusive treatment of those who were innocent? Sure they did. Did they damage the people and institutions so attacked? You betcha. They damaged just about everyone involved, except the reporters and politicians. What else do they have in common? They did not save a failing presidential campaign (though one did launch a successful New York politician). This tale just might though. All it takes is a short attention span and a lack of critical thinking (a skill we used to teach in high schools and colleges). Keep this all in mind when we hear yet again some slam dunk evidence about what is going on in the election of 2016.
Now in prelude to Wednesday's gladiatorial fun fest and for your listening pleasure:
I'm sure that won't be anyone's campaign theme song but I do wonder what Trump would look like in bell bottoms.
Post by Fred
Posted at 10:05 PM in Fred, government, Media, Politics | Permalink | Comments (36)
"Rasmussen Reports’ latest White House Watch survey finds Hillary Clinton with 42% support among Likely U.S. Voters and Donald Trump with 41%. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson picks up seven percent (7%), while Green Party nominee Jill Stein again has two percent (2%) of the vote, according to our latest national telephone and online survey. Three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.
Yesterday, Clinton took a two-point lead – 43% to 41% - after ending last week behind her Republican rival by an identical margin. She jumped ahead by seven at the beginning of last week following the airing of a video showing Trump making graphic sexual remarks, but the race evened out again following the candidates’ second debate. Their final debate is tomorrow night.
Eighty-five percent (85%) of voters say they are now sure how they are going to vote, and among these voters, Clinton and Trump are dead even at 47% apiece. Johnson gets five percent (5%) support, Stein two percent (2%). Among voters who still could change their minds, it’s Clinton 37%, Trump 30%, Johnson 26% and Stein seven percent (7%)." Rasmussen
Well, which is it? Is she ahead by 12% or is Rasmussen right?
Posted at 03:11 PM in Politics | Permalink | Comments (117)
(Patrick Calvar - Head of DGSI)
"France is 'on the verge of a civil war' which could be sparked by a mass sexual assault on women by migrants, intelligence chief warns
France is on the verge of 'civil war', the country's head of intelligence says
"For French President François Hollande, the enemy is an abstraction: "terrorism" or "fanatics".
Instead, the French president reaffirms his determination to military actions abroad: "We are going to reinforce our actions in Syria and Iraq," the president said after the Nice attack.
So confronted with this failure of our elite who were elected to guide the country across nationals and internationals dangers, how astonishing is it if paramilitary groups are organizing themselves to retaliate?
In France, the global elites made a choice. They decided that the "bad" voters in France were unreasonable people too stupid to see the beauties of a society open to people who often who do not want to assimilate, who want you to assimilate to them, and who threaten to kill you if you do not. The elite took the side against their own old and poor because those people did not want to vote for them any longer. They also made a choice not to fight Islamism because Muslims vote collectively for this global elite." Gatestone Institute
(Nice, France)
Calvar is the equivalent in France of Andrew Parker, head of MI-5 in the UK and James Comey, Director of the FBI in the US. This is not a voice crying in the wilderness. He is one of the big guys.
These articles stress the disdain with which the globalist Borg views the people of France. Calvar is particularly firm on this point and says that the French people are on the verge of taking up arms (hard to get there) to begin retaliatory raids into Muslim neighborhoods. I suppose the French here on SST will give us their opinions on this.
The US is not France. We are actually MORE violent. The US is saturated with small arms and ammunition. Trump is telling his Corps of Irredeemables (CoI) that the election is being stolen by the Borgist media. The CoI is evidently at least 35% of the population. That would be something over 100 million people. He is likely to launch a radio and TV network to continue to hold the attention of the CoI. The CoI is chanting "lock her up," and "Ryan sucks!"
Why would Calvar's concern not be equally applicable to the US? pl
Posted at 02:55 PM in France | Permalink | Comments (97)
Posted at 12:41 PM in As The Borg Turns, Russia | Permalink | Comments (62)
This segment from this morning's show is just too good to pass up.
I must say that Mika is quite fetching in her new role as Joe's Consort, Morganatic wife, Jarriya or whatever it is that they think their relationship may be.
I understand the British Borg has frozen RT's bank accounts in London and a "government entity" has attempted to block Assange's communications presumably to halt the flow. Well, good luck boys and girls that horse left the barn some time ago and is now living well in a number of places. pl
Posted at 12:54 PM in Books, Current Affairs, Media, Politics | Permalink | Comments (59)
Let's see-- -
54,000 Iraqi government forces,
40,000 odd Pesh Merga,
Various US Army and USMC artillery units firing in support,
Coalition air pounding the bejayzus out of the environs and approaches to the city.
3 to 8 thousand IS madmen in the city.
A million or so civilian inhabitants give or take 100k.
IMO this is going to be a near run and protracted thing.
The ISF clearly like to win battles without fighting.
IMO IS's most likely CoA (course of action) is to seek to make a prolonged and suicidal defense of the city taking advantage of the ISF's great sensitivity to its own casualties. A thousand man stay behind force, indifferent to their casualties, fighting from ruined buildings and also indifferent to civilian losses can make a prolonged and expensive fight.
It is sadly amusing to see how favorably the Borgist media gaze benignly at the approaching spectacle while howling in rage at the impending defeat of their jihadi friends at Aleppo. pl
Posted at 11:41 AM in Borg Wars, Current Affairs, Iraq, Middle East, Syria | Permalink | Comments (56)
Berlin Station is a contemporary spy series that follows Daniel Miller (Richard Armitage), an undercover agent who has just arrived at the CIA station in Berlin, Germany. Miller has a clandestine mission: to determine the identity of a now-famous whistleblower masquerading as "Thomas Shaw." Guided by jaded veteran Hector DeJean (Rhys Ifans) Daniel learns to contend with the rough-and-tumble world of the field officer - agent-running, deception, danger and moral compromises. As he dives deeper into the German capital's hall of mirrors and uncovers the threads of a conspiracy that leads back to Washington, Daniel wonders: Can anyone ever be the same after a posting to Berlin? (EPIX)
After reading this intro on a new espionage series on EPIX, I had my trepidations. How they could refer to a CIA case officer working under official cover in an American Embassy as an undercover agent is beyond me. That’s a beginner’s mistake. But seeing this was filmed on location in Berlin, I had to take a look.
I watched the first two episodes and was impressed. The action and intrigue is understandably compressed for TV. No one wants to watch case officers typing out the many clandestine operation proposals, contact reports and intelligence reports that are a large part of the job. Believe me, we case officers don’t like it either.
The characters were recognizable. I’ve seen them all and, admittedly, saw parts of myself in some of them. The filming in Berlin was familiar to the point of drawing me deeply into the action. I was never stationed there, but I spent six years working there… a lot.
This passage from an LA Times review hits the mark.
Apart from the cases at hand, the underlying thrust of the series seems to be that whichever side you work for — be you agent, double agent, lone wolf, acting on principle or just for the pay — espionage will mess you up. Steinhauer doesn't overplay the point — no one's clinically ill here, just navigating the emotional downsides of double-dealing as a daily grind. But we are never completely sure whom to trust and whom even to like, whether to root for the moles or the spooks.
Berlin, old and new, pristine and vandalized, streets bustling with life, still makes a fine setting for this kind of tale, even now that the wall is down, Germany is one and the Cold War, for the next 20 minutes at least, is over. (LA Times)
I heartedly recommend “Berlin Station.”
Posted at 06:12 PM in Intelligence, Television, TTG | Permalink | Comments (21)
"Dabiq is considered a major ISIL stronghold with symbolic importance to the group, Dabiq, 10 kilometers from the Turkish border, is cited in apocalyptic Sunni prophecy as the site of an end-of-times battle between Christian forces and Muslims. Islamic State named its online magazine after the town in 2014. Every new edition of Dabiq opens with a quote by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the mentor of IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, claiming, “The spark has been ignited in Iraq, and its flames will grow until they burn the Crusader armies in Dabiq.”
Graeme Wood wrote in March 2015 that "... much of what the group does looks nonsensical except in light of a sincere, carefully considered commitment to returning civilization to a seventh-century legal environment, and ultimately to bringing about the apocalypse.... The Islamic State differs from nearly every other current jihadist movement in believing that it is written into God’s script as a central character.... pretending that it isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it."
William McCants wrote in February 2015 "Westerners are not used to encountering apocalyptic messages in Islamist propaganda. Al-Qaeda downplayed Islamic prophecies of the Day of Judgment, preferring more accessible political rhetoric and wary of stirring messianic fervor.... the Islamic State is different. While its tactics and strategies are practical, its goals and motivations are eschatological. The interplay has expanded the group’s territory and enlarged its ranks."" Global Security
What fun! The jihadi nuts are fighting each other for this mythologically significant little town on the plain of the Fertile Crescent.
What could be better! And to make this even sweeter the Sultan Tayyip's forces are going to help the non-IS jihadis fight Caliph Ibrahim's screwballs in this mayhem.
Just stand back and watch, folks. There are only so many jihadis available as potential semi-human wastage and this is a good opportunity to process as many of them as possible into used "humans."
A good side benefit of this is that while these characters are fighting each other they are effectively removed from the game board of the fight for Aleppo. pl
Posted at 05:05 PM in Borg Wars, Middle East, Syria, Turkey | Permalink | Comments (43)
That is the badge worn by members of the Joint Staff. This staff is the central military planning organ of the US government. It should be understood that neither the Joint Chiefs themselves nor their staff decide anything other than when to go to lunch. Their function is to give advice to the civilian government, to do the detailed planning necessary for operations and to oversee the execution of the government's decisions by the Combatant Commands; CENTCOM, EUCOM, PACOM, etc. For any planning action a number of senior staff officers are designated as "The Planner." This person heads a team that works on the plan. I was the designated Planner for eight years for intelligence aspects of all JCS plans involving the ME and South Asia. I was in DIA but DIA was then the intelligence agency in direct support of the JCS. I worked on a lot of national level plans and operations. DIA was the J-2 (intelligence) section of the Joint Staff as well as having many other responsibilities.
The essence of the process is the formulation of alternative Courses of Action, (CoA) i.e., options. After thorough examination these are reduced to just a few to avoid confusion and a difficulty for the decision maker in arriving at a choice of option.
In the case of the options meeting concerning Syria at the White House on Friday, it seems clear that what was briefed was a set of options generated by the Joint Staff. In this meeting the president/CinC met with the chiefs to discuss the options and their secondary effects. Others may have been invited; the DNI, the Director of CIA, the Secretary of State, the CENTCOM commander, but they would essentially be "strap hangers", i.e., observers at what was essentially a JCS "show." An accomplished briefer would have presented the Courses of Action. This would be followed by discussion led by General Dunford, CJCS.
The president could then have; approved a CoA, disapproved the lot, sent the planners back to modify one of the options, or, suggested an option of his own. Once a decision is made in this process a final form of THE PLAN is published internally and the affected combatant commands write implementing plans and all then await an Execute Plan XXX order from the president.
This is called the "Deliberate Planning Process." Once the fighting starts the process becomes greatly abbreviated on a daily basis.
This is what President Clinton will have at her disposal. pl
Posted at 11:54 AM in government, The Military Art | Permalink | Comments (72)
"Mr. Vatsev, the major US media that is openly sympathetic to Hillary Clinton is already talking about her as the next US president. What can we expect from Clinton on foreign policy? What is your forecast?
I would be happy if Trump wins, because his victory would be very symbolic. That would be proof in practice, that the monopoly on power in the United States (US) – an absolutely great country, could be broken by an ordinary person because in terms of the establishment of the US, Trump is an ordinary man, despite being a millionaire, an eccentric, and he has even been married to Slavic women, which is the tip of the eccentricities in the Anglo-Saxon world, but he is an absolute outsider to the high elite of America. So, here we have the question of principle: can an ordinary miserable outsider (bad unclear origin, laughable education, non-prestigious background, “new vulgar money,” he has not built any library or church or cultural centre, he does not speak French, he is not even gay etc.) enter the Bohemian grove in the world that defines the future of the great country? And it really is a very narrow and closed world of several thousand people with tribal traditions, cultural ancestry, old families and “old great, albeit invisible, money.” Literally, a few hundred families coordinate for years ahead who will be next. And suddenly, here comes some Trump. How vulgar! But I think that he cannot become a president and if his chances increase enough, troubles and mishaps might start happening to him because the stake is too high. It is too much power, we are talking about great power. Those, who are in power now managed until recently, albeit indirectly, to control the Republican Party. In other words, the tribal union that defined the Clintons as the favourite for the real power of the United States (though indeed, there was a time when they did not allow them into the Bohemian Grove), controlled the leadership of both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The Republicans managed to emancipate themselves from the effects of this non-partisan leadership and shifted, but I think that their potential will not be sufficient to bring Trump to the presidential position. Again, I would love to see Trump elected, but I think the stakes are so high that for such things, some shoot and kill. For smaller things, the Kennedy clan (a really old, rich and influential family) was almost completely destroyed. So it is more probable that in reality, Mrs. Clinton will be the next president. From her, I expect a forceful conversion of the European Union into the 51st US state. I expect an extremely acute and forceful politics, not because Hillary Clinton is a special person. She is a complicated, sharp, rude person and psychologically ready for this type of activity, but the explanation is not in the soul …" Vatsev
Something for the Euros to munch on, I am still contemplating the idea of mooseburgers, moose tourtiere, moose chile, etc. How about a standing moose rib roast? pl
Posted at 04:13 PM in As The Borg Turns | Permalink | Comments (91)
According to news reports the US has retaliated against shore radars in Yemen with Tomahawk cruise missiles.
OK. I wonder why the USS Mason did not sink attacking small boats with the 20mm, 4500 rds/minute radar trained gatling guns on board. there usually are two, one in the bow and another at the stern. These things have a range of over 2 miles and will chew a speed boat to bits in an instant. The Mason would also have had one or two 5 inch radar trained naval guns. If you are attacked at sea you sink the opponent. That is basic stuff, especially when you consider the unforgiving nature of the US Navy when dealing with a commanding officer who lets one of their precious ships be damaged. I was on the JCS investigating board for the Iraqi attack on USS Stark. The circumstances of the damage on the ship were quite ambiguous but the captain and his officers knew well from the beginning that their careers were at an end in spite of the fact that they managed to save the burned out ship. So, why did the CO of USS Mason not react more forcefully DURING the attack?
And then there is the little matter of the identity of the attackers. As some here know I was Defense Attaché in Yemen long ago and know the country well having repeatedly returned. The Houthis are, IMO, unlikely to have anti-ship missiles. These are small arms equipped tribal guerrillas. There is a portion of the Yemen Army that has remained allied with the Houthis and loyal to former president, Salih. These fellows have a "missile battalion" with which they have been shooting at targets in Saudi Arabia with SCUD (old Soviet stocks?) and other ballistic missiles. The targets are just about all military in nature; air bases, ground force positions, etc., and they have been hitting a lot of them. Might they have old Chinese Silkworm anti-ship missiles or the like? Certainly.
IMO it is impossible at this time and on the basis of available information to decide exactly what has transpired in this ship action against shore batteries and who did what. pl
Posted at 04:22 PM in Borg Wars, Yemen | Permalink | Comments (81)
Posted at 03:19 PM in Open Thread | Permalink | Comments (222)
"While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region. This effort will be enhanced by the stepped up commitment in the KRG. The Qataris and Saudis will be put in a position of balancing policy between their ongoing competition to dominate the Sunni world and the consequences of serious U.S. pressure. By the same token, the threat of similar, realistic U.S. operations will serve to assist moderate forces in Libya, Lebanon, and even Jordan, where insurgents are increasingly fascinated by the ISIL success in Iraq." John Podesta to HC in 2014
This did not affect her. The Clintons and Clintonfoundationworld have continued to this day to receive massive infusions of cash from both Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Posted at 01:55 PM in As The Borg Turns, Borg Wars, Middle East, Saudi Arabia | Permalink | Comments (80)
It looks to me as if the Houthis (Ansar Allah party) have a response to the American/Saudi aggression against Yemen that could mean real trouble coming up for merchant ships and tankers going through the Bab el Mandeb. Crew members of the HSV-2, the modern, very fast, Australian built, UAE auxiliary ship (seemingly designed by someone who was under the influence of the Italian film-director Federico Fellini), that was gutted by fire and explosion on October 1 have been quoted in the press in Gulf newspapers as saying that the attack began about 3 a.m. with most of the Ukrainian/Central European crew of 24 asleep. There was a powerful explosion which lurched the ship down on one side, the force of which suggests either an antitank Kornet or an Iranian Noor. The aluminum superstructure began to burn. I believe the video, whoever provided it, is accurate. I believe this because the vast horseshoe of windows on what I assume is the observation deck clearly show fire burning behind them, once you understand how unusual the ship is. A crewmember states that there were small boats around the ship steadily firing small arms into the ship.
Continue reading "US Navy DDG attacked in Bab al-Mandab strait. - Tidewater" »
Posted at 05:07 PM in Borg Wars, Middle East, Yemen | Permalink | Comments (82)
Trump's counteroffensive was ugly but IMO it was effective. The level of stress that he inflicted on the Ft. Brooklyn apparat was reflected in Little Donny Deutsch's hysterical performance at MJ today. After letting the man rave against Trump for a while Joe S. told him to "stop screaming." "Listen to me!" Listen to me!" Deutsch had yelled across the table. That must have been a deeply satisfying moment for the Trumpistas.
IMO the ruthless device of bringing forward three of Bill Clinton's women accusers to renew their calls for vengeance on the man from Hope worked very well. Juanita Brodderick's straightforward statement "Bill Clinton raped me and then Hillary threatened me ..." must have had SOME effect. With regard to Kathy Shelton who had been brutally raped by a man named Taylor when she was twelve, I don't see anything wrong with HC's conduct. She was Taylor's court appointed attorney and successfully got the scumbag's sentence reduced. It was her duty to do that. Enough said.
The GOPers who deserted Trump over Pussygate now face a moment of truth. Will most of them re-defect to his camp? I think they will and that will be a mistake because IMO he is still going to lose unless Assange has some really good stuff in reserve. You remember him - "Can't we just drone him!"
For me the most ominous thing about the present electoral disaster is the level of perfection achieved by Ft. Brooklyn in the process of the industrialization of the political process in the US. Their willingness to twist, distort and flat out lie in pursuit of the end that for them justifies all means is frightening. The technique employed by their allies in "fact checking" Trump's opinions as opposed to HC's declamations ( "I support the Second Amendment") is amusing by any standard but it works with the semi-sentient masses. The puny Trump wurlitzer playing on and on from the golden chambers in the Trump tower is not well enough organized to compare its steam calliope hooting to the Robby Mook symphony. Mook's people actively and largely successfully seek to create public opinion using implanted memes and constant repetition from their media allies. IMO the success of such PR techniques will mean the end of actual democracy in the US if it continues.
I await the condescension of those who will now write to counsel me as to the non-existence of democracy in the US and/or the holiness of HC's Methodist utopian revolution to come. pl
Posted at 10:55 AM in Politics | Permalink | Comments (218)
"Chief of the Directorate of Media service and Information of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Igor Konashenkov promised that no U.S. aircraft would be immune from the threat the S-300 and S-400 air defense batteries pose in case of military strikes on the government-controlled areas. Konashenkov pointed to the airstrikes against Syrian government forces in Der ez-Zor as one of the primary motivating factors in importing the potent weapon systems." southfront
This could not be more clear. If the US and its allies attack government forces in Syria the forces involved will be engaged by Russian forces. pl
Posted at 01:52 PM in Borg Wars, Current Affairs, Israel, Middle East, Russia, Syria | Permalink | Comments (217)
"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere,” Clinton told a Brazilian bank in 2013. She added, “We have to resist, protectionism, other kinds of barriers to market access.” An excerpt from one of HC's private speech's
Assange says this is the first of a number of releases between now and the election.
Trump is a buffoon and the GOP should find a way to dump him. pl
Posted at 11:02 PM in Politics | Permalink | Comments (197)
"Staffan de Mistura, the UN's special envoy for the Syrian crisis, appealed for fighters from the rebel group Jabhat Fateh al-Sham - formerly known as the Nusra Front - to be able to leave Aleppo with their weapons.
Eastern Aleppo, held by rebel forces, has been subjected to a constant campaign of air strikes by Syrian and Russian forces in recent weeks. About 275,000 people still live in the eastern part of the city.
He said he was prepared to personally accompany the jihadists out of the city if it would stop the fighting.
Russia's Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, backed the plan "for the sake of saving Aleppo."
The jihadist faction, however, has already rejected the proposal as a "surrender".
Russia and Syria say their forces are attacking Jabhat Fateh al-Sham. Western powers dispute this, pointing to the high proportion of civilians being killed.
Mr de Mistura said only about 900 of the estimated 8,000 fighters in eastern Aleppo were members of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham." BBC
I once asked the boys and girls from the WINEP and ISA/Kagan thinkeries where they got their information. That is an awkward habit I have that can be summed up as "how do you know that?" In the case of these citadels of exalted brooding the information is almost all sourced to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (an activity of MI-6). This of course makes all the numbers suspect. Nobody knows how many civilians and rebel fighters are in Aleppo.
The UN will investigate Russian activities in Syria? So what? The Russians will veto anything they don't agree with. That's real life folks.
The war party in the US is growing steadily in the halls of supposed power. The American people, to the extent that they think about distractions from actual life, do not want war with anyone. Least of all do they want war with Russia, but, it may happen, provoked by the chauvinists in both US political parties.
The Israelis now realize that the Russians have already shot down a couple of their aircraft and that they now do not command the skies over Syria. This is a game changer.
Natanyahu has asked Putin to mediate the Israeli/Palestinian dispute. This is another game changer. The US and especially our useless, arrogant and impotent State Department has clutched the ownership rights over the Palestine Question to its bosom for decades refusing to let the Europeans have any role at all.
The war party; McCain, Lindsay Graham, their staffers et al are doing their best to provoke a war in the insane belief that the Russians will back away from us before that happens and that if they don't back away we can destroy them without being destroyed.
I am old. I lived through the great days of the US. I am ready for the cataclysm that may come soon. pl
Posted at 06:06 PM in As The Borg Turns | Permalink | Comments (56)
Just to make sure that everyone knows who has the power TO MAKE WAR in the US as opposed to the power TO DECLARE WAR, I will explain the present set up.
The chain of command runs from the president/commander in chief to the Secretary of Defense and from him to the combatant commanders at EUCOM, CENTCOM, Strategic Command, etc. These combatant commands are really just headquarters designed to exercise operational control over forces raised by the service departments; Army, Navy, Air Force and provided to the combatant commands for conduct of operations.
People and institutions NOT in the chain of command; the vice president, the CIA, State Department, Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (an advisory body), the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (the head military advisor).
The War Powers Resolution of 1973 gives the president/commander in chief 60 days of unfettered authority to take military action before a justifying report to Congress is required. If the Congress wanted to call a halt to some military action after that its most effective tools would be de-funding the operation or impeachment. What is the chance that either of these things would happen? I don't recall either of those things happening in the past.
With regard to nuclear war, the president/commander in chief has unlimited power to launch an attack, presumably in retaliation,
In fact a combination of political forces that overcomes the president/commander in chief's resistance can take the US to war without congressional action.
Do you really like this set up? pl
Posted at 10:49 AM in As The Borg Turns, government | Permalink | Comments (86)
US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has revealed himself to be the 21st century's answer to the original Dr. Strangelove. Last week, while touring US nuclear weapons facilities, Carter threatened that the US was prepared to use nuclear weapons to defend against the new emerging Russian threat in Europe. Carter held a press conference at Minot, North Dakota, with a B-52 in the background, pressing for a $1 trillion budget to modernize and expand the US nuclear arsenal to "catch up" with Russia. In the meantime, the US is already moving ahead with a modernization of the B61-12 theater nuclear weapon, for deployment in Europe, that will blur the line between conventional and nuclear warfare, by increasing the accuracy and range and decreasing the payload. No longer will the US nuclear arsenal in Europe be strictly a deterrent.
At the same time, the Obama Administration has walked away from the Geneva negotiations with Russia, aimed at ending the nearly six years of war in Syria, through a joint US-Russian effort against the main jihadist forces--Al Qaeda (Nusra Front) and ISIS. On October 5, the Principals Committee huddled at the White House to consider three options for Syria: Create a no-fly zone over all or most of the country; create safe zones along the Turkish and Jordanian borders inside Syrian territory; bomb the entire Syrian Air Force out of existence in a 24 hour display of "shock and awe;" or arm the Syrian rebels--ie. jihadists--with manpads and other anti-aircraft weapons as part of a prolonged insurgency directed against the Assad government, which will increasingly be dominated by the very terrorist forces that the US and Russia were jointly targeting up until this week.
As Col. Lang has been writing for months, the Russian President has finally concluded that the US is not sincere in proposing joint operations against the jihadists of ISIS and Al Qaeda, and so he has thrown his military support behind an assault on Aleppo, to wipe out the terrorist pocket and effectively defeat the insurgency militarily.
The first three options taken up by the Principals at the White House mean direct war against Russia, a war that would, in light of Strangelove Carter's recent remarks, likely lead to a nuclear exchange--and not at the tactical level. Option four means the US is aligned with the jihadists in a prolonged, ie. permanent war in the Near East--hardly a much better option.
Posted at 08:31 AM in As The Borg Turns, Borg Wars, Current Affairs, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria | Permalink | Comments (37)
"The next phase of the battle will be a multi-pronged advance on the outskirts of Mosul. Most likely the main thrust will drive up the Baghdad-Mosul highway on the west bank of the Tigris River, halting when the southern outskirts of Mosul are reached." BBC
Interesting piece on the proposed Mosul offensive. This will be interesting to watch. Let's see, what would be a good codename for the operation? "Shia Dawn," maybe? I would think that IS will put up a good fight at Mosul. What else can they do? This will be a good opportunity to make them into "Used Jihadis." pl
Posted at 06:18 PM in Borg Wars, Iraq | Permalink | Comments (48)
"Motss decides to invent a hero who was left behind enemy lines, and inspired by the idea that he was "discarded like an old shoe" has the Pentagon provide him with a soldier named Schumann (Harrelson) around whom he constructs a further narrative including T-shirts, additional patriotic songs, and faux-grassroots demonstrations of patriotism. At each stage of the plan, Motss continually dismisses setbacks as "nothing" and compares them to past movie-making catastrophes he averted.
When the team goes to retrieve Schumann, they discover he is in fact a criminally insane Army prison convict before their plane crashes en route to Andrews Air Force Base. The team survives and is rescued by a farmer, but Schumann attempts to rape the farmer's daughter and the farmer kills him. Motss then stages an elaborate military funeral, claiming that Schumann died from wounds sustained during his rescue."' wiki on WTD
There is just so much BS out there this year. The meme attack team at Ft. Brooklyn is working over-time to produce an unfavorable meme per day on Trump.
The latest stupid thing is the falsehood that claims Trump said the US military is WEAK psychologically. He did not say that. He said that SOME people exposed to combat stress are not strong enough to bear the pressure. I know that psychiatrists are busy selling the self serving idea that returned soldiers or evidently also those who have never been exposed to combat stress are wounded children. A lot of moms like that idea, but those who have fought know that what he said is profoundly true. Some people are unaffected by combat stress and others crumble at the thought. Others soldier on however much they quake inside. A woman up in Ottawa asked me once if I were one of the crazy brave or the phony tough. I should have asked if she had more options.
"Good ol' Shoe" rides again. pl
Posted at 12:20 PM in As The Borg Turns, Borg Wars, Film | Permalink | Comments (58)
"The formal powers and role of the vice president are limited by the Constitution to becoming president should the president become unable to serve (e.g. due to the death, resignation, or medical impairment of the president) and acting as the presiding officer of the United States Senate. As President of the Senate, the vice president has two primary duties: to cast a vote in the event of a senate deadlock and to preside over and certify the official vote count of the U.S. Electoral College." Wiki below.
There is no power inherent in the office of vice president of the United States other than those enumerated above.
Unless the president gives the vice president functional power by executive order (as GW Bush did with Cheney) the holder of this office has no real significance in American government other than as successor to the president.
Bush '43 gave Cheney a lot of power, effectively making him a kind of co-president. This was never intended by the framers. Some vice-presidents have spent little time in Washington during their incumbency, finding better things to do. Harry Truman famously had not been told of the existence of the Manhattan Project before FDR's easily anticipated death. Roosevelt evidently did not think that he had a need to know.
The lawyers can inform as to whether the executive orders through which Cheney was endowed with so much power will automatically lapse wen he and "W" leave office.
Whether they do or not, the next president will have to decide if he wants to cede so much authority to someone who may or may not have the same agenda as he. The creation of the Cheney premiership gave Cheney a sense of himself that most presidents will not want to see. When Cheney shot his hunting companion, he did not bother to inform the president for a couple of days in spite of the media problem that this incident was certain to cause.
Both Joe Biden and Sarah Palin are people with strong opinions. Will the next president want a semi-independent actor on the scene in his administration?
The president needs the help? No. The government does not need an alternative locus of power in the executive branch. pl
2016 - Addendum. This post was first published in September, 2008. IMO it should be remembered that the VP is not the president's deputy. He/she/it is separately elected. so far as I know they could be of different parties. pl
Posted at 09:38 AM in Politics | Permalink | Comments (31)
" ... behind the lofty rhetoric about solidarity and the images of heroic rescuers rushing in to save lives is an agenda that aligns closely with the forces from Riyadh to Washington clamoring for regime change. Indeed, The Syria Campaign has been pushing for a no-fly zone in Syria that would require at least “70,000 American servicemen” to enforce, according to a Pentagon assessment, along with the destruction of government infrastructure and military installations. There is no record of a no-fly zone being imposed without regime change following —which seems to be exactly what The Syria Campaign and its partners want.
“For us to control all the airspace in Syria would require us to go to war against Syria and Russia. That’s a pretty fundamental decision that certainly I’m not going to make,” said Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee this month." Max Blumenthal
Dunford should be careful if he wants to keep his job until retirement. John McCain immediately and angrily denied that that a NFZ in Syria would inevitably mean war with Russia.
I agree with Dunford.
The wall to wall R2P and Ziocon campaign to destroy the Government of Syria is in high gear. Unfortunately for the R2Pers, Government of Israel and Ziocons the rebels are losing the war. The Borgist press talk endlessly of air strikes in Aleppo as part of the propaganda meme, and do their best to ignore the daily disintegration of the jihadi rebels in East Aleppo.
The SAA, Palestinian militias long resident in Syria, Hizbullah from both Lebanon and Iraq, Iranian troops and the Aleppo Kurds in the Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood are systematically disassembling the jihadi pocket in East Aleppo.
The more that progresses the more the IO war for American public acquiescence ramps up.
The "White Helmets" are reputed to be in line for a Nobel Peace Prize. pl
Posted at 06:41 PM in As The Borg Turns, Borg Wars, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Palestine, Policy, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria | Permalink | Comments (105)
Washington has “suspended” bilateral contacts with Moscow over the Syrian crisis, the US State Department said. Russian Foreign Ministry said it was "disappointed" by the decision and accused the US of seeking to shift blame for its own failure in Syria.
US officials had threatened for a week to withdraw from the Syrian peace process, after the latest ceasefire negotiated by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Secretary of State John Kerry collapsed amid bloody fighting.
While contacts between US and Russian military to “deconflict” encounters between their aircraft in Syrian skies will continue, the US is withdrawing personnel that was dispatched for the purpose of setting up the Joint Implementation Center (JIC) for the ceasefire, agencies reported citing the State Department.
There is "nothing more for the US and Russia to talk about" in Syria, White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Monday.
Russia has made efforts to preserve the September 9 ceasefire agreement, while repeatedly urging Washington to live up to its obligations, the Foreign Ministry in Moscow said on Monday.
“It turns out that Washington has failed to fulfill the key condition of the agreement to ease humanitarian situation for the residents of Aleppo” said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. “And now, apparently, having failed to honor these agreements that they themselves worked out, [the US] is trying to shift the blame.” (
On top of this, Gospodin Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin suspended Russia’s participation in the program for disposing of plutonium from excess nuclear weapons.
Well, if there’s nothing left to talk about, what’s next? I can hear the voice of my old friend, Master Sergeant Albert H. Rivers, “The shit’s on, good buddy.”
Posted at 03:33 PM in Current Affairs, Russia, Syria, TTG | Permalink | Comments (72)
The lawyers or business people here can correct me. but it seems to me that Trump is being treated badly in the matter of his taxes by what Giuliani IMO correctly called the Clinton campaign branches at CNN. MSNBC, the NY Times. etc. Giuliani was being abused at the time by Jake Tapper.
According to the wiki linked below on the Trump Organization (TO), this business entity is privately held, is a holding company for Trump's many assets and is 100% owned by Donald Trump.
That being the case the TO can be organized in a couple of ways:
1. As a sole proprietorship. In that case the income and liabilities of TO are an extension of his household and solely his personal tax responsibilities.
2. As an S-corporation. This would provide him with some liability protection in operations but would treat all revenues and losses as his and require him to accept these as personal income and losses to be settled at the end of each tax year.
In the context of the disintegration of the casino industry in Atlantic City, New Jersey in the mid-90s, it is not difficult to understand how he could have had a loss of $913 million in one year,
US tax law allows a business owner to carry over "unused" losses from one tax year to the next for 18 years. The remaining "unused" losses are applied in the following years' tax returns until exhausted or time runs out.
This is not rocket science. What was he supposed to do, eat the loss?
Remember I am a supporter of the Libertarian ticket. pl
Posted at 04:42 PM in Politics | Permalink | Comments (140)
By Patrick BAHZAD
It has been several days since the start of the joint Syrian-Russian offensive on Aleppo and here we are again, contemplating an already familiar level of urban devastation and human suffering, wondering which turn events are now going to take in the city that epitomizes what the Syrian civil war stands for. Now obviously, there is no doubt as to the horrendous level of destruction Aleppo has suffered, at the hands of the various actors involved, but such is the fate of cities entangled in prolonged urban combat. The public outrage at the tactics employed by the SAA and its Russian backers can only be attributed to lack of understanding of the mechanics of war in such theatres of operation, combined with a healthy amount of selective memory loss. History is awash with examples of "siege" stories, sectarian strife and civil war destroying the fabric and the people of great cities. However, what is currently unfolding in Aleppo – beyond a level of violence hard to comprehend for most Westerners – is anything but a surprise. SST readers in particular will remember a number of articles published here in the past months that underlined the high probability of what is happening. But unlike six months ago, several geopolitical and military factors have substantially changed the equation and the latest round of fighting looks nothing short of a showdown for Aleppo, possibly for Syria altogether.
A word of advice however before diving into the subject: you better stop counting the stories, editorials and other pieces that our newspapers and TV networks are publishing or airing about Aleppo. Some of this journalism could be regarded as honest reporting not taking into account the contingencies of fighting an enemy embedded with the civilian population in a large urban area. But most it is tainted by a level of hypocrisy that defies the whole purpose of such pieces. What is the empathy for Aleppo worth, when you are not even willing to mention Saudi airstrikes over Yemen in a similar fashion ?
Besides, it may be dangerous to cry "war crimes" and "atrocities" at this point in time, when the US lead Coalition in Iraq is about to launch a major offensive against the so called Islamic State and its capital. The Jihadis in the Middle-East and other places will make sure to remind us of the strong wording used for Aleppo once the onslaught on Mosul will have started. And they will definitely try to point to the bias and double standard of Western media outlets if we do not display the same sense of outrage at the casualties that the offensive on Mosul might cause among the civilians there. Don't throw with stones when you live in a glass house …
Anyway, we shall see how the Coalition handles that siege. Hopefully it will not turn into a slaughterhouse like Aleppo, but in truth, it will be impossible to avoid a "minimal" level of collateral damage, unless you change the ROEs in such a way that a ground offensive will be utterly useless, which brings us back to the current topic. Looking at Aleppo and how things developed into the current situation calls for several factors to be mentioned.
The Moderates … and not so Moderates in Eastern Aleppo
One of the reasons explaining the failure of the latest US-Russian ceasefire agreement is the refusal by what is left of moderate rebels inside Aleppo to break-up with the more radical groups, first and foremost "Jabhat al-Nusra", or whatever other name they like to be called these days. The two major groups that controlled the Eastern neighbourhoods, namely the "Nour al-Din al-Zenki" movement and the "Suqour al-Sham" Brigade, actually joined the Al Qaeda Jihadis and left them in charge of the operational command inside the city.
The fact that this plays right into the hands of the Assad regime and its Russian allies is secondary in the short term, although it provides Putin, Lavrov and Co with enough ammunition to show the world that the so-called "moderates" supported by the US are actually infiltrated or even openly cooperating with Al Qaeda. A number of recent reports about the disastrous relationships between American SFGs and their local trainees bear testimony to this ancient problem.
As for Aleppo, it was definitely not helpful that Nusra moved hundreds of its fighters into the city at a time when the Northern LOC into the city was being cut off by the R+6, and moderates were deserting the city, in anticipation of an onslaught that did not come at that point. Probably, the Turkish handlers of "Zenki" and " Suqour al-Sham" also wanted to call back their local assets through the Western Bab al-Hawa border crossing and send them into their Northern buffer zone, through Bab al-Salameh this time, in order to prevent any attempt by the Kurds to achieve territorial junction between their Afrin enclave and the rest of "Rojava".
What these movements of fighters did to the rebellion inside Aleppo is pretty simple: the moderate leftovers were weakened further, both in numbers and influence, while Nusra took over command and control of the Eastern parts of the city, making good use of the 200 000 civilians living in the area to avoid turning into an easy target for the Syrian or Russian air force.
Posted at 05:44 PM | Permalink | Comments (108)
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