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24 October 2013


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What's a Halloween short story list without The Canterville Ghost? Loved it as a kid, love it now so thanks for including it. A fine list old pal, but where oh where is some E.A. Poe? House of Usher, Premature Burial? C'mon!

Maureen Lang

Glad you're enjoying it, Panaman- Happy Halloween a little early.

As I am a huge fan of Poe's stories, really at a disadvantage in adding any to the list- can't quite bear to choose among them. If I gave in to my Poe impulse the post in question would end up with the title "Sixty-Two Terrifying Tales"..... ;->

K. Marder

Happy Halloween, Maureen, love the story list. TCM is showing Lon Chaney's Phantom of the Opera this Sunday evening. The opera house set walls were built so well that they are still standing in Stage 28 at Universal, where they have been used and reused over the years for films and tv shows. AMIA and AFI both own digital prints struck from the original negative of this classic silent. Cheers.

Maureen Lang

It's nice to see you in the comments here, Kath- a Happy Halloween to you as well. The next time I'm in L.A. I'll make a point of calling & going over to your office.
Time to set the dvr for one of Chaney's finest films- thanks for the tip.

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