Carrying a Grudge By Richard T. Sale, author of Clinton’s Secret Wars
" Nothing is so tragic as to see those people whose emotional development has prematurely stopped and, as a result, their disposition, their bent of mind, has basically settled into an inalterable pattern. This is a pity because a youthful mind exhibits a lively emotional disposition that responds alertly and discerningly to life, its activities, and its events. A generous, welcoming disposition finds wonder everywhere. It is quick to admire because admiration expands the mind and deepens and refines the emotions. It also spurs interest in the admirable. In turn, that interest drives the mind to explore whatever acts to expand its power. More importantly, a lively, welcoming mind uses its activities to develop the instinct of sympathy. " Sale
Who's channelling Jane Austen!
Posted by: blowback | 28 August 2012 at 11:51 AM
Great insight!
Our "leaders" need to cease and desist in their misguided beliefs that our involvement in Islamic society associated problems can really solve them. We need to stand back and assist only in situations where a real desire for reconciliation/improvement is there, the Israel conundrum included, not just in our minds.
Posted by: stanleyhenning | 28 August 2012 at 02:59 PM
The problem for both parties, the Elite and the nation, is that any rational self examination of the country must produce results too terrible to contemplate, therefore a "generous welcoming disposition" is by definition anathema to our leaders.
Last night a Medical doctor friend labelled America "The most technically advanced Third World Country" he had seen. Prison statistics, infant mortality, costs of healthcare as a percentage of GDP, wealth distribution, etc. bear him out.
If you want to follow someone with a "generous welcoming disposition" you might like to know about and perhaps follow the adventures and life of Lorenza Andrade Smith - a female Lutheran Pastor who decided to become homeless and live on the streets for a year.
Her Facebook page is here:
On Sunday night she was sleeping under a bridge in Dayton Ohio.
Posted by: Walrus | 28 August 2012 at 05:15 PM
Richard, what a cri de coeur. Thank you. Have you read this?
Posted by: MRW | 29 August 2012 at 04:48 PM
A good (sad) read is Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America" by Barbara Ehrenreich. A sad tale of trying to get by on minimum wage. A decade old but still the same story.
Posted by: Fred | 29 August 2012 at 09:58 PM
I like the use of the Map from Changeling: The Dreaming.
Posted by: Tyler | 30 August 2012 at 06:34 PM