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13 May 2013


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Maybe some Saudi will convert to Judaism and get lashes and a prison term.

I'd love to see how the media and the White House would handle that one! (My guess: bury it.)

Augustin L

Yes, Col these are our allies. These guys are cannibals eating human flesh to the chant of takfir,takfir : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4gB7nTKE9w


The heart-eating abomination - which has been ignored for several days by the MSM - is now Number One on the BBC World website and Number Two on the domestic.

I think decisions have been made somewhere.


no one

"A man, said to be a well-known rebel fighter, carves into the body of a government soldier and cuts out his heart and liver.

"I swear to God we will eat your hearts out, you soldiers of Bashar. You dogs. God is greater!" the man says. "Heroes of Baba Amr ... we will take out their hearts to eat them.""


Medicine Man

Such a mystery why Assad and his allies are putting up such a fight. Such a mystery.


An interesting background on Chechens, from Dimitry Orlov's site.

The historian in me note the similarity between the Chechens and the vikings: only eldest son inherits, the propensity for violence, and the importance of a good reputation.
Who knows, perhaps part of a vestigial cultural package: the Norse gods, the Aesir, reputedly came from Asia, from roughly that region.
One of the first reforms upon Christening of Scandinavia was to change the inheritance so a farm was divided among all sons: thus the supply of young men seeking fortune dried up.


To eat the heart is to take your enemies strength
To eat the brain is to take his wisdom
It is a revival of very old school motivational techniques.


"To eat the heart is to take your enemies strength
To eat the brain is to take his wisdom
It is a revival of very old school motivational techniques."

No, it's a barbarian, attempting to 'top' his and others' recent acts of barbarism and depravity. Nothing more.


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