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29 January 2015


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This is more precisely FBI Special Agent Ashley Hunt, not CIA.



Yup. I was in court when she testified. pl


Forceful, Marcy.

But highly interesting the lawyers. I understand they cannot really do anything for him in the equal opportunity case since matters are classified. ... note, when irritated about matters breath deeply before you talk to your lawyers.

Strictly I consider it possible that he grasped for straws, trying to explain how he suddenly got problems:


"On Friday, former high ranking CIA officer David Cohen — who headed up the New York office while Sterling was there — described how he removed Sterling from the Merlin case because he didn’t believe Sterling was performing well at his job (an opinion neither his deputy, Charles Seidel, nor Bob S shared, at least according to their testimony). “His performance was extremely sub-par,” Cohen testified. Cohen also seemed to disdain what might be called political correctness, which if true may have exacerbated Sterling’s increasing sense of being discriminated against for being African American"



"Charles Seidel, nor Bob S shared, at least according to their testimony) His performance was extremely sub-par." Not true. I was there when they testified and they said the opposite. pl


Pat, the bracket insertion can easily be misread. Marcy is aware that neither of them, at least not publicly, shared that opinion.

The above cited paragraph ending with this ?insinuation?, I can judge, I wasn't there:

"Cohen also seemed to disdain what might be called political correctness, which if true may have exacerbated Sterling’s increasing sense of being discriminated against for being African American"

is followed by this detail on Cohen's further career:

"That would be consistent with the action for which Cohen has received more press in recent years: setting up the New York Police Department’s intelligence program that profiles the area’s Muslim community. In the wake of 9/11, Cohen moved from the CIA to the NYPD. In 2002, he got a federal court to relax the Handschu guidelines, which had been set up in 1985 in response to NYPD’s targeting of people for their political speech. Handschu required specific evidence before using informants to investigate a group. But, as an article from the Pulitzer Prize winning AP series described it, “Cohen told a federal judge that those guidelines made it ‘virtually impossible’ to detect terrorist plots.” After getting the rules relaxed, Cohen created teams of informants that infiltrated mosques and had officers catalog Muslim-owned restaurants, shops, and even schools. “Cohen said he wanted the squad to ‘rake the coals, looking for hot spots,'” the AP reported in 2011."

William R. Cumming

If I was a lawyer for Sterling I would file a request for entering a JUDGMENT NOTWITHSTANDING THE VERDICT!


WRC, did I get this correctly somewhere in passing, you are a lawyer, a former judge?

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