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05 September 2013


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Meahwhile the 'good' rebels Obama and Kerry are counting on are attacking Christian villages in Syria:


William R. Cumming

The King has no clothes on said the Little Boy!


Is it possible to impeach Obama and Kerry for pursuing this BS? Would that be a better thing for the Congress to spend time on?


Fred: American patriot, General Dempsey, at work. See http://iowntheworld.com/blog/?p=201863


I'd be most appreciative if someone would post a link to this story, it's a real eye opener: "The Plan-according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.)"

The video is on Youtube from an interview March 2, 2007
Democracy Now. It's really worth a look. It would be very interesting to see him reinterviewed on this matter now.


Due to sequestration, the State and Defense Departments just dusted off their books from 2003 because they don't have any new money for new ideas.


I would say if he's not the smartest man in the room he certainly has the most integrity.


Did you hear Kerry say to Dempsey, after he said he wouldn't comment, "Thank you for pulling the rug out from under me?" Classic.


Thought you might like this from The Onion.
"Poll: Majority Of Americans Approve Of Sending Congress To Syria"


Sorry, I can't get the link to post, however the basic story line goes like this: Gen. Clark claims another general showed him the plan to over turn ever gov in ME, "Because they just don't know
what else to do."


FOI Swedish Defense Research Agency was quietly in bed with Saudi Arabia, building them an "advanced weapons factory" called "Project Simoom". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Simoom

The beaver

Interesting titbits from the UN via Intercity Press:

Looks like even there , the media are with the administration if you follow Matthew Lee


So Samantha Powers will only show the 'evidence' within the confines of the Star Chamber? Obviously the public can't be trusted with this evidence.

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