"“Russia is beginning with what we define as a” quiet support ” supplying advanced technology and preparing a spearhead force before reaching a further level we call the” stormy Support “. We expect a large presence of troops that will be supported by Russian Air Force. There are around 2500 Russian fighters, military expert and consultant in Syria. The number is expected to go much higher in the near future “, confirm the source that is in contact with the Russian units on the Syrian ground.
“There are two aspects for the Russian intervention in Syria: In the first, the front line should be reinforced, maintained and is expected later to recover more lands and lost cities. The second is to hunt and bomb the Islamic State (ISIS) group leaders as well as other extremist groups in Syria, without exception. There are no red lines for the Russian operational tactics against terrorism that may extend to Iraq if necessary. The Kremlin has decided to face and fight terrorism by all means and is determine to eliminate, not to contain, ISIS. The Russians are aware of the necessity of cooperation with the U.S. led coalition over the sky of Syria to prevent unnecessarily accidents “, the source said." Fort Russ
This is evidently a Russian translation site.
This sounds like reality to me. They appear to be running on the schedule I have forecast. The writing on the wall says "Assad's Syria." pl
This is slightly off topic but I haven't heard much in the MSM about the Israeli colonel captured in Iraq along with ISIS fighters
Is this a tempest in a teapot or something larger?
Posted by: BrotherJoe | 31 October 2015 at 02:24 PM
ISIS Releases Video Of Alleged Russian Airplane Mid-Air Exposion After It Claims Responsibility For Disaster
Posted by: BostonB | 31 October 2015 at 03:06 PM
I have read the same thing on different sites as well and have no way to evaluate the truth of the situation. I can only ask myself if I'm accessing bat-guano crazy websites or anti-jewish/anti_Zionist sites and if the basic story even happened. Some sites seem perfectly sane till you read further! So, all the knowledgable commenters on SST, your help is needed...what's going on here?
Posted by: Marcy | 31 October 2015 at 03:19 PM
Too early to tell. we need more data. pl
Posted by: turcopolier | 31 October 2015 at 03:38 PM
BroJoe & Marcy
Check out what RationalWiki has to say about the "politicalvelcraft" site. But I cannot vouch for Rational Wiki either. So who knows?
Posted by: mike | 31 October 2015 at 03:48 PM
I have serious doubts about the claim of the capture of this Israeli colonel because I remember reading about over a week ago. At the time I traced it to an online magazine called "Veterans Today". The editor is a man named Gordon Duff. I wouldn't trust the magazine and Duff as far as I can throw them based on reading the magazine and listening to Duff on some Internet broadcasts. Looking further into this I believe the original source for this claim is from the Fars News Agency of Iran:
Posted by: Ryan | 31 October 2015 at 03:50 PM
My take is that I find it hard to believe that an Israel special forces officer is going to run around Iraq with a 4 inch Star of David tattooed on his arm.
Second no matter what any Jihadi group was promised the temptation to take such officer and demand the world from Israel would be to great. If Israel has a weak spot it is that they become vulnerable when it comes to their dead or captured. Hamas and Hezbolah try to expoit that all the time.
Posted by: J Villain | 31 October 2015 at 04:17 PM
If these vermin had any balls, they'd try to bring down combat aircraft. How much more proof do the "western liberals" need to see that these bastards and their supporters must be neutralized?
Ishmael Zechariah
Posted by: Ishmael Zechariah | 31 October 2015 at 05:55 PM
State at the Bahrain confab pledged $100 million to Syrian opposition.
Posted by: J | 31 October 2015 at 05:56 PM
And the Israeli solution is try to kill the captured soldier and avoid the controversy. See Hannibal directive
Posted by: Will | 31 October 2015 at 06:00 PM
Yeah, you're right to doubt rationalwiki. Anyone who hand waves away cultural Marxism as a "conspiracy theory" can't be trusted.
Not to mention that anyone who asserts themselves as "rational" likely is not.
Posted by: Tyler | 31 October 2015 at 06:58 PM
Here is a general article about Syria from 23 October 2015 by Patrick Cockburn appearing in the London Review of Books; of interest are descriptions of discussions with injured fighters helping the Syrian government side--
Posted by: robt willmann | 31 October 2015 at 07:16 PM
I cannot find any information about a MANPAD that can reach 31,000 feet.
I have read articles that the pilots of that aircraft were raising hell with the ground crews about mechanical problems with at least one of the engines.
Posted by: Richard Armstrong | 31 October 2015 at 08:32 PM
The meeting about Syria in Vienna, Austria ended yesterday and this "Vienna Communique on Syria" of 30 October 2015 was issued--
The 19 participants consisted of 17 countries and 2 non-countries, the European Union and the United Nations. They reached a "mutual understanding" on nine things.
Two very big things were left out, as you might expect.
1. Who was not invited to the party, and who was not part of the "mutual understanding" about the "grave situation in Syria"?
Syria itself, of course, and its government.
2. Point number one of the nine says, "Syria's unity, independence, territorial integrity, and secular character are fundamental". After you get through ROFL (about it and point number eight), what is missing?
The word "sovereignty".
Posted by: robt willmann | 31 October 2015 at 08:56 PM
Unfortunately, if your life experiences are primarily defined by doing well in school (in affluent neighborhoods), being socially ambitious, and focusing on a career trajectory, then you are fundamentally ignorant of much of the world. This background works brilliantly if one is in the Junior League* and/or climbing a corporate ladder; however, it is an impediment to grasping the venality of liver-eaters, beheaders, and the intolerance of takfiris.
*Junior League: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junior_League
Posted by: readerOfTeaLeaves | 31 October 2015 at 09:08 PM
George W. Bush discovered that being a "war time" President guaranteed his political power and carried him into a second term of office. "Mission Accomplished" was a joke until you realized that the joke was on us: the War on Terror will last eternally.
I am convinced, and I freely admit that I have no basis aside from my reading on the Internet, that President Putin does not want more war. He wants less war. He certainly does not want his government overthrown by Victoria Nuland, but he does not want war.
And if he wants less war, then when he goes to war he will do it with the intent to end it as soon as possible.
Recall that the Korean War is on-going. A Korea-like solution in the ME would be fine by Putin, I believe, as long as the head choppers stayed within their borders.
Putin himself has promised not to put ground troops into Syria. If he does or has, they will not be there long. The "Ukrainian Solution" is the worst case: very, very few Russian casualties. And notice how the Western press has been ecstatic to report the death of a Russian soldier. A fantasy is a wish.
Posted by: Bill Herschel | 31 October 2015 at 11:53 PM
bill Herschel
No. Putin intends to win this war. pl
Posted by: turcopolier | 01 November 2015 at 12:19 AM
Western liberalism is basically schizophrenia where up is down, north is south, and inside every jihadi is a Castro Street Democrat waiting to burst out and embrace the "values" of secular hedonistic Westerners.
The only reason he has not is because of racism and he needs to be educated correctly.
That is literally what these schoolmarms believe. The only evil people in the world are white racist Republicans keeping them from their utopia.
Posted by: Tyler | 01 November 2015 at 01:51 AM
Putin wants what's best for Russia, and if a war with IS is what's best for Russia (it is), then that's what will happen.
Ukraine was just enough force to see objectives met. The only reason the US can continue to slosh around a gorillion dollars here and there is because we are the reserve currency. That is a situation that will last until it doesn't. Then you and me and everyone else in the US gets to LARP our Mad Max fantasies.
Posted by: Tyler | 01 November 2015 at 01:54 AM
I think that initial idea behind Syria campaign was political cool down with West. Actual war is only afterthought. Primary objective didn't actually work out 100%, so nor Putin will adapt. So any plans regarding peace in Cyria without broad coalition will be in the works right now. I doubt that there was detailed plan before.
Posted by: Alexey | 01 November 2015 at 01:23 AM
If he does, it will change the world. And if the victory flushes the toilet containing feces like Andrew Higgins (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/12/world/europe/mystery-surrounds-death-of-fiery-ukrainian-activist.html), it will be a great day for the United States. Your reply gives hope.
Posted by: Bill Herschel | 01 November 2015 at 03:06 AM
Like me Tyler? ... I leave out anything that could be mistaken as lecture. ;)
But thanks for the hint.
Meaning just as me you stumbled across Rational Wiki before? Would I find you in the entries history or "fossil record"?
Posted by: LeaNder | 01 November 2015 at 07:51 AM
Thanks, Tyler for picking up on what has to be said about "vermin" and "western liberals". Interesting points, besides the vague victim image in the end. ... not that it may not come true in the end. Or that these guys have a larger cultural shift between perpetrator and victim in mind. Longterm.
"and inside every jihadi is a Castro Street Democrat waiting to burst out and embrace the "values" of secular hedonistic Westerners."
I think there is a grain of truth in this. In other words,it could well be one facet of a larger re-distribution struggle. ...
On the other hand, that may be the secret source of my struggles with both the borg and its offered European equivalent- the troika controlled media.... i have to admit, that I am somewhat skeptic about offered solutions on what dresses up as "erratic Marxism".
Posted by: LeaNder | 01 November 2015 at 08:31 AM
"No. Putin intends to win this war"
For what it is worth, I agree with you. I think that we in the U.S. have gotten used to military actions where each step of a campaign is announced not just during but prior to execution. The concept of secrecy seems to be a foreign concept to most and this is perplexing to me. Even as late as 1990, I recall Norman Schwarzkopf refusing to announce what we did until well after the fact and prior to that the anticipation was excruciating. Somewhere, this went out of Vogue recently, we started mentioning plans to help Iraqi's retake Tikrit and other operations months prior to the event and lack of such announcements is considered evidence of a lack of planning. Common sense reasoning has turned upside down.
Posted by: Chris Chuba | 01 November 2015 at 10:07 AM
The Israeli colonel story looks to have been debunked here, if Google translate is any guide:
(Or for any German speakers, obviously. Is the site credible?)
Posted by: Phil | 01 November 2015 at 10:23 AM