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29 May 2013


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no one

Great stuff. Thanks for sharing, Richard. I'm looking forward to part 2

Kyle Pearson

I've sent this off to multiple friends, internationals, men who have lived through these things.

I haven't, but i have been close enough to respect the truth of your words.


Thanks for the post. It reminded me of George Pelecanos, but with a very sharp edge. I'm waiting anxiously for part.two.

Medicine Man

This is very interesting, Mr. Sale. I'm looking forward to reading the second part.

Patrick D


I enjoyed the piece and am looking forward to Part 2.

Regarding the conditioning of your knuckles, shins, wrists, and ankles, I'm familiar with those methods but was always curious about the long term effects on the joints. How do they feel today?


Great stuff, and all practical. Please continue your story, it is quite enjoyable.

The Twisted Genius

Because there are people like Sergeant Boomer and Mr. Sale in the world, I never, ever go looking for a fight and engaged in them very reluctantly. As I said once before, there is always somebody out there better than you are or luckier than you are. I look forward to reading the second part.

I found it interesting to note that Armand Sereghetti's fighting style is very similar to my saber fencing style. It was quite effective.


"... there is always somebody out there better than you are or luckier than you are."

When I was much younger I had the great 'joy' of learning this the hard way.


Great stuff. Get Pt. 2 up ASAP.

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