Hillary's "classified" e-mails
" To be properly classified, a classification authority (an individual charged by the U.S. government with the right and responsibility to properly determine the level of classification and the reason for classification) must determine the appropriate classification level, as well as the reason information is to be classified. A determination must be made as to how and when the document will be declassified, and the document marked accordingly. Executive Order 13526 describes the reasons and requirements for information to be classified and declassified (Part 1). Individual agencies within the government develop guidelines for what information is classified and at what level" Wiki on classification in the US.
God himself does not personally "classify" information, not even in the US Government. He leaves that task to mere mortals. People who have security clearances and who are given access to documents marked with some jumble of letters indicating a degree of secrecy usually assume that there is something inherent in the information or the document that made it "classified." That is not the case. Information does not become "classified" until a "classification authority" says it is classified. In each department of the Executive Branch of the federal government the ultimate "classification authority" is the cabinet officer who heads that department, i.e., the Secretary of --------.
In the case of the State Department, that "classification authority" was Hillary Clinton whilst (I been watchin;' Brit TV again) she was Secretary of State, Sooo, unless she ruled that something circulating within State was "classified," it was not.
In the case of something from another department that came to her already "classified" that would be a more complex "call," but not a simple "call." Normally, information coming to a departmental secretary has more than one source. Who can say what information came from where? Sooo, let up, people. pl
How well is "containing IS" doing?
The answer is--- not very well. Absent a US national desire to fight a major war in Iraq and Syria, the only way to get rid of IS is to wall it up in the territory it has managed to capture and keep it walled up until it evolves into something other than the monstrous version of Sunni Islam that it now is. That happens with revolutions. It ALWAYS happens. I challenge you to name a revolution in which it did not happen.
The needed cordon sanitaire is looking shaky.
On the north, IS inspired terrorism inside Turkey has apparently caused that country to suspend its flirtation with IS, but not evidently Nusra and other anti-Syrian government groups. At the same time Turkey has begun bombing PKK associated Kurdish groups that it hates for nationalist reasons. To what extent the other Kurdish fighters, YPG, Pesh Merga, etc. will accept this is not clear to me. After all, the US has been engaged in combat support of these groups with US air. We are their de facto allies.
On the east, Iraq, in spite of all the happy talk declarations from the Obama Administration is still looking mighty weak. The ISF and friends re-captured Ramadi, right? No? The ISF and friends re-captured Baiji, right? No? IS is newly and expansively active in Diyala Province? Yes. A greater alignment of the US with Iran in combating IS seems inevitable if Iraq is to be "saved."
On the west, the US, Turkey, Jordan, Israel and the Saudis are still intent on destroying the present Syrian Government and armed forces as well as the Hizbullah allies of the Syrian Government. The common threads in this determination are; the childlike belief in the Borg that a secular, liberal government would arise from the rubble, Israeli desire to screw Hizbullah and Iran which are seen in Israel as "the main enemy," Saudi and Islamist Turk desire for absolute Sunni domination of, well, everything.
On the south, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are insignificant militarily. They have a lot of equipment but little ability to use it other than at the operator level. War is a social process in the service of political goals. If you want to include economics as a sub-set of politics, that is fine by me. The Saudis and Kuwaitis have no real understanding of the military social process. If you don't understand that statement, keep reading SST. Someone will eventually succeed in explaining it. IMO the only viable solution for building up the south flank of the containment zone would be for the Saudis/Kuwaitis to hire some other country's forces to do the job for them. They have done this before. Saudi/Pakistani agreements stationed large numbers of active duty Pakistan service people in Saudi Arabia for many years. These Pakistanis were situated in combat units as well as support and staff jobs. This kind of augmentation could free up Saudi security services for internal security, a job they are fit for. Failing this kind of strategy Saudi/Kuwait will remain very vulnerable to internal jihadi subversion.
A cordon sanitaire strategy will not, of course, obviate jihadi terrorism outside the contained zone. That would remain the field of competence of; police, intelligence work, SOF and the like. pl
Obama as worldwide community organizer
"Hope and Change" was the watchword of Obama's election in 2008. I voted for him twice for lack of someone acceptable to me on the other side, but there was no enthusiasm in my support. I thought there might be hope for this man when I watched him mock himself on late night TV as "the goat boy messiah," and "arrogant," but alas, he is revealed as someone who thinks there is value in wandering the world lecturing alien peoples with regard to their sometimes abhorrent folkways. Female genital mutilation is an abomination and is all too frequent in Black Africa and Egypt, but does he really think he can "jaw-bone" them out of this custom? Really? Perhaps that kind of delusion explains his fantasy policy in Syria. pl
The Sanders/Trump phenomenon
IMO both these men are expressing widespread discontent in the part of the electorate that I would describe as culturally White. This is the part of the electorate that identifies with the historic majority culture of the United States. Race has nothing to do with whether or not you are culturally White. Asian Americans, some Black Americans, Latino Americans and three toed sloth Americans all can be culturally White. These people feel deeply threatened by the "goat boy messiah," and his cultural brethren in the Borg and are looking for their own messiah. pl
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