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18 June 2013


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The US army wants to buy the Afghan army Russian 30 Mil Mi 17 helicopters, so they can transport troops and materiel. Tbe Mil Mi 17 was chosen because it is robust, and the Afghan pilots are the most familiar with the Mi-17. The U.S. Army had bought the previous Mi-17 helicopters without problems.

The new deal, however has come under - guess what - congressional scrutiny!

The manufacturer, Rosoboronexport, deals with Syria!

So, last year, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, blocked the confirmation of Heidi Shyu, the Army’s top civilian acquisition official, over his concern with the contract to buy 21 Mi-17 helicopters for the Afghan air force. A year later the negotiation continues with the Russian defense firm even though they have not backed down from their commitment to the Assad regime.

Come to think of it, Bell helicopters has a plant in Forth Worth, TX, and they offer and rebuild UH-1 helicopters for foreign clients. Honi sont ...


Why should we buy the Afghan army anything? Let Karzai pay for it, he stole enough from us as it is. Last I looked we are trillions in debt with double digit unemployment.


Well, al fine points, but Mr. Cornyn doesn't complain about the spending. He just wants the money being spent in Texas, and bashing Rosoboronexport for selling choppers and spares to Syria is a handy opportunity doing that without saying so explicitly.

Just look at the benefits for Cornyn: He can bash Russia, bash Syria, annoy democrats, and give local business a chance to bid on a contract with an inferior product - and so so all at the same time! Win-win-win-win.

Charles I

Current chance(none) of one blown to shreds with the explosively auspicious start of the new peace talks.


"KABUL—Afghanistan's president said Wednesday he will not pursue peace talks with the Taliban unless the United States steps out of the negotiations, while also insisting the militant group stop its violent attacks on the ground after it claimed responsibility for a rocket attack that killed four Americans."

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