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23 January 2015


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Glad to see you're writing about this. Fun fun.

Margaret Steinfels

Seventy-five percent believable! Great movie script.

David Habakkuk

Colonel Lang,

Why do you expect us not to believe it?



What does the 25% consist of? pl

nick b


The only thing I wondered about was you going hunting with the MI6 commander. It was my understanding you did not like to hunt. Which I guess would not preclude you from doing it, but that was what stuck out in my mind. Other than that, I believe every word of it. Why wouldn't I? As always, I'm left wanting more.


Sounds about right for a hard hearted empath, thank you for sharing.

...Are you sure the various foreign intelligence services won't try and identify who you "bagged", with possibly unfortunate results?



I outlived them all and then wrote this. pl

Abu Sinan

A great read Colonel! I think it would give my wife hope that an American can master Sana'ani. I am working on it, but it is different enough from the other Arabic dialects I familiar with that it is taking time.

Please post more as time permits!



You have tried my "fiction?" pl


Abu Sinan

I was originally taught MSA by a variety of Qudsiis, Iraqi Christians and Greek Egyptians. I found Sanaa dialect to be not especially difficult when taught to me by my transplanted Adenese driver/surveillant. it was much easier than Cairene sreet Arabic or the Levantine mush they speak in Beirut. pl


nick b

Yes. I hated it but it was necessary, not for the Brit but for Salih. We shot gazelle (awful. it made me think of all the white tails I killed as a kid in Maine), hyenas (not so bad) and baboons (ugly beasts). pl


David Habakkuk

It reads like fiction, even for me. pl

The Twisted Genius

Among my duties when I was first shanghaied into DIA was to serve as the controlled ops desk officer for the Arabian Peninsula. Among the advice I received was that if I wanted to see what the 13th century looked like, I should visit Sanaa. They weren't lying. Colonel Lang's story rings true to me.

Charles I

Given you "minimalist statement" preface and baseless assumptions that I know anything about you I'm prepared to believe virtually all of it, what ever "virtually" qualifies. Once SWMBO is discussed surely truth is the only plea.

Never mind all that, w/r/t Yemen today:

Could a current American + American policy & orders, and Yemeni society support such activities in the same reliable if sometime unorthodox productive manner today?

nick b


I'm asking this question, though while doing so wondering if I really want to know the answer. Were hyenas and baboons eaten there or just hunted for sport?


Great read!

I was taken aback by your final sentence ("...believe the story"). Of course, one of the Rules you set forth a little while ago was something like "information should be evaluated independently of the source"; I guess that cuts both ways, eh? (I consider you a "reliable source", but yeah, I suppose this story could be total bs... except that it fits with everything else I "know" about that part of the world).

You've "dissed" the KSA Air Force before; was your experience in Yemen the primary reason for this, or have you seen the same incompetence from them elsewhere? Is it just their Air Force (perhaps a playground for peripheral Royals Nephews?), or all branches of the KSA military like that?



All of the KSA military is worthless except the SANG. It always was. pl


nick b

Hyenas and baboons are "haram" meat. The Yemenis did not eat gazelle either. I would take it to the US Marine legation guard barracks house. It eventually ended up at Marine Corps Birthday. pl


Charles I

I have been back many times. I find the place unchanged except that the US is now engaged with medieval people without benefit of talented interface. MartinJ may be an exception. pl



As Tyler says, fun stuff. Two CIA medals for actions in the field? That must really rankle Clapper & Co.

Martin Oline

Reading it as fiction I prefer Pearls Arms and Hashish by Henry de Monfreid. Reading as memoir I find it superior to Bloody Years by Francis Yeats-Brown.



They have no idea and do not care. pl



You might want try DPH and DTS as well. They are not so concerned with my angst. pl

William R. Cumming

P.L! A high school classmate-married name Sherry Mullikan Houghton- spent much time in Yemen and even there in last decade. Perhaps the husband was Ambassador or Consul.

Wondering if you crossed paths?

Abu Sinan

Colonel, I believe you are right about the SANG. I think their main role is suppression of internal threats. Do you have an opinion on the abilities of the tribal militias that serve in the SANG along with the regular forces?

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