"... Shia militiamen are reported to have besieged the village of Barwana, where many residents of nearby villages had sought shelter.
Abu Omar, a businessman from Sinsil, to the south-west of Barwana,told Reuters news agency that about 10 Humvees carrying a few dozen armed men arrived in the village on Monday afternoon.
They were wearing black and brown uniforms, suggesting some were affiliated with Shia militia and government security forces, he said. Others appeared to be civilians.
Men and boys were dragged from their homes, beaten and cursed with sectarian slurs, and then led in small groups to a field, Abu Omar added.
They were then made to kneel and stare at the ground as the gunmen selected victims one by one and then led them behind a mud wall.
"They took them behind the wall. Less than a minute, then a gunshot," Abu Omar said. "All we could hear was the gunshots. We couldn't see."" BBC
Well, the Sunnis are also massacring Shia villagers. What was that about a government of inclusion? pl
So where is Barwana? That could give us an idea of what sort of massacre is taking place. I think it is in Diyala, but it is an Aramaic name.
Posted by: Laguerre | 16 February 2015 at 04:30 PM
Its partly what the Kurds fear and the subject of an al-Monitor post that I commented on previously.
Posted by: Charles I | 16 February 2015 at 11:48 PM
PL (and other knowledgeable people here): What is your take on this article?
A lot of it rings true to me.
Posted by: Swami Bhut Jolokia | 17 February 2015 at 04:08 PM
I've already been in touch with COL Lang about this and will have a post up on it here at SST either tonight or tomorrow AM. Overall it's interesting, provocative, and I think he does get right that if folks in or aligning themselves with ISIS state this is for religious reasons than a fair amount of that has to be accepted at face value. But... There are some issues and I'll touch on them in my post, as well as the response to one of the American mujtahids involved with CAIR who has called out both the author and several of his sources of presenting the ISIS version of extraordinary claims without extraordinary evidence. The reason for this, from my opinion as someone knowledgable, but on the outside looking in, is that the missing piece that needed to be considered in the article but wasn't is ijma. COL Lang has covered this here as I have I before. The other fatal flaw, which Woods dos touch on, but needs further digging out, is the fragility of millennial/apocalyptic movements.
Posted by: Adam L Silverman | 17 February 2015 at 04:38 PM
Thanks Adam. Looking forward to your post.
Posted by: Swami Bhut Jolokia | 18 February 2015 at 10:11 AM