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01 January 2013


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I'm the first response????

Happy New Year to you, Col. Lang, and to all regular contributors to this fine effort of collaboration in social media!

After much red wine, Burns & Allen and Jack Benny reruns....

Remaining in awe with the intelligent commentary...



Well if you rang in the New Year with Jack you deserve to look like that photo. I had a sip of McCallan 18. Took the chill off of the 12 degree weather outside.


Happy New Year, PL, and all the denizens of SST. My celebration was ultra subdued, but nonetheless, I'm quite happy to be here.


Happy New Years everyone. May it be a safe and bountiful one.

David Habakkuk

A Happy New Year to all.


Happy New Year!


In my jaundiced state of mind this like a depiction of our future as much as of our momentary condition. The cup I presume is tin.

Jim Ticehurst

Great Toon...Reminds Me of Once Upon a Time...Altho I'm still good for a Shot of Jack Daniels..and a Beer on Occassion...when in Good Company...

Happy New Year and a Toast to you all..who Come Here and to You Colonial Lang..Thank You for Creatin g SST...in such a Fine Manner...with its Many..Interesting..Enlightening..Intellectual ..and Diverse aspects..All..Which offer a Great Forum for Reading and Commenting on so many National...and international Topics Worthy of Deep Interest and debate..

Thank You Colonial..for sharing your areas of expertise...Military..Academic...Administrative and in The Never Ending Maze of Exploring the Intelligence Arena..

I Commend You on Your Novels...A very Fine Effort and Interesting Read on the Civil war ..and Great Plot...I only wish I could still Read Complete Novels..I would Order all Yours...My Heads Traumas and Vision Problems have limited my ability to Read..

May you Continue YourFine Work in all Areas..Thank You for SST..and your Contributors here...I enjoy many Comments here..and Your Other Writers Colonial..I wish You all Good Health and Wisdom in 2013.......Regards...Jim


Happy New Year to you and all who make this space a refuge in the net.

Woke feeling much like that bird this morning. Yes, champagne was involved, but it was mostly the jigsaw puzzle that drew the family after dinner and held all in thrall hours into the new year.

With just a couple more hours today we now have a fine picture of the staircase at Strudelhof, Vienna, full of crossing lines and shades of white and stone.

The Twisted Genius

"80% of success is just showing up." Just keep showing up, Basilisk. The last 20% will come.

The Twisted Genius

Happy New Year to all. And here's to that "certain insouciance."

Medicine Man

Here's to 2013 being better than '12 was. Good health all.

Nadeem Cheshti

A wonderful 2013 to you all, and I raise a glass of Laphroaig in salute to our munificent host.

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