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11 October 2013


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Medicine Man

Quelle surprise.


The silence from the Obama administration is deafening.

Alba Etie

I have been researching as best I can what arms & other support the West is really providing to the Syrian rebels . Is it possible ever since the Congress Critters told the NeoCons it was a no go for an AUMF in Syria - that the Realist in the Administration are winning the argument about staying out of any more military engagements- particularly in ME . I did see where Secretary of State Kerry praised Assad for his swift compliance with the UN Resolution regarding dismantling Syria's CW . Anyone have an opinion - or better yet can point me to whatever current support we are still giving to the Syrian Rebels .


It was deafening already when the "Liver/lung/whatever-organ eater of Homs", Khalid al-Hamad or Abu Sakkar, made his public debut.

He said in an interview soon after the video came out: "Hopefully we will slaughter all of them [Alawites]. I have another video clip that I will send to them. In the clip, I am sawing another shabiha [pro-government militiaman] with a saw. The saw we use to cut trees. I sawed him into small pieces and large ones."

At the time we were assured that the Syrian opposition was moderate.

A week back there was a Guardian article about Syrian opposition massacres in Alawite villages:



Tid for tad atrocities are unfortunately a common feature in bitter civil wars. The worst slaughter often take place after one side has won.
Fx. Franco's Nationalists elimination of Socialists in Spain or Tito's Communists throwing Serb Nationalists in mass graves by the thousands.

So to the supporters of the rebels if they win we will see a lot more of this. Arguing for military intervention to stop the Syrian government's abuses only opens the way for the rebels to begin the slaughter.

Better to stay out of the conflict.

Alba Etie



Still no word from Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama? Somehow I am no longer surprised.


Well, the HRW report on the Lattakia massacre may be Obama's word, if Phil Greaves is right with his analysis:


I disagree a lot with Phil Greaves, but I tend to agree with him that this HRW report would not have gone out without a green light from Obama.

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