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21 August 2013


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it's pointless to contact them.

as a new yorker, i don't find their programming useful at all... meeka and scarborough represent the interests of the 1% -- that's why the continuing distractions of weiner (whom the voters have rejected) and whatever alex rodriguez story has hit for the day. they also have eff-all influence on anything -- see spitzer's 20pt lead and quinn's 2nd place campaign despite efforts to sink spitzer and boost quinn.

it's basically 2hrs (plus the segments that are repeated) of pointless and uninformed yakking, interspersed with meeka's squeaks and scarborough's constant interruptions of false equivalencies.. oh and promotion of whatever book/film/project their daily guest/friend has to sell...

very sad to see that al jazeera live is no longer available online.


What I can't understand is why they keep having as a regular that ignorant twit Donny Deutsch. He knows nothing about international affairs, national security, or the military. Yet he is allowed to expound on those matters all the time-utter nonsense. (Same thing could be said for Joe, actually.) He was an advertising exec, that's all.

BTW, Deutsch had a talk show on CNN- it lasted a whole week before CNN pulled the plug. Jon Stewart memorably lampooned it.


I dislike Morning Joe as much as any sentient being should.

Having said that, I will commit a bit of apostasy and state that I actually like New York City, at least visiting old friends who still manage to hang on in Manhattan.

However, there's a distinction between liking NYC and liking its elites who have run off the working folks which gave the city its character, and who have increasingly turned the place into a playground for the rich--including good chunks of the outer boroughs.

Joe represents NYC's elites and mistakes the culture/politics/economics of those elites as national, shared values.

Those values aren't even shared by many New Yorkers, let alone the rest of the country.


Maybe you should watch something else.
Fox Business?



I have a duty to watch all this crap. pl


oofda: Deutsch runs an ad agency. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donny_Deutsch

If you view the news as a "product" that must be "sold," then maybe he's the perfect guest.


Hell, you're retired.
You don't have a duty to anything beyond family, religion and pay your mortgage.



I don't have a mortgage. pl

Babak Makkinejad

I should think that one always has a duty to Truth; regardless of everything else.


Some would call that unpatriotic!

Medicine Man

Then you're standing between me and harm, because I'd take a melon baller to my own eyes if I had to watch Morning Joe on a regular basis.

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