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27 December 2012


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When I was DATT in SA, the Pakistani brigadier who was my counterpart asked me to take his batman to christmas services in a US home place. The sergeant was a Christian. we did this an a clandestine manner that represented well the loyalty of the officer to his "man." pl


Juan Cole takes the contrarian position and argues that, at least in terms of numbers, Christians are doing quite well in Muslim countries at the moment:


(Mind you, he is a supporters of the Syrian rebels so maybe he's being overly optimistic).

Something which came up a couple of months ago on this blog interested me. A reference to a Counterpunch article arguing that Russia now saw itself as the defender of Christians in the Middle East - especially in Syria.

FB Ali

The military tries hard to avoid religion becoming an issue within its ranks. Many Christians serve as officers in the military. When I was serving, about half a dozen had reached one-star rank. In the air force many Christians have served with distinction as ace pilots and some who gave their lives for their country are revered as war heroes.

Jim Ticehurst

This was an Interesting Story...I hope the Church continues to do well..



"Many of our families we deal with in Faisalabad, Pakistan or on the outskirts are on the streets, homeless and certainly have no food. This includes a great percentage of women whom have been left to beg in the streets due to the changes in their marriages and family life or because women have simply been banished by their families. On Sunday 23 December 2012 Irum is gathering our women together to celebrate Christmas with our homeless families and to gift the parcels of food to each family."

A little late, but....

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