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17 August 2012


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The official DOD news release is at the following URL:

It contains no link to the actual report, nor does it say who produced the report (other than "the Army")

This article has more data, but doesn't say where it comes from:

Not exactly what you were asking for, but hopefully provides more insight that the Post or USA Today


best data and source i found


NEW Army Releases June 2012 Suicide Data
Army Releases May 2012 Suicide Data
Army Releases April 2012 Suicide Data
Army Releases March 2012 Suicide Data
Army Releases February 2012 Suicide Data
Army Releases January 2012 Suicide Data
Army Releases December 2011 Suicide Data
Army Releases November 2011 Suicide Data
Army Releases October 2011 Suicide Data
Army Releases September 2011 Suicide Data
Army Releases August 2011 Suicide Data
Army Releases July 2011 Suicide Data
Army Releases June 2011 Suicide Data
Army Releases May 2011 Suicide Data
Army Releases April 2011 Suicide Data
Army Releases February 2011 Suicide Data
Army Releases January 2011 Suicide Data
Army Releases December and 2010 Suicide Data
Army Releases November 2010 Suicide Data


i also came across a more complicated data source


This data set reveals Army suicide rates for full time soldiers, reservists and national guard soldiers serving full time at the time of the event; and reservists and national guard soldiers on duty at the time of the incident.


There may be anecdotal evidence of links to prescriptions of trazodone.

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