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23 February 2013


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Charles I

Nor can we,the silence is deafening.

David Habakkuk

Very good to have you back. Doubtless there are other sites on the net which bring together people of such diverse experience and expertise as this, from such diverse places. But I have never found another which has given me anything comparable in the way of enlightenment, and entertainment, over the years.


It's a brave man who admits his weakness. And you've got such a loyal crew to welcome you back! Liked your bit on the papabili.

Margaret Steinfels

Bravo! Good lenten practice to keep on doing what you do so well!

Maureen Lang

Happy to see you're back aboard!

So.....more Laine stories on The Athenaeum sometime soon, yes?


Good to see you back, Col. I was reduced to reading the Huffpo. Did you know Beyonce was faking it? I just assumed all women did.


Welcome back!


We missed you too!



I felt lost in space, welcome back on line

SAC Brat

I figured the crew here would like this find:

The www.duffelblog.com is a MILSPEC Onion! Fifty bucks to the first individual who can get a media type to swallow one of these stories. Enjoy.


I'm sure I get fool a few liberals with this one. It will be good for a laugh. Thanks for the heads up.

SAC Brat

Be careful. If I remember correctly from my Ypsi days the People's Republic of Ann Arbor outlawed humor several years ago.

I like this one: http://www.duffelblog.com/2013/02/controversial-views-hold-up-hagel-confirmation-favors-negotiations-having-reasons-to-fight-war/

Mike Ross


Do you want my address to send the check, or can you PayPal it to me?

SAC Brat

I'm in if you were the one to write the letter to McConnell's office.

Mac N.

Glad to see this.....

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