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07 November 2014


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William R. Cumming

Thanks P.L.! Do you have a personal favorite historian of the WBS?



Shelby Foote, "The Civil War, a Narrative." pl


Tidewater to Turcopolier,


Do you have, by any chance, an opinion about that provocative reassessment of McClellan made by Rowena Reed in her "Combined Operations in the Civil War." That he was right in his strategy.

Did she overstate her case?

Seems like McClellan's problems with the press, the Congress, and the public are still very much the reality that is with us today.



Politically, McClellan wanted a compromise peace that would have restored the Union. To that end he did not want the struggle to become total war, which it did. Tactically, his aims reflected his goals. The intelligence thing was absurd, and never got straightened out until George Sharpe took over that staff function. pl


Tidewater to Turcopolier,


Thank you. McClellan gets more interesting to me.



Thanks for the link to the Fremantle book. That is interesting reading.



Yes. Interesting. when an officer of the Coldstream Guards describes the infantry of the AoNV as "simply beyond praise" that tells you something. pl

William R. Cumming

Thanks P.L. Also my favorite!


Grant was a decent man but his initial refusal to ask for a truce at Cold Harbor because of his unwillingness to acknowledge that he had just lost a battle shows him at his worst.

I am reading Clifford Dowdey's "Lee's Last Campaign." Dowdey is opinionated, to put it mildly - he hates Davis and has limited use for Longstreet - but he is one of my favorite writers on the war. He worked with Douglas Southall Freeman and his name appears in Shelby Foote's acknowledgments.

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