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22 October 2014


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Mr. Sale: Thank you for the enjoyable article. I have zero sympathy for Israel and complete sympathy for the Palestinians. Sharon, Sharon, Sharon. A coward? I've known that since Sabra and Shatila.


Many thanks for this, Richard. It is quite an education.


Richard - Thanks again I hope Pat approves Part 3. I learned a number of interesting angles about this episode. I'm going to have to get Tyler's book to fill out my obviously incomplete knowledge. It is a coincidence but I was in Israel in October 1956.

My Grandfather brought me to Israel so I could have my bar mitzvah in Haifa on October 26th, 1956. He took me around Israel after that meeting all his old buddies from Irgun etc. Sometime that following week he took me to meet Ben Gurion. After a short meeting with this obviously awe struck kid, I was shooed out of the office and Ben Gurion and my grandfather must have spent talking privately for at least 30 or more minutes while I sat outside the office. All my grandfather would tell me is they talked about "stuff".

As I said, I was awe struck by everything in Israel and totally oblivious to the war that had just started.



Thanks a lot for making that chunk of history 1956 to me "smellable" and "feelable."

I'ld love to read one time a similar plastic description of the time a couple of years later, when Israel was on it's way to nukes and JFK opposed Israel having nukes. Of course, as we all know, that chunk of history is a bit dispensable now, as, at least that's what I heard, JFK's successor LBJ staunchly supported Israel's drive to nukes, but I'ld love once to read such a feelable description of that chunk of history, too.

Piotr, Poland

Interesting to read it. I've learned shortly about Nasser/ Suez crisis during my school education in communist times, and never paid special attention to this episode again.
The teacher "sold" this story to us like a great victory of "progressive nation of Egypt" with a big help from "Fathers of the Progress" (aka CCCP) against "greedy capitalists" without drawing all the nuances, you did here.
I didn't know Ike was furious about Israeli/UK/France cooperation for example, and that US tried to negotiate "non Soviet" Egypt with Nasser.
Thank you for showing all the shadows of grey in what was black/white picture in my memory

Abu Sinan

Thanks for the read and look forward to the next installment.

richard sale

But this was an incident of cowardice in the field -- which is a bit different.


richard sale

Well, you were only child. You had no means of knowing anything. what Ben-Gurion like?


richard sale

I was the first reporter in the world who wrote two articles about how Israel had developed an intermediate range missile system which was developed inside caves in the Negev. The warhead were deployed on the backs of railway cars. The huge blast doors would open, the missiles were fired, the railway cars with withdraw and the blast doors would close. The warhead was based on a US Army tactical artillery round and was developed at the Chaim Weizmann Institute.

My sources were CIA and defense contactors I knew. I expected some blowback but no - the Israeli Ambassador called me up and congratulated me on en excellent story. I was puzzled but was told Israel had a Labor government and they were all for displaying Israel's might.

It was quite an education. at the time, in May of 1985, I was a reporter for the sister publication of Aviation Week, Aerospace Daily. Two years later I was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.

I realize that it is all a long time ago and no one remembers that. But I do.

Richard Sale


The beaver

Mr Sale,

Ben Gourion was so miffed at the British and French that he kept his copy of the Protocole de Sèvres even though Eden wanted no trace of their agreement after their conversations which took place at Sèvres from 22-24 October 1956.

Larry Kart

Richard writes: "Of course Israel’s military, including generals like Dayan and Sharon were against withdrawal [from Sinai]."

A minor point, perhaps, but I don't think that Sharon was a general during the 1956 war. In any case, I doubt that Sharon's views, whatever his rank (I think he was then a major), carried anything near the weight at the time that Dayan's did, especially after the brigade that Sharon commanded got into that mess at the Mitla Pass thanks to his arguably poor judgment.



Israel’s bold plan to redraw the map of the Middle East had failed.

They never gave up trying and they're doing it now at the expense of the US.

I'm still moved by the history of the Holocaust. I was watching Charlie Rose interview Martin Amis last night about his new book that I plan to buy. I am no longer moved by the plight of the state of Israel.
I know better now. They have become what they claimed to hate and have proven it over and over. How on God's green earth do you provide software to the murderous Guatemalan government to do to non-white people (like Palestinians) what was done to them when IBM collaborated with the Germans to wipe them out?!
How they do engage in false flag attacks to kill people like Leon Kinghoffer on the Achille Lauro (read Profits of War by Ari Ben Menshe) while claiming Never Again?
I hope that you address the Israel attack on the USS Liberty when you write your next article.

William R. Cumming

Richard! Many thanks as always. At some future point could identify Israeli leaders born in then USA and/or raised or educated here?

IMO Jewish leaders have almost continuous failed their followers. A harsh judgment I know! But they failed to see Hitler for what he was! They failed to see the USA as the promised land. And now they have led many into what I believe may be as terrible as the HOLOCAUST, a largely successful HOLOCAUST IMO.

Many Americans are Patriots but not NATIONALISTS. A distinction made by historian John Lukacs, a staunch Catholic.

Is this distinction valid for Israel?

richard sale

That's very generous of you. History is fascinating and studying it is never a waste of time.


richard sale

Thank you, William, for all of your generous comments and encouragements. You make me want to be more industrious.

I will try to formulate the question of whether Jewish leaders railed their followers.

When you said Jewish leaders failed to see Hitler for what he was, I saw in a recent documentary that Polish Jews, who later rose in the Israeli hierarhchy agreed to spy for the Nazi S.S.

I was stunning when I saw this, and will get back to you with better information.

I think I understand the reasoning but it is hard to admire.



Richard: Tis true. Sharon's reported battlefield cowardice is actually more serious the moral cowardice at Sabra & Shatila. At least when Saddam went to the gallows, nobody could say he wasn't a man. I doubt many (any) Israelis would face death so stoically.

Btw, the US government's rapid press-reaction force is on alert. See http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/22/jerusalem-attack-car-driven-light-railway-platform?CMP=twt_gu

If only our government showed as much concern for American citizens as it does for Israeli citizens.

richard sale

Fascinating. Thank you.

richard sale

The incident that relates Jewish leaders in Poland, occurs in an episode of Hitler's Bodyguard.

I'll try and hunt it up.


richard sale

You are right. I know that Eitan, one of the commanders was a major. Sharon was the brigade commander but I don't think he became a general until 1967.

Correct me if I'm wrong.




I was astounded to learn that many in the Jewish leadership collaborated with the SS. Several references are The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black and Zionism in the Age of Dictators by Lenni Brenner.
Some in the US even lobbied not to increase immigration to the US which resulted in the S.S. St. Louis being turned away because they didn't want a rise in anti-Jewish sentiment in the US, PLUS they had to dream to establish a state. We see how that is working out.


jdledell: Always enjoy your observations about West Bank settlers. Any updates?



I spoke to an Orthodox Rabbi who told me about what happened to Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl when he was trying to raise money to save Jews. He was ignored.

I'm not home to refer to my other books but I did find the following as to why help wasn't forthcoming to others who perished.

"It is not an accident of history that from 1933 to 1945, no important Jewish organization ever demanded that the United States open its doors to the Jews threatened by Hitler." pp 191

"The Jewish establishment, afraid of losing its influence upon the community, instead of supporting rescue, mobilized all its power not to save the Jews of Europe but to save the prestige of its leaders. " pp 193

"Wise devised a very diplomatic solution. He knew that he could not publicly oppose a resolution establishing a government agency to save the European Jews, but could kill it by lending it a political character...There was a war against the entire Jewish people and the Jewish leadership was playing the futile game of Who's Who in American Jewry." pp 194

"It is not widely appreciated that during World War II there was one segment within American Jewry that used every possible means to save Jews: the Orthodox Jewish groups


Forgot to add...that came from http://www.amazon.com/Scared-Doomed-Jewish-Establishment-Million/dp/0889628483

Larry Kart

Sharon was promoted to colonel in 1958 and was a major general by June 1967. When he became a brigadier general (assuming that in the Israeli Army that was/is the prior step) I don't know.


Richard -

Was this Rafael Eitan??

And keep up this most enlightening history narrative!

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