My dear old Dad had seen it all, done most of it and was unrepentant about any of it. He used to tell me (among many other things) that the end of concription in the United States would be a disaster for career soldiers and for the United States.
He reasoned that having completely professional armed forces would be profoundly liberating for any elected government because the tiny segment of the electorate who would have children in the military would not be a potent political force in an election. In other words expeditionary wars of choice would be politically painless for the politicians.
That has proven to be the case. Sheltered behind sentimental nonsense about "thanks for service," and ribbons tied around trees, the American people have proven themselves to be indifferent to the human suffering and costs inflicted in the Borg Wars. Some of this suffering has been experienced by our own soldiers, but a great deal of it has been inflicted by us and our friends in the inevitable wretched business of "collateral damage."
When the draft ended I thought that was a good policy change. I was profoundly weary of the leadership challenges presented by conscripts. I thought that working with fellow professionals would be a welcome change and it was, but a corollary change proved to be that professional soldiers could be sent to die without fear of an electoral backlash.
The is profoundly enabling for the Globalists, among whom Hillary Clinton is surely included.
Would Hillary Clinton want the draft back? I think not. Would a self-serving Congress want it back? I think not. Would all the mommies and daddies whose children would be drafted? I think not. What would Trump want? Well, who cares? He will not be president unless something really spectacular happens.
Nevertheless, people of quality should demand a mandatory military service law and this time the law should require that the National Guard be deployed with the regular forces in any combat deployment. pl
Yes, and the other deleterious thing we have muddled into is ignoring the constitutional provision that requires a super majority of Congress to declare war. I know many elites consider this constitutional provision quaint and irrelevant. They are fools.
Posted by: doug | 16 August 2016 at 01:59 PM
Also, amend Article 2, clause 5 of the Constitution to say: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five years, served at least two years active United States military service, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.
Posted by: Ken Halliwell | 16 August 2016 at 02:00 PM
I agree with this proposal. A little bit of service to the nation never hurt anyone; if anything it'll develop some character in our youth.
Posted by: Swami | 16 August 2016 at 02:02 PM
I completely agree!
Truly universal service would force our classes and ethnicities to actually get to know one another a little bit.
Also there is an historical correlation between service and the franchise: where citizens serve their vote counts, where they don't, over time it doesn't.
Posted by: jsn | 16 August 2016 at 02:20 PM
Been thinking that.
Posted by: rjj | 16 August 2016 at 02:30 PM
I agree completely with your sentiment.
When I was in the navy back in the 1980's I suggested to my Chief Petty Officer that there should be a military draft. He immediately shot back at me with a "Hell No!" because draftees are a "pain in the ass" and that he "didn't want to deal with anyone who didn't want to be here"
A draft MIGHT put a collar on these illegal wars of choice.
Posted by: Matt | 16 August 2016 at 02:45 PM
Completely agree, Pat. It would also connect us again, as a people, in a way that has gone missing since the draft ended.
Posted by: BabelFish | 16 August 2016 at 02:46 PM
I'm all for this. The increase in man power (and woman power) can be used to replace the majority of contractors with uniformed military personnel. We can have mess sergeants and mess halls again.
Posted by: The Twisted Genius | 16 August 2016 at 02:52 PM
Posted by: Herb | 16 August 2016 at 03:18 PM
It would also be nice if Congress actually had to declare war before troops were deployed outside the country.
Posted by: HankP | 16 August 2016 at 03:27 PM
could not agree more. But as you point out, neither Clinton nor (probably) Trump would advocate for a draft. Under what circumstances could it be introduced. I think it all starts with campaign finance and election reform, specifically through the introduction of instant run-off elections. That way you'll have the possibility of coalitions formed after the election and the emergence of viable third parties in congress and state legislatures.
Posted by: Freudenschade | 16 August 2016 at 03:28 PM
Colonel Lang,
Perhaps a better suggestion would be: "Mandatory National Service"?
It would certainly save on contractor budgets.
Posted by: Ramojus | 16 August 2016 at 03:29 PM
What I liked about the traditional policy in Britain of having a volunteer army was that it acted as break on the government pursuing unpopular wars. Of course this could be got around by employing mercenaries, like the Hessians during your war of Independence, when ordinary folk refused to sign up.
I dislike the continued use of Ghurkas and non British citizens, from the long redundant Commonwealth, being able to sign up. Very decline and fall period of the Roman Empire. Although apparently the Commonwealth fodder Blair opened the Military to has been largely rescinded.
Posted by: LondonBob | 16 August 2016 at 03:41 PM
We need universal service - either in the Military or some kind of National Workforce for teaching assistants or other worthwhile Civic Engagement . It should be for every one ..And if you don't - you can't vote ..
Posted by: alba etie | 16 August 2016 at 03:50 PM
Yup, won't happen.
While I always believed that some portions of the Armed Forces should be Career Professionals, there should be conscription, for the exact reason's you mentioned.
Posted by: Brunswick | 16 August 2016 at 04:08 PM
Dear Mr. Lang, It is so nice to see two people with seemingly opposite worldviews that can agree on an issue. Could you see yourself publicly endorsing US Representative Charles Rangel in his continued effort to reinstate the draft?
Posted by: Bob Keskula | 16 August 2016 at 04:09 PM
Am I being too predictable by turning on CCR's "Fortunate Son" song?
Posted by: SmoothieX12 | 16 August 2016 at 04:16 PM
I agree. The Swiss have a mandatory military law for all men (volunteer for women) and their society has benefitted tremendously from it: disciplined young adults before they enter the workforce, and a ready defense army. All conscripts IIRC must remain in the reserves for 10 years after their mandatory service.
Posted by: MRW | 16 August 2016 at 05:09 PM
To have the social effect I want it has to be MILITARY service with no f-----g deferments for anything. If it is not military "les fils a papa" will opt to teach ghetto kids or some other "dodge." If that happens their f-----g parents and uncles will still send the children of america to die and kill in their mad obsessions. pl
Posted by: turcopolier | 16 August 2016 at 05:26 PM
Bob Keskula
I know Charlie. He always call me colonel although I have asked him to call me Pat. He has it right on this. I am not impressed with his whining about how he was in a segregated artillery battalion in Korea and what S---ts the white officers were while at the same time in his autobiography he says the same officers led the men to safety in the retreat from North Korea. pl
Posted by: turcopolier | 16 August 2016 at 05:32 PM
What you are talking about are smallish colonial wars that were basically sporting events for people like me, TTG and
Posted by: turcopolier | 16 August 2016 at 05:35 PM
No. It must be military service either as a combatant or as a CO field medic with the army or US Marines. pl
Posted by: turcopolier | 16 August 2016 at 05:42 PM
My father served as an officer in WWII. He would have agreed with your father.
How would women fit into any future draft?
Posted by: Cvillereader | 16 August 2016 at 05:53 PM
If you don't want the Brigade of Gurkhas, Australia would very much like to have them. Best and funniest soldiers I ever trained with!
Posted by: Walrus | 16 August 2016 at 05:58 PM
Agree wholeheartedly. That said, there will always be opportunities to avoid anything too unpleasant in the Navy and Air Force. And even the Marines and Army always need more in the rear with the gear (in support) than in rifle companies. Fortunate sons (and daughters) could still be treated as such. But the political effect would still be in force to a large extent. War mongers would still be voted out of office; or at least think twice.
Would women be drafted too?
Posted by: Eric Newhill | 16 August 2016 at 06:03 PM