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11 August 2012


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When I was in Pittsburgh in the 1980s, I got to know the people at Westinghouse since I was writing a book on nuclear exports. They all knew Shapiro very well and Westinghouse had dealt with NUMEC the company was headquarted in Apollo, Pa just outside Pittsburgh). It had become an open secret that Shapiro have hoodwinked the USG and Westinghouse in sending sensitive, prohibited materials to Israel overa period of years. The Westinghouse guys told me many of the deatils but I unfortunately have forgotten them.


We are heading for discrimination again - no jews in sensitive positions because they cannot be trusted.

Charles I

The problem isn't that they can't be trusted; its that they, their co-conspirators and enablers can't be prosecuted.

Pirate Laddie

Walrus -
Among the wildlife I try to exclude from my shorts, I include rattlesnakes. Never been bit, but they do have a nasty -- and I believe well earned -- reputation.

Al Spafford

Will the full USA intell documentation on the Liberty attack be released eventually?


Al Spafford

That seems very unlikely. pl

Fred Mrozek

This problem was anticipated by anti-zionist Jews in Europe before WW2. They foresaw that the creation of the "jewish" state would cast suspicion on all Jews everywhere as having dual-loyalties. As in so many of their other predictions, this is now true in spades as Carl Bernstein, the famous Watergate-revealing journalist points out, the neocons who have hijacked US foreign policy were "Jewish" neocons. No one else could presumably have gotten away with such an admission. The truth is that anyone who has deep sympathies with Israel should recuse themselves from decisions regarding our mideast policy and especially our funding of that ruthless, racist state.

Fred Mrozek

Journalist Seymour Hersh has described our foreign policy as having been hijacked by a cult of eight or nine neocons. Carl Bernstein, famous for breaking Watergate, went even further and said these were "Jewish neocons." Presumably only a famous Jewish journalist could get away with saying that... But yes, the power of the Israel is so great today that the USA is no longer in control of it's own policies. The risk of the "dual-loyalty" or "Israel-Firster" accusations was foreseen by early orthodox Jewish opponents of Zionism. There is a website called True Torah Believers Against Zionism which present much of this opposition. It will come as a surprise to most Americans how vigorous and extensive the opposition to Zionism is amidst the orthodox Jewish community. And, one cannot fail to be impressed with how accurately they foretold the risks and consequences. For my part, I think the entire Israel Lobby should be registered and treated like the subversive foreign agents they manifestly are and I think the USA should immediately begin repairing the damage to our reputation that has accrued from that dreadful influence.

Fred Mrozek

Journalist Seymour Hersh has described our foreign policy as having been hijacked by a cult of eight or nine neocons. Carl Bernstein, famous for breaking Watergate, went even further and said these were "Jewish neocons." Presumably only a famous Jewish journalist could get away with saying that... But yes, the power of the Israel is so great today that the USA is no longer in control of it's own policies. The risk of the "dual-loyalty" or "Israel-Firster" accusations was foreseen by early orthodox Jewish opponents of Zionism. There is a website called True Torah Believers Against Zionism which present much of this opposition. It will come as a surprise to most Americans how vigorous and extensive the opposition to Zionism is amidst the orthodox Jewish community. And, one cannot fail to be impressed with how accurately they foretold the risks and consequences. For my part, I think the entire Israel Lobby should be registered and treated like the subversive foreign agents they manifestly are and I think the USA should immediately begin repairing the damage to our reputation that has accrued from that dreadful influence.

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