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22 March 2015


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no one

Dorian Johnson, so much the stereotype.

Will Reks

What's interesting to me is the trust Capehart has in the DOJ's investigation. I'm sure many questioned Holder's interference in the case but, ultimately, it seems to have restored a sense that the system worked.

I think the prosecutor in Ferguson should file charges, if possible, against the likes of Dorian Johnson.


And I'm sure they'll be brought up on perjury charges.

Oh wait no.

Much like how the UVa rape was a hoax, the Left controlled MSM doesn't really care about the resonance and honesty of these stories as long as it advances the Narrative.



That was apparent in the MSM treatment of the two DoJ reports on Ferguson.. Holder's statement that there was no basis for charging Wilson was largely ignored. pl


Give credit to Capehart for admitting his initial impression was wrong and eating crow. How any other mainstream media types could or would do that?



My issue was always with the militarization and overseas training of the US police.

Here is an interesting video on how money is made.



Where's the local Fifth Column of cultural marxists we have around here? Where is their mea culpa?

I notice they always get realllll quiet after the facts roll out.



Yeah cause Wilson asking gentle giant Brown to move out of the street is endemic of militarization of the police.

The troop carriers were deployed after the Hands Up Don't Shoot narrative went full retard. In the words of Private Hudson, what do you expect the police to use in the face of a riot? Harsh language?



Any mention of these two things in the DoJ report on the Ferguson government? pl



"Private Hudson." Great "Aliens" reference. Every time i bring myself to watch it I marvel over the green Lt. rooted like a plant in his APC while he orders the squaddies to unload their weapons. Reminds me of Garrison in BHD sitting on the airfield at Mogadishu while the Somalis ate his men's lunch. Ah! Someone will write to tell me what a great guy he is. pl



Glad it hit the spot. My wife says Aliens is the most American movie she has ever seen.

Personally I think Steele was the bigger asshole of the two men in the end. Sent his men on a raid in Iraq with the orders that "there were no noncombatants" and when he got called to the carpet for it lawyered up and claimed he never said that.

I heard he was really fond of literly playing "you and him fight' when he was a colonel in the 101st. Would call out two platoons and tell them to go at it at the end of a brigade run.



The harassment is unnecessary!


Col. Lang,

Michael Brown should have obeyed the ridiculous orders of the officer in the first place. You never win if you are beaten or shot.
Don't resist and you live to hire a lawyer later.



I have nothing to apologize for. And for your information, military equipment has been used on US citizens before Ferguson. I was in the line of a tank years ago on US street and was tear gased. This is unacceptable!



"a tank?" really? I don't think the US government ever gave any tanks to police departments. Some other kind of armored vehicle perhaps? pl



Perhaps Brown should not have walked down the middle of the street with his pal? pl


Not to be a spoiler, but it was Frost, not Hudson, who uttered the harsh language line. Just watched it yesterday to confirm. The SE edition has just enough extra footage to make a lot more sense.



Congratulations. Just testing, sort of. pl


Pat, love the movie ,even though it has enough 'stupid behavior' to make me wince. They are going to reboot the series, taking it up from movie 2, and erasing the nihilistic 3rd movie.



Holder's report said that there was no basis proceeding against Wilson. Why did DoJ conclude that? Is Holder covering up for white cops? pl


Col. Lang,

Perhaps. It was an armored police vehicle aka tank to me. I had never seen one before and was shocked to see it coming.



Words matter. A tank is something very different from an "armored police vehicle." pl


Col. Lang

I said that on SST when it happened. That makes no sense to me, however, it shouldn't have escalated. I live in a very nice community with prefectly paved sidewalks and every now and then I see white folks walking down the middle of the street. You can bet that these people wouldn't be warned/ harassed for doing it if the police rolled though here....which they never do.
It has been proven that these kind of offenses were a means to generate revenue in Ferguson. Sadly, that boy wasn't mature enough to handle this differently or he was simply tired of the way black people have been targets and snapped.



That "boy?" He was not a "boy." A lot of men have died in combat for their country who were no older. "You can bet that these people wouldn't be warned harassed for doing it if the police rolled though here..." I really doubt that. "harassed?" I live in a very nice neighborhood as well and two eighteen year old men who insisted on walking down the middle of a street and who were told by police to get out of the street would certainly by "harassed." pl



Its not harassment, its asking someone to follow the common codes of behavior in civil society. A task blacks seem unable to do as a whole.

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