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18 May 2014


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Marcy C.

Regarding Donald Sterling:
I am English-Indian and Brown. I am also a student who will soon have $150 left in her account once tuition is paid. So based on colour and lack of wealth I do not think Mr. Sterling and I would be friends. Still, what happened to him was utterly wrong. His private conversation should have remained so and what he said was utterly within his right to privacy. If his antipathy to black people led to treating and paying his players less, then and only then would his private views be relevant.


This initiative is destined to be another BO trademark flash in the pan. If any pattern marks his administration, it is to talk about something for about a week and then forget all about it.

Before this the issue was income inequality, which disappeared about as fast as it appeared.

All of this simply demonstrates that BO has no fire in the belly about anything, except being the first black President.
And, quite possibly, a desire to reap rewards from those he protected during his tenure--banksters, war profiteers, media monopolies, etc.



I have deleted the "leftist" part from the title of this post because I do not think the Obama Administration is dependably anything politically. pl



All that is left of democracy in the United States is wedge politics. The billions of dollars going to media corporations in campaign spending is to separate Tweedledee from Tweedledum. We live country with a government run by and for corporations. The only issues left to voters to decide are cultural issues; such as gay marriage, racial and sexual issues.

What has got me really upset about the Ukraine Crisis is that corporate media is lying to American citizens by omission. In addition, our government is taking huge risks with starting a nuclear war by supporting anti-Russian unelected neo-nazis in Kiev. All this is being done so wealthy corporate crooks, who should be in jail, can make more money.

I will never vote for Hillary Clinton. She hired neo-cons Victoria Nuland and Anne-Marie Slaughter for jobs at the State Department. I will never vote for Joe Biden. During his visit to Kiev he must have green lighted Right Sector’s marauding though the Eastern Provinces of Ukraine killing civilians.


The Democrats appear to be wholeheartedly supporting the Kiev Fascists. I have not heard of one who has called for negotiations to end the crisis. A neutral Finlandized Ukraine would make the world safer. But, Hunter Biden would lose his job with the Ukraine gas company.

I already vowed never to vote for a Republican after the Bush II administration crazily invaded Iraq. This is the whole purpose of new politics. Give voters candidates who they can’t vote for.



I agree. It's all joyful noise/ a speech finely calibrated for its audience. The Obamas and Holders of this world did not get this far rocking the boat.


Both the left and right - the majority of the people -want bigger government that provides them free cheese and sates their desire for symbolic social affirmation.

Nothing is going to change this dynamic until the easy money illusion breaks down.


The WAPO also quotes the AG:
'Holder also expressed concern about “zero tolerance” disciplinary practices at schools, saying that they are “well intentioned” but affect black males at three times the rate they affect their white peers.'

We must not look at parenting, or lack thereof, between white and black families? No, we need a 'separate but equal' policy to make sure less black students are held accountable for their conduct or more white students are punished. That way punishment is statistically equal. I'm sure this plays well in the right cocktail circuit - the ones where no one has children in a public school system.

r whitman

The real arbiter of race in this country is the US Supreme Court, not blonde bimbos on the infotainment channels.

We should note Justice Roberts statement that the way to stop racial discrimination is to stop discriminating (quote may be inaccurate). The court is slowly inching up on the proposition that the keeping of racial statistics for preference purposes is not in keeping with the equal protection clause.

We may soon see official applications for public and maybe private institutions devoid of a place where you check off your race. We no longer have a place on these forms to state your religious preference.


In some sense, the Democrats' attitude is insulting to the "minorities" as well.

They have slotted the minorities into a preferred role and take ready and willing compliance for granted, nevermind often condescending and abusive attitudes. As of right now, the only thing that keeps large proportions of minorities voting (assuming they vote at all) for the Democrats is the attitude among the Republicans. This, of course, is not just the question of minorities per se, but so much of American politics today: the standard answer to nearly every complaint and discontent is that "the other guys" are somehow worse. One hopes that there is someone bright enough to make something out of this dysfunction.

Charile Wilson


TV "boobery" and "boobs": Is this literal or figurative? Just asking...

Mark Logan


I agree. Making a hero out of his gold-digging concubine is a bit silly, as Kareem pointed out. Nevertheless, the NBA is part corporation and part exclusive club. Their commissioner's comments indicate a clear breach of their by-laws has taken place. He might be right. They are in the entertainment business, image counts and bells can not be unrung. The lawyers will sort it out.

CNN, in the process of shamelessly exploiting a man with a disability for ratings, unintentionally performed a public service by inadvertently showing this for what it really was, IMO.


Charlie Wilson

Boobie birds. pl


There are many steams flowing together to produce this cultural decline. Quite often these streams are difficult to identify until after the fact.

One of the easiest ways to get a handle on the decline, is the math of the politics involved.

Look at the presidential politics in play right now, today.

A breakdown of the US electorate shows:!3% black,16%hispanic,4%Jewish for a total of 33%. Any liberal Democrat only needs one out of three of the remaining voters. Without spending a dime, a Democrat starts the electoral race with California,Washington state,Illinois,Minnesota,Massachusetts,New York, New Jersey, Connecticut,and soon Florida in his bag.Today Ronald Reagan would be toast.

This will only get worse, and a hell of a lot quicker than most of you think possible. At one time I thought, the millennial generation might have what it takes to turn things around. That is not going to happen. The millennials can not even conclude, what is in their own long term economic interests much less turn a culture around.

Recently, I have begun to see discussions on Jewish blogs, about how long American Jews have left to make a graceful exit from the United States,answer 10 to 15 years, max.

When the Jews start talking about where the exits are. It is serious.


thank you col Lang. As one on the left I concluded some time back that Obama does not represent me. Obama is a strange creature to be sure. One of his colleagues in Chicago before he ascended described him as a fog of a man.


During his first term, if Obama and his supermajority caucus had enacted a much bigger stimulus, much of the economic malaise that exists in the US, and all over the world, would have been lessened. Instead he and his caucus governed in a "Republican-light" matter and accomplished only enacting Romney-care. And then he shifted to deficit reduction and austerity (a big political and economic mistake). I bet most people who voted for Obama wanted him to do something Rooseveltian is the economic sphere: all his campaign rhetoric suggested it.

Because times are tough, social strife between political groups has increased in the US. And, of course, on rare occasions, people act up and do silly things, and the media amplifies these stories.

So Democrats are making this the issue, because they don't want to run on their economic record. If they had managed the economy from the center-left, in a standard Keynesian fashion, like they had been elected to do, rather than the center-right like they actually have, less of this social strife would be occurring.

I'd advise the Rs to just put their tea-party hats away and don't play the Democrats' game. Focus on the economy.




Their name was possibly based on the Spanish slang term bobo, meaning "stupid", as these tame birds had a habit of landing on board sailing ships, where they were easily captured and eaten."



Highlander, what blogs have you been reading? Why do you think the Jews will be leaving? Are you implying that all Jews will leave the country? The last time I talked to my husband he wasn't planning on moving anywhere any time soon.


I've voted Democratic and Independent all my life. I've had it with Democrats. There are still good people in the party, but the entire leadership is utterly and contemptibly corrupt. Taking Al Qaeda's side in the Syrian war was the last straw for me. WTF do these lunatics think they are doing? How is that policy supposed to enhance the security or prosperity of the American people? It isn't supposed to: policy makers now serve other interests.

It will be a cold day in hell before I vote for Clinton with her baggage of foreign and transnational loyalties. God help us all if the Republicans can't put forth a candidate who isn't crazy or even more corrupt than Dems. Rand Paul is clearly not ready for the Oval Office, but he may be our best choice anyway.

Babak Makkinejad

I agree with you.

Communist government is the former Czechoslovakia used the same tactic of leaked personal conversation to discredit this or that dissident.

Babak Makkinejad


I am Beiege I am not against the White people - or any one else.

nick b

This is a column on sports law from Sports Illustrated. It's a clear and interesting read on the Sterling/NBA story.




"If they had managed the economy"

You mean if Obama had ignored Timothy Geithner, the man he appointed as Secretary of the Treasury?The people who voted for him wanted him to do just like Iceland did to their bankers - make the shareholders take the losses not the taxpayers. Then jail the ones who broke the law.



There were still tens of thousands of Jews hanging around Berlin in the late 30's. Obviously,just because somebody is very bright, doesn't necessarily mean they have good walking around sense.

Obama is basically a creation of the american jewish diaspora. He is the leading edge of a building wave of virulent anti semitism on the left of the political spectrum,all the way from lilly white episcopalian priests to black liberationists. Go figure. Oy Vey!


Obviously Holder's work isn't done until we are a multicultural utopia like post Soviet Yugoslavia.

When you're 12% of the population racial grievance politics can turn ugly fast, but no one accused this administration of an overabundance of sense.


Yeah if I was overly represented in academia, law, the media, finance, politics, and part of a seemingly hostile minority towards whites I'd want to be gone before the long knives came out when the majority started noticing things.

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