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30 November 2014


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The Twisted Genius

Looks like a fun carbine and light enough to be handled like a big assed pistol just for kicks as long as you don't load up that picatinny rail with 20 lbs of light stuff. Funny how carbines can differ in weight. I have a 30 cal M-1 carbine that's handy as can be compared to my Yugo SKS. That's one heavy carbine.


Pete Deer

I have some home defense ammunition that has frangible pellets. They won't damage your walls, much. pl



I don't see any point in carrying heavier guns when lighter ones are available. BTW, Harper was in China recently and went looking for the Norinco Hawk. they have it for retail but it is much more expensive than it is here. pl



Mosin Nagant with bayonet attached. You'll make the evening news I bet.



I wonder what getting firearms in China must be like (perhaps it might be easier for foreigners than Chinese citizens?). I wonder if the expense, even for sporting weapons, is the only problem...


410 Mossberg. Feather light and anything above a Protozoa will understand and react to the sound of the pump slide being racked. I truly believe handguns are the emergency weapon you use while trying to get your hands on a long gun. Might take out a chunk of wall while you are at it.



This kinda reminds me of the scene in "The 13th Warrior" in which one of the vikings asks "Ibn Fadlan" if when he dies he can have the Arab's saber to give to his daughter as a present. pl

The Twisted Genius


Funny you mentioned that. I got most of my collection from my father-in-law when he went into the nursing home. I got em out before the draconian gun laws in NY came into effect or if they were in effect at the time, I ignored them. The real prize was the 1916 luger with holster and tools captured in France in 1917. All matching serial numbers.


This gun, just like Volvos and Saabs, are a manifestation of Swedish engineering. My friend George makes this gun and some other rather interesting ones. I am very impressed with his shotgun.

Peter C

Excellent choice! Ammunition is affordable and widely available. I always weigh the ammunition choice when a new piece is coming into the collection. Since most self defense stuff happen at extremely close range, a light easy to access and handle piece, that has a low chance of passing though walls and into a neighbors house is always a prudent choice. Lots of rounds in the clip is a plus. Make no mistake this will kill a cretin, and if they survive by mistake the interior wounds from those 22 rounds running all around up and down bones bouncing around will leave a life long memory.

It's always fun to take 500 to 1000 rounds of hot 22 ammunition for fun and keeping qualified, without hurting the wallet.

dilbert dogbert

MMMM? 7075? T6 I expect. I wonder how it stands up in a corrosive environment. It does not like salt water. 5052 or 5086 is a marine alloy from memories of long ago.


dilbert Dogbert

So what? pl


We have plenty of salt water around us where those guns are made. A lot of humidity too.



I suppose that if you were going to sit in a salty marsh for weeks, some of these Keltec guns might be a little delicate. Other that that... pl

John Minnerath

What a prize that Luger is! A jewel!


To follow on to TTG, I was the HR Director for the only full up steel mill in NJ. We were also the only site law enforcement used to incinerate expired evidence. Had the pleasure of watching many hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of narcotics go pffft. Most of it didn't even touch the molten steel pool.

They also destroyed thousands of dollars worth of firearms, bows, knives and other weapons. That caused pain as many of us could recognize how expensive/valuable they were. That got even weirder when folks turned in caches of weapons they found in the grandfather's or father' attics. M1 carbines, Garands, Lugers, BARs, you name it. The piece de resistance was a couple of bazookas. We did a safety check on everything to make sure there was no ammunition of any kind in these.

The senior detective told me that they had retained one weapon as a 'training device' for their station room. It was a Japanese copy of a BAR. They could not bring themselves to destroy it.

dilbert dogbert

Like all tools you need for work, pleasure or protection, you need to keep them clean. 7075 is a good material you just have to protect it from corrosion. The hardening agent used in 7075 is copper so there is a built in electrolytic cell.
I expect that Keltec has considered all aspects of the materials they use.
My old 38-40 Remington lever action rifle, made in the late 1800's is as good as the day it was shipped from the factory. It got plenty of hard use over the years. A look at the dings, scratches and gouges in the stock will tell the story.


7000 series are much higher strength/weight, so you can get much lighter parts of same strength, I'm guessing that's why it was used. (also more $$).

5052 is a sheetmetal aluminum alloy, great for formed/stamped parts. not familiar with 5086.

Usually, steel + aluminum + salt water = galvanic corrosion. high quality plating, esp. the hardcoat anodize on the aluminum, should help protect against this.

PS- I know zip about guns.

The Moar You Know

Pat: Like the round, hate the rifle.

In this case, you might want to take a look at KelTec's own forums - or anyone else who runs a KelTec forum - and read up on the many problems they've had with their SU-16 .223 series of rifles. I don't know about you but lightweight takes a backseat to having the chamber assembly slam back, blow out through the plastic back of the rifle and embed itself in your face.

Got one and that's how I know. Thankfully my face is still pretty. Going in to customer service for the fourth time, maybe they'll fix it this go round. I have my doubts. I have purchased something "better" (i.e. won't explode) and will be dumping this POS at the next buyback.

Peter C

BabelFish, good way to dispose of the poison powder contraband. Now what would be heart breaking is the cool stuff from Springfield, GM, Ford, IBM. I can't imagine someone in the PD or State Patrol dumping a match grade M 14.

Did Ford build firearms during WWII?



I have a P-32 pistol and an SU-22 from Keltec. No problem with either one. Zimmerman's 9mm. worked well. pl


According to George, most of his customers are law enforcement agencies and prisons and I suspect they spend little time in salty marshes.


Peter, got to look that one up. They built thousands of B-24s at the River Rouge Plant. BTW, if a match grade M-14 was evidence, as unlikely as that would be, it had to go into the furnace. They just did not fool around with the evidence chain. Believe me, they were in as much pain at that as we were.

I don't know why I think they built grease guns but I am probably wrong.


I got the plant wrong. It was Willow Run. No weapons listed on the Wiki entry.

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