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25 June 2012


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Not even sure how "interesting" the times are. Seems more of the same ole, same ole. Trumped up media events rise to the level of spectacle...and then the smart players cash in.


If you don't think it's "interesting," you might be not be reading between the lines.

r whitman

Basilisk---I know very little about Egypt other than a visit to see the Pyramids 30 years ago. You mentioned shocking actions. Any prognosis on what might happen to the Suez canal?? I would think that was the Wests major concern.


The canal is one place where I would not expect change, but certainly we are in terra incognita now

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Americans have an unhealthy obsession with fair elections. We believe that if the franchise is widely applied and the election honestly administered, then the result will be beneficial to the majority. This philosophy produced the Maliki government, the Hitler government, the Mussolini government, etc. The Ikhwan exist as an organization to create Sharia law states. Eventual withdrawal from the treaty with Israel is inevitable. pl


Yeah, democracy is the worst form of government--except for all the others. I cant imagine the Ikhwan can completely change its spots, so despite Mursis protestations, I expect big changes. Im not so sure about the timing. It may not feed the 24-hour news cycle.

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I would settle for Marcus Aurelius, but after him came Commodus. pl

Bill H

"Americans have an unhealthy obsession with fair elections."

True enough, but rather at odds with the fact that, even in highly energized times, fully 40% of Americans eligible to vote don't do so, and a large portion of those who do vote do so based on thirty-second sound bite advertisements they saw while watching their favorite reality television show.

Americans tend to think, also, that elections = democracy.


Bill H

OK. We are obsessed with other people's elections. pl

Babak Makkinejad

You cannot be serious about Marcus Aurelius.

Marcus Aurelius: "Christians are harmless but I have to kill them for the reason of state."

Babak Makkinejad

And the status of their women....


reading between the lines is, by definition,reading what is in the mind of the beholder. The story is same ole, same ole, via "lines". New bad guy may or may not become new good guy. Old good guy might become new bad guy.

And how many of our officials really have a clue what is going on? That will not stop us.

And then, as the Col has, I believe, been pointing out to us....whatever we think is going on we will run through our cultural filters. And turn a drama into something like a good guy/bad guy farcial western. Or Super Hero Story. That we understand.

This is same ole, same ole, to me. Fixing America is what is interesting to me.


Basilisk, come now - Christiane Amanpour will get another 'exclusive' interview, nice ratings and yet another book. And all the polisci crowd will get to bleat about the victory of democracy.

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